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Thread: Finger protection

  1. #1

    Default Finger protection

    any advise on finger protection, I can't find a proper stripping glove, the finger less ones are no help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Severn, MD, US


    I use the self-sticking bandage wrap. You can find it in the 1" size and it works great. I use it when I throw my sink tip line which is rough and will slice your finger in cold water. The bandage wrap is cheap, disposable, waterproof and bio-degradable. What more can you ask for?
    Frank Reid

  3. #3


    Can someone tell me under what condidtions such a thing would be needed?

    I'm trying to picture it, but just can't. Gloves would destroy your 'feel', wouldn't they?

    Maybe if it's really cold, but why fish if it's THAT uncomfortable? Isn't this supposed to be fun?

    I have delicate hands (I need them for my lively hood, so I take particular care of them), but I've never had them even slightly disturbed, irritated, or discomfitted by fly fishing.

    What am I missing?



    It Just Doesn't Matter....

  4. #4


    Dear Buddy,

    Once you have a 9 weight line slice your finger down almost to the bone you will see the need for finger protection. There is a lot of friction generated by flyline moving quickly away from you.

    I use the double sided gauze myself. They call it first aid tape and a roll will last a lifetime.

    Tim Murphy

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Park Ridge, IL, USA


    nseereeram & Buddy...
    Check out the following site: [url=http://www.flyfishamerica.com/Columns/Saltwater/99JBlanton/BlantonTamingLine.html:69684]http://www.flyfishamerica.com/Columns/Saltwater/99JBlanton/BlantonTamingLine.html[/url:69684]
    Under the heading of ?Don?t Let The Line Abuse You.?
    In saltwater fishing you are constantly stripping in line as most of it is done subsurface. You tend to wear a groove in your stripping finger and when it breaks into a cut the salt will really light up your life. The pain doesn?t go away for days either and can ruin a trip.
    The Peterson Stripping Fingers are the best solution I have found to this problem.
    To order: Send check or money order for $5.95 + $1.00 S&H to Peterson Associates, Inc., Suite A9, 3071 Route 35 South, Lavallette, NJ 08735
    They can also be found in some FF catalogs.
    I am not affiliated with this outfit. They are just the best solution I have found after testing many types of gloves and tapes.
    FFF Life Member #22

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2000


    I use the Peterson Stripping guards too. They are available from an number of sources along with similar products. These sleeves are made from lycra and someone with basic sewing skills could make them.

    I often use them along with sungloves, which I almost always use now.

    I first discovered a need for them when I started Striper fishing on the Sac River Delta system. Long 8-12 hour days of 80-100 foot casts with shooting heads. Say on on 8 hours of fishing during your day, you average 2 casts a minute and need to strip in about 70 feet of line per cast on average. Thats about 1.25 miles of line that you strip across your fingers during the day. Even if you strip line like JC describes (I do), the friction will cause irritation for most people.

    Many people that use braided shooting lines also find them useful due to the raspy nature of the braid.

    They also help prevent line burns in those give no line situations where you need to clamp down on the line with your fingers.

    I also put them on the finger that I use to guide the line on the reel evenly while fighting a fish to prevent line cuts, especially from spectra backing, but sometimes even dacron, when a fish surges suddenly.

    I tried self-sticking bandage wrap but found that the types I used often got gummy in hot weather.

    I have never used them for trout or panfish angling. I mostly use them in the salt or anytime I will be making a lot of long casts and retrieves during the day.

    There are some stripping/fish fighting gloves available - non of which fit my hand. Some anglers I know like the gloves for long battles with big fish because they help them keep a solid grip on the rod once the sweat builds up. I find the sungloves work well for me in this situation. Combined with the stripping guards, I have a configurable system.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2003
    London, England


    I use 3M Nexcare surgical tape.

    Member of B.A.S.S [url=http://www.ukbass.com:0b9e9]http://www.ukbass.com[/url:0b9e9]

  8. #8


    any one who has to blind cast all day with a sinking tip line into heavy current will know why you need finger protection, I have tried the tape but because its so hot here it comes off quickly.will try the surgical tape should be easy to get compared to the stripping tape.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    duct tape
    The simpler the outfit, the more skill it takes to manage it, and the more pleasure one gets in his achievements.
    --- Horace Kephart

  10. #10


    I'm with Castwell and Buddy on this. My home waters are a wide very shallow river with large but very shy LMB, and wading, I have to cast long and often. When I first started, I stripped at a 90 degree angle from the rod for a few minutes and it burned my rod fingers. I then moved my stripping hand directly behind the rod, inline with it. No problem even after four hours straight. I was rather proud of myself for being so astute with the line.

    A few weeks later, a massive carp unexpectedly hit my sculpin with a spinner on it. It seemed he would keep running downstream forever, so just as I had done with all my bass (which of course did not run), I clamped down on the line (now the backing) with a rod finger. Won't do that anymore. It stained a few feet of my nice yellow backing an ugly red. So at present, I'm batting .500 on line astuteness.

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