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Thread: Confession

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Columbus, OH

    Default Confession

    I know I'll get beat up some because it's expensive, but I have become a Sharskin guy. I got a chance to really field test it, and I am now a believer. I own no stock in SA, so this is just one guy's opinion.

    I like to throw larger flies and get good distance. I'm mostly fishing SM and Carp (got a 24"er this am, had to throw that in, although it did take 2-1/2 hours and more than 30 casts). I can't speak for how the line would be for more traditional Trout fishing. But for me it works great.

    It is BUTTAH. It casts like a dream, without getting that friction after the line has been wet a long time. Maybe it's just me, but I get a lot more drag after the line has soaked awhile. It mends beautifully and just flies through the guides. The extra 1/2 wt doesn't seem to be there from the casting point of view, but it shows up on the delivery. The line worked well on both a med-fast and a fast rod. This line has done at least 2 things for me, it has cut way down on my false casting and given me 20-25% more distance with the same effort.

    Things to consider - How will it hold up over time? Too new to know.
    - It does make a noise. I got over it by the 3rd cast, but it may really bother some people.
    - It is rough to strip. Add a few bucks for some stripping gaurds. I'm using the lycra fingers and they work well. I think they were 3 for $5.
    - It is $30 more than than the next level of "quality" lines.

    I am now fishing a minimum of 4 days a week (dang that weather) and loving it. This retirement stuff ain't half bad.
    To Miss Nancy - She hated fishing, but loved a fisherman.

  2. #2


    I wonder what degree of improvements different levels of casters would experience?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Florence, KY


    I used sharkskin one time on my 7wt. I ended up selling it to a fellow on the FAOL board and as far as I know he's very happy with it.

    For me, it cast nice, and the noise didn't bother me. What did bother me was the way it rubbed my finger raw. I fish a lot of warm water and use woolie buggers and various other streamers. I let the line slide over the index finger of my left hand while I strip it in using my right. I know, probably a bad technique but it lets me really feel a strike.

    The roughness of the sharkskin line rubbed a raw place on my left hand index finger. Other than that, I liked the line.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Carmel, ME USA



    We've been using the Sharkskin line for a at least two years now and love the darn things. Shoots though the guides like ^&($ through a goose. Floats higher than any other floating line I've used. No bashing from me on your purchase.

    Happiness is wading boots that never have a chance to dry out.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Spring Hill, ks


    I like mine, I've got one on my 7wt I've had since they came out and just put one on my 4wt this year. When I practice with it the noise is a little annoying, but on the water I'm thinking of so many other things I find I don't notice it that much. As far as rubbing raw spots, it does, but so do several other of my smooth lines, especially in the larger weights, so I just always wear a stripping glove and problem solved. But the thing that sold me was how it handles on the water, mends like a dream! Too expensive to put on all my rods, but worth it on the ones I use the most.
    If it swims and eats, it'll eat a fly.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Rochester, Michigan


    I won a 5wt line on this website and love the stuff.

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