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Thread: Anyone deal with depression?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    West Tennessee

    Default Anyone deal with depression?

    I know better than to ask a 'regular' person and not a doctor(although I will) but I think I have been suffering from depression lately.

    -Had business problems that we thought we cleared up but some problems still exist.
    -Had a child recently go off to college.
    -Have a very hard time concentrating on ANYTHING.
    -Don't want to do much of anything and I am (was) a very active person(raced dirt bikes, played golf at a very high level(still do), played softball this summer. But lately I want to come home and just watch TV until it's time to go to bed.
    -Very easily irritated!!
    -I'm 51 so 'the changes' can be a contributing factor.

    Any thoughts? Help? Guidance?
    Last edited by Big Bad Wulff; 08-27-2009 at 02:21 PM.
    Good fishing technique trumps all.....wish I had it.

  2. #2

    Default Been There and Done With It

    BBW -

    I went through some pretty tough times when I was your age. And I went through a period of depression that lasted six months, maybe longer.

    Depression is generally a response to loss. It is a natural response. It can also come on when you subconsciously or consciously anticipate a loss. The things you are experiencing certainly indicate that you are in a depressed state.

    Difficulty with memory is another indicator. In my case, it had to do with numbers. I've always been very good with numbers and at math. When I was depressed, I could not remember numbers. I had to write down phone numbers, for example, whereas I had always been able to just repeat them a couple times and remember them for a long time.

    Actually, it was the numbers thing that told me I was coming out of the depression. When I realized that I was remembering numbers again, I knew that I was through it.

    Seems to me lots of folks try to deny or demonize depression. Treating symptons with medications. Depression ain't fun, but it is something that is natural, and there are things to be learned from it if you let it run its course and try to learn from it.

    Finally, please don't think of it as a weakness. Or endless, although, as I recall, it did seem like it would never end. BUT IT DID.

    All the best while you deal with what is going on.

    The fish are always right.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    neither here nor there


    If you think you are ... you are.

    Talk about it. If it's out on the table, it can't be mounding up in your head and heart.

    Get some professional help. That does not denote weakness! It shows great strength!!
    Last edited by Betty Hiner; 08-27-2009 at 02:34 PM. Reason: can't spell!
    Trouts don't live in ugly places.

    A friend is not who knows you the longest, but the one who came and never left your side.

    Don't look back, we ain't goin' that way.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Sedro Woolley, Washington, USA


    I doubt, no I know I don't have any good answers. I am a bit older than you are and I have similar issues. I have to keep myself active or I end doing just what you say, come home from work and watch the tube.

    A few things I do to keep myself going is to keep trying new things. In the last couple of years I took up photography which opened up an almost endless world for me to learn and explore. I have combined my love of fly fishing with my new hobby and both give me reason to get out more often. I also a few years ago got another dog, a 180 lbs. Newfoundland who is demanding and requires me to walk him on a regular basis. I already have a Border collie but she is 14 years old and slowing down like me. The addition of the younger dog did both of our energy levels good. Now, I don't recommend you get yourself a 180 pound dog, they definitely are not for everybody but a new pup will add some energy to your life. A good friend about the same age got a Springer pup. It has also got him outside much more often.

    I guess what I am saying is keep challenging your mind. Try new hobbies. Perhaps raise a new hunting dog. But with all this said if you truly are experiencing depression you must seek professional help and do it sooner not later.

    "The reason you have a good vision is you're standing on the shoulders of giants." ~ Andy Batcho

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    West Tennessee


    Thanks to all.
    I will call my Doctor today and ask him for help.
    This is NOT me. It's been coming for a while as I look back now.

    Funny John mentioned numbers. Phone numbers have been an extreme challenge lately and I HATE to deal with numbers. Very frustrating to get a business back in shape and hate to deal with numbers!

    I think this started a few years ago. I took up fly fishing then and that surely helped but lately even that is a challenge to me to keep things organized to do.
    Good fishing technique trumps all.....wish I had it.

  6. #6


    I have dealt with depression of varying levels for almost 20 years now. I would go see a doctor about it, and consider the possibility of an anti depression medication (mild). it isn't something that changes the world, but it does smooth out the bumps. (something to consider)

    I don't like to post things of this nature on a forum, but I'm also not a guy who eats around the bush. that being said the following is my experience for whatever it is worth.

    that being said it took me many years to get to the bottom of what was causing it, and truly get over it. shrinks helped, a bit, but never really got to the bottom of it. how did I actually overcome this? through the LDS addiction recovery program for a pornography addiction I had battled since I was about 4.


    going through the program you go through a personal inventory, and the theory behind it is to see yourself through Gods eyes. this program really worked for me in a way nothing else ever has, and allowed me to go through my life events in a way that I never had before. it got to the true roots of the cause of my situations.

    good luck, and I hope you are able to find something that works for you.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    BBW I have also had these problems, this year I have spend perhaps two hours fishing, haven't done anything else to fill in the time either. Thanks for giving me a good push toward the Doctor and a physical etc.

    "Complexity is easy; Simplicity is difficult."
    Georgy Shragin
    Designer of ppsh41 sub machine gun

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    West Tennessee


    Eric: Glad I could ..............."help".
    Solo: I know that wasn't easy for you to write but thanks for the input. You are a good person. I will check that out for anything that can help.
    Good fishing technique trumps all.....wish I had it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    West Tennessee


    Went to a site about depression and here are the symptoms! Damn near everything I stated or experience!

    Constant sadness
    Trouble sleeping
    Low energy or fatigue
    Feeling worthless or guilty for no reason
    Significant weight change
    Difficulty concentrating
    Loss of interest in favorite activities

    I'd say I have from that list:
    -trouble sleeping !!
    -low energy
    -severe feeling of worthlessness
    -Nope, no weight change
    -severe difficulty concentrating
    -very much loss of interest in activities. Haven't even started my dirt bike in 6 months. Rode once or twice in the past year(and that was just around the block). No real rides at all.

    Not good
    Good fishing technique trumps all.....wish I had it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    ,Yosemite region

    Thumbs up


    You are not alone and will overcome this,

    I firmly believe this to be normal for most men when we reach are age.

    Just hang in there and work on the attitude as in have a good one , I intend
    to do the same..

    Thanks for bring this up... it helps very much..

    Relaxed and now a Full Time Trout Bum, Est. 2024

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