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Thread: sniff ..... IT's TOO EARLY !!!

  1. #1

    Default sniff ..... IT's TOO EARLY !!!

    almost feels like we were jumping for joy that the stuff was gone .... now, that (3-letter word for solidcoldwater) is forming up again on the creeks right around here, and some lakes just a tad further north .....

    well, not to fear (I hope) - think there's plenty to keep us sane (again - I hope). Got my bamboo hex going good right now (and the 4yr old is poking about to 'help' too) .... start tying in late Jan - early Feb. (again, guess who 'helps') ...... also - Project Healing Waters - Fly Fishing has been established in Canada (first in Alberta) - and now, after request for help, I stepped up and we're now working on establishing it here in Manitoba too. That should keep the rest of the doldrums away (I hope).

    Well, either way - there SHOULD BE plenty to keep the mind semi-steady ..... for those unfortunate to share these solid-waters time, what do you have planned ?

  2. #2


    Tying flies and ice fishing!! Fishing is a year-round sport/hobby/recreation/pastime/affliction.
    David Merical
    St. Louis, MO

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Northfield, Vermont


    Tying flies
    Pouring Jigs and sinkers
    Painting and tying jigs
    Reading fishing books


  4. #4


    Well, it was 70* here this weekend. I'm sure when the change comes it will, as usual, be like flipping a switch. 60* one day 12hrs later 10'' of snow and 20* with 30-40 NW wind. Welcome to Kansas.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    northeast Minnesota


    I can certainly identify with your emotions on this. Winter isn't quite here yet, but it's just around the corner and I'm not looking forward to it. I'm going to tye flies, ice fish and dream about spring for the next six months.
    I do have one more sanity saver, I've got reservations at Bull Shoals (Arkansas) for April. It will be spring down there in April with flowers and fish and open water and green grass and fish and.......

  6. #6


    WE had our 'normal' two days of winter a week and a half ago...got below freezing overnight and only up to a chilly 60 during the day...

    Now it's going to be 70-80+ degrees during the day for next few weeks...maybe, if we get lucky, we'll get some really cold days, you know, highs in the 50s..really cold, around Christmas, but it's not looking too good.

    Still getting in a comfortable half hour walk at dawn.

    It Just Doesn't Matter....

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