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Thread: Fishing Challanges

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Fredericksburg, VA USA

    Default Fishing Challanges

    I finished a self imposed challenge this past month. Several years ago a friend took me to Mossy Creek here in VA. to fish. It is a spring creek south of Harrisonburg in the Shenandoah valley. I believe it was in May or June and I managed to catch a few browns on both dry and nymph fishing. This stream is basically a catch and release stream in the two mile section run by the Va. Dept. of Game and Inland fisheries , the land owners and trout unlimited . It gets stocked once in a blue moon and it is fished hard, very hard. The stream is about 110 miles from my home here in the Fredericksburg area and takes about 2 1/2 hours to drive there. after fishing there a couple of times in the following months, I decided to try and fish it all year long, sort of make it a self imposed challange to learn about this stream.
    Well that was 44 months ago and I have fished it once every month in that time.
    Last January, I added a little to the challange and tried to catch a fish every time out. Well for some of you guys out west where the fish are more plentiful and the pressure less, this might not seem to be too hard to accomplish, but here in Virginia,
    it is a bit of a push. Also, I only fished until 4 pm as I had the long ride home and missed some of the evening hatches, so it is with great pride that I finished my quest this month, having caught at least one trout on one trip a month this year, to my "home waters" 110 miles from home.
    I have 4 months to go and then I'm going to try and write an article for the Virginia Fish and Game monthly mag entitled " Four Years, Four Seasons at Mossy"
    Now that I have told you my personal Challange, let's hear some of yours.
    Thanks for reading my meanderings. and happy Holidays
    Bill D

    [This message has been edited by Bill Dorgeloh (edited 17 December 2005).]

    [This message has been edited by Bill Dorgeloh (edited 17 December 2005).]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002


    I've only fished it twice but that was enough to know that what you did was quite an accomplishment. it's not hard to get skunked there. I look forward to reading your article when it gets published.
    Steve ( aka pelcrk)
    it's all good drifts

  3. #3


    FAOL would be delighted to have the article too - good stuff!

    LadyFisher, Publisher of

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    oregon usa


    Bill, I appreciate your commitment and dedication to your sport. What a neat quest you have completed. You have reinforced my gratefulness of living so close to trout water.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Kuujjuaq, Quebec


    Bill, ... Very well done.

    Just proves that life without goals and dreams is kinda like fly fishing without a fly

    Christopher Chin, Jonquiere Quebec
    [url=http://pages.videotron.com/fcch/:1f0d4]Fishing the Ste-Marguerite[/url:1f0d4]
    Christopher Chin

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Fredericksburg, VA USA


    Thanks for the comments, I'll be sure to send the article here first. an interesting story involving my winter trips to Mossy, is that I never got there after a snowfall when there weren't tracks in the stream side snow from someone who had fished it the day after the snow fall. Talk about pressured water.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Mullica Hill, NJ. USA


    In 2005 my goal was to catch a Pike on the fly. Done 8.5 pounds.
    My goal for 2006, Trout. I primarily fish for panfish and bass. The only trout I ever caught was on a spinning rod when I was a teenager. I am going with my FF club to the Little Lehigh in the spring.

    "If it was easy anybody could do it"
    Timothy S. Furey Sr.

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