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Thread: If you think I'm right, tell me. If you think I'm wrong, tel

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Liberty Lake, Washington

    Default If you think I'm right, tell me. If you think I'm wrong, tel

    This isn't fishing related. It is, however, fisherman related. I need your help and advise. Please offer both at your pleasure and convenience. Thank you in advance, and please take no offense at my mission. These are things I'd like to do, but I'm having difficulty getting started. If you can tell me how, that would be great. Here we go.
    Here is what I would like to do. I only want to do it if God approves.
    1. I have a 10? X 12? canvas wall tent. It has octagon wooden poles for support and ridge poles.
    2. I have an excellent outlet for cheap New Testament bibles.
    3. I know how to build fly rods.
    4. I love camping. Especially if it involves fishing.
    5. I would like to stencil a large crucifix on the back of my tent.
    6. I would like to stencil the Christian fish symbol on either side of the roof of my tent.
    7. I would like to stencil Isaiah 40:31 on the closed left side front flap of my tent.
    8. I would like to stencil Revelation 3:20 to the open right side flap of my tent.
    9. I would like to fly a flag in front of the tent that has John 3:16 on it.
    10. I would like to camp along rivers and streams, and around lakes.
    11. I would like to offer a place where fishermen can sit around a campfire and talk about Jesus. Instead of getting sitting around a campfire getting drunk.
    12. I would like to give away free New Testaments.
    13. I would like to give away fishing rods to those without.
    14. I would like to do all these things, only if God approves.
    Obviously I can?t camp year round. So, I think 13 trips a year (3 months) is possible. Perhaps I can use 13 weeks (3 months) a year building fly rods. And, the other 26 weeks (6 months) raising funding. I pray this plan will work. God willing, it will.

    [This message has been edited by Lotech (edited 05 January 2006).]
    Where you go is less important than how you take the steps.
    Fish with a Friend,
    Lotech Joe

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Mesa, AZ USA


    Terribly Politically INCORRECT!

    I LOVE IT!!!!!! Go For IT!!!!!!!!

    Let No One Walk Alone
    Let No One Walk Alone

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    new york state



    your post sounds like a good plan to me.

    i read it twice to be sure and IMHO you are not trying to force anyone to join in or agree with your proposals. (witness the title of your post)

    if people like some or all of your desires they can join in, and if they don't agree with you they can fish on by. their choice.

    it sounds to me like something that would make you happy and do some good at the same time.

    i would say start making plans to DO IT!!!

    good luck


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Draffenville, KY, USA


    The possibility of my fishing Washington is slight, but if I do and I find you by the river, you can expect to have me for company for at least a little while. What a grand idea for a ministry.


    I feel closer to HIM when I'm fishing.
    in far west Kentucky

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2001
    McKinney TX USA
    Blog Entries



    It sounds like you have it all set up in your mind's eye and now you only need bring it into being in the physical universe!

    IM =

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Lakeland, FL USA


    Your plan very clearly shows your love and devotion to Christ and your willingness to carry on His work. I think you should give this a try and follow your heart and what He tells you, I'm just not sure how many people you will find willing to take advantage of your offerings. I would think that most people that are willing to share the word with you will already have a New Testament, (at least at home). Just be prepared for a difficult journey. Many people feel that religion is a somewhat privite matter and will be reluctant to discuss thier beliefs with strangers for fear of someone trying to force their beliefs on to them. For several years before I retired, I belonged to a bible study at work that consisted of very close co-workers from different Christian religions; everything from staunch Southern Baptists to Roman Catholics. You would not believe the emotions that surfaced between friends. Some even stopped attending bible study because they did not want to hear views from other religions. All of these people are still remain close friends, but religion is personal and discussions can become emotional. I would be very careful about handing out rods to people who don't have one. I find that VERY few people go fishing without a fishing rod, unless of course they borrowed one for the trip. Unfortunatly, there are people that would gladly take advantage of your generosity by accepting as many rods as you would give them. All this being said, I think what you're trying to do is admirable. Perhaps you could start small and just have some New Testaments, a welcoming smile and a large pot of coffee by your fire and take it from there. I do believe that you'll find people to share the Word, but the people you're looking to add to His flock may be afraid of sounding ignorant by their lack of bible knowledge, so just take it slow at first. I will pray that you are successful in your endeavor and please keep us posted on how it goes.

    Take care and God Bless.

    Jim Smith

  7. #7


    joe,it sounds tome like you have two great
    loves and a way to combine them go for it.
    We all know the area code for heaven is 406

  8. #8


    Fantastic. Thanks and God bless you - Alec

  9. #9


    I admire you spirit and willingness to serve. I think you might scare people off with too many symbols and scriptures. But that is their decision, not yours. You will find genuinely hungry and open people.

    Don't forget the most important passage, John 21:3a:
    Simon Peter said to them, "I am going fishing." They said to him, "We will also come with you."

    You can count on me for a couple dozen flies a year for this.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mooresboro, NC, USA



    Like Grumps, I read your post twice, and after thinking a bit I will share my thoughts.
    As believers we have been given a mandate to become "fishers of men", however, we live in an era where many believers are nothing more than keepers of the aquarium. I applaud your vision to reach people where they are at.
    I understand your desire to avoid offending people. I appreciate your forthrightness in the title of your post. Truth is, the cross is a stumbling block and an offense. It seems no matter how you present yourself and the message, you are always going to offend someone. I'm saying this to encourage you. Also, if this is an idea you had on your own the results won't be so great. But if there is a Divine initiative behind this mission your experience will be fruitful.
    Just a thought ... if I were fishing on a small river and came upon your tent I would surely drop by. If your goal is to minister to people on the river, there might be less expensive ways than giving away fly rods. Don't get me wrong, if someone gave me a custom built fly rod in Jesus' name I would be extra thrilled. It might be easier on the pocketbook to provide bottled water and hamburgers. Just about everyone gets hungry when they are fishing. Many stores will donate freely to ministries. A step like this might enable you to stay creekside 6 months an only have to raise funds for 3 months.
    One final thought .... from the verses of Scripture you mentioned your approach seems to be more evangelical in nature. I think that's great. We can share truth in a way that appeals or a way that repels.

    About 13 years ago I used to fish on the Ohio River below a dam. From the parking area you had to walk over these big rocks --some as big as cars -- to get to the water. Early one morning I pulled up, only one truck in the parking lot. When I got to the rocks I noticed an older man, dirty, unkempt, writing on the rocks with colored chalk. He had a small boom box that was blasting out songs in Hebrew. He was drawing Biblical symbols on the rocks and he also had a scraggily goat tied to a rope fastened to his tailgate. I approached him and said hello and he just looked at me and walked away towards the woods with the goat in tow and a large knife in his hand. Extra weird. From glancing at what he had written on the rocks he embraced a belief system that included a little bit of everything. I wanted to tell him that the sacrificial system was part of an old covenant but he wouldn't even speak to me. It creeped me out so bad I got in my truck and left. I didn't want to be fishing with my back turned on a dude like that. Would you?
    This has absolutely nothing to do with your post ... but we can share truth in a way that appeals or repels -- the whole vinegar/honey metaphor.
    Good luck and God bless. Keep the fire burning.

    Greg Qualls

    [This message has been edited by gqualls (edited 06 January 2006).]

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