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Thread: Retailer Rant - Or Why On-Line might be better

  1. #1

    Default Retailer Rant - Or Why On-Line might be better

    Sorry for the rant, but a recent trip to a local retailer got me thinking - maybe sometimes, just sometimes, the local stores fold because of bad customer service, and not just being undercut by big on-line retailers. I try to support local merchants as much as possible, but sometimes I'd rather deal with a faceless computer screen and UPS.

    I was at one of my local retailers to buy $20-30 worth of tying materials. I ended up having the following conversation with the shop employee/owner. (Conversation condensed to its essence).

    Shop employee asks "where are you fishing?"
    Me: "Well, I am going for steelhead on River XX."
    Employee: "Cool. What's your setup?"
    Me: "XX lenght XX weight rod."
    Emp. "What line? What reel?"
    Me: "XYZ and ABC."
    Emp. "Well, that's really the wrong set up for that river. Where did you get the rod - I bet it was a 'show special.'" (he says with a patronizing tone as if only an idiot would buy a rod at a show.)

    Emp. then proceeds to pull out 3 very very nice high-end rods, $500+ each. "Here feel this." Me: "Well, yes, this is sure nice in the hand." Emp: "Try it with this super sweet reel." (Puts on $500+ reel.) Me: "Well, that sure is sweet. But I'm not spending that kind of coin." Emp: "What do you do for a living?" Me: "XYZ." Emp, laughing "Oh, you can afford This."

    Seriously!!! They basically made fun my gear, and impliedly suggested that I was an idiot for using that gear on that river. And then tried to up-sell me a kit in excess of $1,000, again with the suggestion that I would be an idiot to fish River XX with anything else. Seriously, that's how that treat new customers off the street (I am not a regular there.)

    Like I said, some retailers, even local ones, do not deserve our support. Needless to say, I will not spend a cent in that store. Not that I'm a big spender, but a sale is a sale, especially in a recession. After all, rods, reels and lines to need to be replaced once on a while.

    Oh, and once I got home, I bought the tying stuff I was looking for on-line. Probably cost a little more with shipping, but the on-line shopping basket did not patronize me!

    Sorry for the rant. But maybe some retailers will hear the lesson!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    If my father were to see this he quote Matthew 25:35

    "And I was a stranger and ye took me in"

    The simpler the outfit, the more skill it takes to manage it, and the more pleasure one gets in his achievements.
    --- Horace Kephart

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Anderson, South Carolina (Northwest corner of SC) USA

    Talking I've never heard of XYZ fly line!

    Hi Dave,

    Just kidding about the line but where is the XX River? I don't think that you have to worry, this fly shop will be a thing of the past very quickly. You might want to find out if the tactful expert is the owner or an employee. If he's just an employee, you might be able to make him a thing of the past. I'm a pretty easy going guy but I would have been royally pissed as well. 8T

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    terrace bay ontario canada


    It is hard for many salespeople to remember that there is a line between casual/personal comments and professionalism. And yes you can be a clerk in a fishing store and be professional.

    It is unfortunate when you bump into someone who just goes off like that.

  5. #5


    Well Dave,
    The employee might work on a commission or bonus scale.
    You know, the automotive industry is tanking, so there are a lot of car salesmen out of work.
    If the guy was in Polyester, that might be a dead giveaway.
    I wouldn't give up on the shop, not just yet. They probably have supplies you would like to have or need.
    My work partners wife out fished most with a stick and a short piece of line on a creek they lived on for about 20 years. She taught their daughters how to fish and bring home dinner, with a stick and a short piece of line.
    So don't let that wiener put you off of what might be a good place to pick up a few things.
    Find somebody different to help you, or make it clear you are not interested in a new rod and reel (unless you really are).
    Ask yourself, "What makes this guy more knowledgeable than me about my gear?"
    After all, he's just a salesman. You haven't even seen him cast a fly yet.
    Sonny Edmonds

    "If I don't teach them, how will those Grand Kids learn to fish?"
    Lesson 1: What catches fish Vs: What catches fisherman's money.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Mesa, AZ USA


    Hmmm, I usually get ignored!

    Maybe it has something to do with letting them know I can build a rod twice as good as any rod in their shop at 1/4 the price and I wasn't interested in spending a fortune on something that just holds the line.

    Then they ask what I fish for and I tell them my Medalist handles the Tuna quite well
    Let No One Walk Alone

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Arlington, VA/Mercersburg, PA
    Blog Entries

    Default want to scope out some new equipment without the hard sell?

    Hmmm, I usually get ignored!--PanFisher
    if you want to be truly invisible in an out-of-town fly shop, be female. all eyes raise when the door chime goes "ding!" and they look right past me. if Best Fishing Buddy is along, they focus there. if he's not there, they go back to whatever they were doing. this leaves me browsing happily, quite undisturbed.
    fly fishing and baseball share a totally deceptive simplicity; that's why they can both be lifelong pursuits.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by PanFisher View Post

    Then they ask what I fish for and I tell them my Medalist handles the Tuna quite well
    You've got Tuna in Arizona? I wanna come fish at your place!

    Really, there ARE some seriously big fish in the Colorado Reever... We've seen and caught some of them.

    Back on track:
    Salesmen? Anybody can whip a salesman!

    Your dollars walking out the door is a serious slap in the shop owners face.
    Might mention it to them if you return.
    Sonny Edmonds

    "If I don't teach them, how will those Grand Kids learn to fish?"
    Lesson 1: What catches fish Vs: What catches fisherman's money.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    913 Jackson Lake Rd, Chatsworth, Ga. 30705 (423) 438-1060


    Boy, that clerk would've really had fun with me. My equipment is anything but 'high-end'. In fact, some of it may not even qualify for 'low end'. But it works, and I bring fish home with it.

    I have to side with you on this one. Nothing irritates me more than a clerk who is more interested in selling me stuff, than helping me find what I need. And it happens all too often, and not just with fishing stuff.

    My wife is a retired retail salesperson. She sold men's clothing at Brooks Brothers. In days gone by, retail sales people were required to be professional, have abundant knowledge of their products, and be able to 'assist' a person in finding just what they need. I never saw my wife 'pressure' anyone, nor make any derogatory comments on what they were wearing. As always, she treated everybody with respect, and showed a lot of class (and still does). I remember when this used to be the norm, everywhere, from Abercrombie and Fitch, to the local grocery store.

    It seems we have moved away from providing a public service, to simply trying to separate someone from as much money as possible, as quickly as possible. Remember (if you are old enough) when you could pull into a Filling Station, and 3 or 4 people would rush out, clean your windows, check the fliuds and pump the gas for you, and be genuinely happy that you came there for fuel? Now, you have to pre-pay, stand in line while they sell beer, cigarettes, and lottery tickets, and could care less about anything but your money.

    It's a sad comment on the times........

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Mesa, AZ USA


    Quote Originally Posted by Sonny Edmonds View Post
    You've got Tuna in Arizona? I wanna come fish at your place!
    Sonny, That's their clue. I believe they think me some what of a smart #$^&, but that's what I want them to think. It allows me to browse and find what I want. When I'm done I walk to the cash register and then I get attention!
    Let No One Walk Alone

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