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Thread: Update ( not FF, exactly )

  1. #1

    Smile Update ( not FF, exactly )

    Those who followed my Fishing Reports earlier in the year know that for the past several months my wife and I have been in the process of relocating from SE Idaho to SW Montana.

    Facing a move like this, given the economy and the housing markets in both areas, was daunting, to say the least. We figured if everything went well, we might complete the move by Thanksgiving. If things didn't go so well, it might be next summer before the move would be complete.

    Today we closed on our new home here in the Missoula area. We'll move the rest of our stuff up from SE Idaho this coming week. The move will be complete by Thanksgiving. A LOT of things had to go right for this to happen, and I have no doubt that all the folks on this Bulletin Board who were pulling for us had something to do with that.

    So - greetings and thanks from SW Montana's newest fly fishing resident.


    P.S. Now I have to start exploring for some places worthy of posting Fishing Reports.
    The fish are always right.

  2. #2


    It has to be an exciting endeavor...I predict nothing but good will come of it.

  3. #3

    Cool Another friend...

    Ben Hart, "benjo" is from Missoula and a fine guide. He has been known to just fish with other FAOL folks, Dave Micus being one he took under his wing when Dave moved to Missoula from Mass. I haven't seen him around here in a while, but if you are looking for a fishing buddy you might look him up. Besides, there are some places in that region that I personally would not be too eager to fish alone. Just saying...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Las Cruces, NM


    John, I've been reading about your Montana explorations, and you're in great country. The only thing I haven't seen you try is the Lochsa tribs. Some are very fishy. Not nearly as tedious as falling in the Lochsa. Glad your move is complete - wave goodbye to Birch Creek on the way.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by herefishy View Post
    ... wave goodbye to Birch Creek on the way.
    No way, Karen. I'll wave, but to say that I'll be back from time to time, for sure. Same thing for a bunch of other creeks in my old stomping grounds.

    The thing about Birch Creek, was Birch Creek Valley with its great variety of wildlife ( Rocky Mountain Big Horn Sheep, pronghorn antelope, elk, moose, deer, coyotes, badger, raptors including Golden Eagles, and other birds - not to mention FISHIES ) and outstanding scenery nestled between the Lemhi and Beaverhead Mountains. Did I mention Scott Peak and Scott Canyon ??

    Hoping Montana will live up to its reputation. It'll have to go some to beat the fishing I had in SE Idaho.


    P.S. That fall I took on the Lochsa ?? I broke a couple somethings in my right hand. Still hurts regularly. Always liked people with firm handshakes - now not so much.
    The fish are always right.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Ashburn, Virginia



    Looking forward to your reports from Montana; time to start tying up some FEB Skwalas. Did you get to fish Rock Creek during the October Caddis hatch?


    ps - Welcome to the home of, probably, the #1 ranked 1AA football team in the country. Go Grizz!

  7. #7


    Scott -

    Missed out on just about ANY October Caddis hatch this year. I did catch a few fishies in August and September fishing the FEB caddis, but that was using it as an attractor not while fishing any kind of hatch.

    Looking forward to the Skwala hatch. Should just be a matter of adapting the other FEB stoneflies for that one.

    The fish are always right.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    North Carolina


    Good to hear you're almost settled John.

    Looking forward to a fishing report on the Blackfoot.

    When you can arrange your affairs to go fishing, forget all the signs, homilies, advice and folklore. JUST GO.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Auckland New Zealand


    Great to hear the move went well. Hope you manage plenty of days on the water John, Our spring is hear and the season is 2 months old and i have not yet wet a line, so I look forward to all your reports!
    All the best.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Sacramento, CA


    OK John, you what that means... you gotta take me around next summer. We'll trade "guiding" duties--me in the Sierras, and you, well, in all of Montana Good luck with the new digs.


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