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Thread: Free furled Leaders From FAOL Members...

  1. #1

    Default Free furled Leaders From FAOL Members...

    Gemrod has requested that we remove all of this thread?? I am sure he feels badly the thread took the path that it did. I am going to leave it up. Perhaps in the future we all will engage brain before we post something. The rule I use is: If we were in my home, sitting around the table, face to face, all friends, would I have this conversation? After all we all have opinions which we are entitled to. Not always do we all agree. (I feel this is good) After all we are first off, Fly fishers and tiers. Enuf said. I'm not locking it nor do I feel this post should be removed.(yet) Lets all hold hands and play nice. I will be watching this one closely.


    Every time someone wants a furled leader they just ask. And the freebies start flowing in. See a few missing names from the regular people that always send out freebies this time. But they just probably didn't read the "Things Wanted" board.

    Kathy Scott started all this learning to do furled leaders on here. She doesn't get much credit for it. She even sells furled leaders but I see NO ONE recommending you contact HER to buy furled leaders. Well, I have....but no one else that I know of.

    You regulars on here please don't try to tell me you don't know who Kathy Scott is or what she is about. You all have been on here long enough to know the game. I think sending out free furled leaders should be banned.

    I think all of you that are so anxious to send out your furled leaders as freebies should send Kat a dollar or two....for EVERY free furled leader ever mailed.

    People that want furled leaders and want to buy them should be buying them from Kat. And people that want to do their own....should buy her CD.

    Ms. Scott you are so up class about all this. I would be raging if I were you.

    Just my opinion. I know it was not asked for.

    Ok guys....now I'm the target. Fire away.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Blog Entries


    Who would have thought someone could come up with the idea of banning generosity?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004



    I'm sorry, but, I do not agree with your idea of "banning" giving away furled leaders. I have purchased 2 of Kathy's DVD's. One for myself and one for a friend of mine who done me a favor and refused payment. I have even given away the DVD I purchased for myself. I enjoy giving and I enjoy bartering. I really think giving a few furled leaders away may sell more of Kathy's DVD's. Everyone I have given furled leaders to have not asked for more which leads me to believe they are making their own and may have purchased the DVD from Kathy. Now if someone starts burning a bunch of copies of Kathy's DVD and selling or giving them away, that rubs me the wrong way.

    I will continue to give away furled leaders because that is what FAOL is all about. Giving and sharing which I think brings in more young people to fly fishing. Lord knows the equipment is expensive enough for new comers to the sport.
    Fly fishing and fly tying are two things that I do, and when I am doing them, they are the only 2 things I think about. They clear my mind.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Coeur d'Alene, ID


    I have to agree with Warren. I happen to know Kat and consider her, and her family, good friends. If you paid attention to her posts on some of the other "Furled Leader" threads you would see that she has no problem with the "Freebies" we pass out.

    Hap said it most aptly!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Willamette Valley, Western Oregon USA


    I have given away rods, reels, dozens of flies, vices, tying material and leaders and line to people on this site since I joined almost six years ago. Generosity begets generosity methinks and that is a good thing.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Elida, Ohio


    Ban giving things away? I think that is one of the most near sighted ideas I have seen on this board.
    I make and sell furled leaders, and I will NOT quit sending one to someone who wants to try one.
    With all due respect to Kathy, I have not seen or owned her CD. All I know about furled leaders I have read, learned from others, or learned by trial and error. All anyone has to do is ask and I will share any knowledge I can on the subject.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Canton, Ohio, USA


    My signature states my feelings very clearly!
    BTW, Brad, Jack, Warren & many others....THANKS!! I have been the recipient of ALL your generosity. May that spirit of giving never leave us.
    FAOL..All about caring, sharing, & good friends!!

  8. #8


    Yeah...and I bet every one of you told the recepient about where to learn to make them and how you did. BS! Some people are just so anxious to show off their work.....which doesn't take much IQ thanks to Kathy. You just drool when someone says they want a furled leader.

    It does not take a genius or a journeman spinner to make a furled leader. geeeeze

    I have been the benefactor of many freebies on here...which would make one wonder why I say this. But it has been going on for so long that everyone knows if they make a post about furled leaders a bunch of people will be ever so happy to send them a few.....free. Heck they will probably get enough for a few years of fishing. Meanwhile taking away the business from people who sell them.....because people don't have to buy them...they get them here for free.

    Generosity? I don't think so. It's showing off. Sticking out your lapel to say see here...look what "I" can do. One of you even has a colored photo of himself on a card for furled leaders! I would not go to that much trouble and expense unless I was going into the business. Wow....

    I doubt very very much that you guys are telling the recepient much about furled leaders. Perhaps you are. I bet though...that you are just sending them out.....for the credits. And Kathy gets NONE>

    I am not suggesting banning generosity. I am suggesting good people get credit where credit is due.....and in the case of furled leaders it is far from happening. It has in fact been undermined.

    This is supposed to be a board called "Sound Off"....about gripes, complaints, and attaboys. Therefore I think I have the right to post this opinion.

    So I stated my opinion. In the case of Warren....sorry if it rubs him the wrong way...I don't include him in the above opinions. Warren is cool. I have probably made myself his enemy.....but I hope not.

    I am just stating an opinion that people have all taken up the bandwagon to make furled leaders and then act like they are the masters at it. Meanwhile Kathy sells them....but for sure not as many because they are so easily available on here.

    No.....I am not related to Kathy, and yes I did buy her DVD.

    Why does ANY person on this board need a free furled leader? They are available many places now. Many people sell them. And thank you Jack Hise for personally showing me how to make them and giving me lessons on how to make furled leaders.

    I made a very short demo of how to make one at our fly club mtg...only because the Pres asked me to. Nobody here where I live makes them but me. I was asked to make them and sell them to people in the club. I replied no thank you. I provided Kathy Scott's contact info and told them they can either buy her instructional CD or they can buy them from HER. I would not make them and sell them to our club members. I just make them for myself. and NOBODY else. And her cd is not copy protected. But I did not make a copy and give it to our club for it's library. If the club wants that instruction they can buy it from Kat. Not getting a free one from me.

    I just state my opinions and let the chips fall....or stick into my skin a little bit...depending on how hard they are thrown at me.....fall where they may.

    I just think too many people are sticking out their lapels to say hey look at me.....and Kathy not getting her fair share.

    But I could be wrong. That's for sure. I have been wrong so many times on here and due to good people correcting me I have learnd from my mistakes. Maybe this is another one.

    I often stick my neck out...and get it cut off. It hurts sometimes.

    I am quite sure my goose is cooked very well done on her now.

    Just looks that way to me.

    Having said all of that.....'me thinks I am probably all wrong. Because of the names of the people I see sending them out....ARE GOOD people and share all the time. It is perhaps indeed just their generosity. I know the feeling. I am always showing someone how, or giving someone something.....just to help them learn or know....because they don't know how. Just to help them along.

    So I hope I am in fact totally wrong. I like the generosity side of it. I'll just take the hits for being wrong again. It isn't the first time. Probably won't be the last. I have no doubt "I" will be banned from the website someday. It is just a matter of time.

    But I sure would like to see Ms. Kathy Scott get more kudos on here. I admit she has obtained a lot though.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Coeur d'Alene, ID


    "Yeah...and I bet every one of you told the recepient about where to learn to make them and how you did. BS! Some people are just so anxious to show off their work.....which doesn't take much IQ thanks to Kathy. You just drool when someone says they want a furled leader."

    Hmmmm!? I feel somewhat insulted I think!? ! But I think it is time for this thread to go away.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Idaho Falls, Idaho


    I'm kinda torn here. I've been tempted to ask about furled leaders, in the hope that somebody would take pity on a poor ignorant soul, but then I ask myself "If you want to try a furled leader, why don't you just buy one, you can afford it". I'm not ready to jump into furling leaders, but I'd sure like to know what's on that DVD. Same story. I can afford to buy it, if I want to learn bad enough. There's been enough information published on FAOL to get anyone started, if they want to put out the effort. I suggest however, that those who have given away these leaders and this information, aren't losing business. It's like advertising to someone they know will probably jump in and buy some more, and they'll sell more in the long run, and it will spill over to others doing the same thing. In the meantime, I'll plug along doing things the same way, not knowing how great it is to take advantage of someone else's knowlege, because I'm too cheap and unmotivated to buy one myself and try it. Anybody got some free motivation they want to send me?
    They're just fish, right? Right?

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