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Thread: Your opinion on the magazine Fly Fisherman

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    port charlotte,fl usa


    Quote Originally Posted by Sonny Edmonds View Post
    Uhh, no.
    Every since Al Gore invented the Internet , I have used it for search and retrieval of information.
    I used to subscribe to some magazines, but why bother when you can find what you want on the 'net.
    Like here....
    Most of the time over the years I've probably had a subscription to almost all of the fly fishing magazines at one time or another, as other issues were just newstand purchases. At this time down to subscribing to only 3 & Fly Fisherman is still the best reference source. Maybe it was better when it was based in Harrisburg, PA. All the issues are in the home library for rereading & searching some of the 1969 thru the 1980's articles for specific info, most of which is not available on the 'net; seems better than just wondering why I ever thru out, sold or traded some of the old fishing literature ? There's very few issues of any magazine that are readable cover to cover anymore, probably because of articles on places I'll never fish, flies that will never be tyed, etc.; but looking at all the pages still yields some R&R time, especially when it's in the 90's with temp & humidity sending heat indexes into the 120's +; or when the tropical downpours occur in the afternoons. Last magazine, every page cover to cover issue was Fly Fishing in Saltwaters that Dr Fish was offshore flyfishing Louisianna. Almost as good as some books, if not better in other aspects !

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Tucson, Arizona USA

    Thumbs up Still subscribe !!!!!

    I subscribe to many fly fishing magazines & still subscribe to Fly Fisherman. If not for anything else, for articles written by some of my freinds like Charlie Meck, or Rick Takahashi (well worth the valuable information they have to share) !!!!

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Clara City, MN USA


    As primarily a warmwater fly fisher there isn't much out there for us in many of the magazines, and Fly Fisherman is the least warmwater-friendly magazine on the rack. Better to use the money to become a "friend" of FAOL, which I did a few years back. JGW

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    terrace bay ontario canada


    I subscribed to fly fisherman mag for many years, but I found it became mostly a travel magazine so I discontinued the subscription.

    I only subscribe to Canadian Fly Fisherman and FlyTyer magazine. Both are excellent resources.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    28433 N State Lamoni, Ia 50140


    As a mostly warmwater fly fisher, this is my least favorite magazine.
    Got it for the promo of the "Benchside Refrence book".
    Will not renew when it runs out.


  6. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Thuwal, Saudi Arabia


    the fly fishing magazines seem to be nothing but destinations or obscure techniques--'quadruple haul" and the like. when fly rod and reel introduced a column on famous people who fly fished i called it quits for the mags--couldn't bear the thought of seeing jessica simpson or some other bim waving a fly rod. even the more 'radical' mags go mainstream once there's a bit of money involved. you'll find all you need on the web.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    savannah, georgia


    Quote Originally Posted by D. Micus View Post
    the fly fishing magazines seem to be nothing but destinations or obscure techniques--'quadruple haul" and the like. when fly rod and reel introduced a column on famous people who fly fished i called it quits for the mags--couldn't bear the thought of seeing jessica simpson or some other bim waving a fly rod. even the more 'radical' mags go mainstream once there's a bit of money involved. you'll find all you need on the web.
    ...and that about settles it. ...or at least sums it up for me, too.

    even many of the "on-line magazines" haven't quite figured out how to break the grip of the mainstream ad $$$ that choked the life out of the hunting and fishing magazines years ago. Hemmingway is rolling in his grave.

    Lefty Krey said, "There is more BS in fly fishing than in a Kansas stockyard."

    And the rags, tv shows, and some of the commercial websites cover it pretty well.

    As a member of the Outdoor Writers Assn of America, I'm not going to speak about specific mags, shows, websites, writers, etc. And it's wise for me not to mention specific advertisers, either. But we all see the same ads over and over again in every fly fishing media outlet. And in most, we see the exact same type of content sending pretty much the same message: if you want to have fun fly fishing, you have to use their products, fish in such-and-such places, and so forth...in a pretty narrow bandwidth of the actual spectrum of what fly fishing has to offer.

    I can't stand media platforms that masquerade as news (objectively inform) when they are actually advertising platforms (persuade to buy). It offends my journalistic sensibilities because it a deceitful and predatory disservice to the general public.

  8. #28


    "I can't stand media platforms that masquerade as news (objectively inform) when they are actually advertising platforms (persuade to buy). It offends my journalistic sensibilities because it a deceitful and predatory disservice to the general public."

    Amen Brother! AMEN!
    Sonny Edmonds

    "If I don't teach them, how will those Grand Kids learn to fish?"
    Lesson 1: What catches fish Vs: What catches fisherman's money.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    New York


    Fly Fisherman was once a great magazine. I started reading it in 1979 and have collected quite a few older issues going back to the late 60's. Nowadays it's stinks pretty bad. I am tired of seeing the monthly "yuppie and his trout" picture on the front cover. It might be worth the $10 but not a penny more.

  10. #30



    If you have only been fly fishing for a short time, you may enjoy Fly Fisherman. I know I did when I first started. Later on, you may grow weary of the repetitive articles, advertising, exotic fishing locations or other things mentioned...

    ...but maybe you won't!

    For $10, I'd try a subscription and make up your own mind. The value of books, magazines, videos and the like changes a whole lot when you've been at this thing for a long time.

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