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Thread: I was wondering....

  1. #1

    Question I was wondering....

    ... Who would like to donate a few of their hand tyed fly's to new and young starting out members?
    I would.
    Does that sound doable?
    I tye more fly's than I can use, and it seems it would be a good thing to do to help the fly fishers that follow to get them started.
    Could the Administrators work something out where the new young fly fishers could get some donated fly's for their beginnings?
    Sonny Edmonds

    "If I don't teach them, how will those Grand Kids learn to fish?"
    Lesson 1: What catches fish Vs: What catches fisherman's money.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Liberty Lake, Washington


    I don't see why that wouldn't work. I'm not sure we have to have a special forum or anything for it though. The way I think it might work best is for someone who knows a beginning youth, to "sponsor" that youth and let folks on the Fly Tying forum know what kind of fishing that person is most likely to do. I'd be willing to bet you'd get a flood of volunteer flies.
    Do you know a kid like that? If so, what kind of flies would they need?

    Thanks for the post! Good idea.
    Where you go is less important than how you take the steps.
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    Lotech Joe

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Interesting Idea, in the past when a new person came in and asked a few questions, when it was discovered that they were young and poor then flies have flown there way. Nothing organized but the newbies are taken care of.

    Unfortunately when you have organization, you have rules and someone has to make a decision, people get hurt when the decision goes against them. People are attracted not by the quality of the site but because they heard they can get free flies etc.

    This site is beyond generous with peoples needs, I have seen times when people have tried to take advantage of this generosity.

    I think it may be better in the long run keeping it as it has been.

    Just my thoughts.


    P.S. if you know someone who needs some of my awful flies PM me their address.
    Last edited by Eric-WD; 08-05-2009 at 01:49 AM.
    "Complexity is easy; Simplicity is difficult."
    Georgy Shragin
    Designer of ppsh41 sub machine gun

  4. #4


    My thought was that the donated fly's could be handled through the site. I PM'd Ron to give him a "heads-up" about it.
    That way any weirdos would be thorted. And maybe even aninimity could be assured.
    No real details, and no real hard and fast rules, just when a new fly fisher of younger years discovers the fun of fly fishing, maybe a small assortment of fly's could be sent their way, compliments of the tier's willing to throw a few in the hat. For example, I have a few hook boxes that could easily have some fly's added to them and sent to a central pool to be sent to a new fly fisher, to help their assortment.
    I'd be happy to send in some of my meager fair, as at least a show of good will towards a new fly fisher.
    K.I.S.S. No beggars, no rules, just a surprise. You were picked to receive...

    Encouragement has rewards far beyond the one being encouraged...

    See your PM's
    Sonny Edmonds

    "If I don't teach them, how will those Grand Kids learn to fish?"
    Lesson 1: What catches fish Vs: What catches fisherman's money.

  5. #5
    Normand Guest


    i'm not so sure that faol would want to or should be the clearing house or distribution center for flies for newbies.

    i think they have enough on their plate just keeping the website going.

    who determines who is a new flyfisher/tyer? how will it be verified? it certainly cant be determined by the number of posts a person makes. experienced flyfishermen have been lurking for years without posting.

    too many variables to make this work.

    me thinks a rethink on this one is in order.
    Last edited by Normand; 08-05-2009 at 09:49 AM.

  6. #6


    Well, it was a pleasant brain flatulence, anyway.
    Sonny Edmonds

    "If I don't teach them, how will those Grand Kids learn to fish?"
    Lesson 1: What catches fish Vs: What catches fisherman's money.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
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    I do quite a bit of this myself. I have lots of swap flies. The ones that aren't saved, displayed or put in my fly box directly get kept in a cardboard box. I give flies away from the box to most of the new flyfishermen that I work with. I personally feel that it has a bigger impact on the individuals if it comes from a specific person and not an organization. More of that building community stuff, I guess. And I'd like to think that they will have a better chance of helping someone out later themselves.
    Better to be an active environmentalist than and environmental activist.

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  8. #8
    Normand Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Sonny Edmonds View Post
    Well, it was a pleasant brain flatulence, anyway.
    doesnt me that you cant volunteer to coordinate this program

  9. #9
    Cold Guest


    The idea is great, but the logistics are creaky, simply put.

    I agree with ol' blue that flies given to you by an individual mean more than those from an organization. I have a well-known fly tied by one of the co-inventors of the pattern that, while its always in my box, it never gets fished. It's a simple pattern, and I'm sure that even I could tie its identical twin (and have, on several occasions), but I keep that one seperate and dont fish with it.

    There's not even any way to prove that the creator of the pattern tied it, but I know, and that's more than good enough for me.

  10. #10

    Default Yeah, what ol blue said...

    I can't tye worth a donation so i'm out of that picture but i can understand giving away flies that have meaning....
    like a Steven McGarthwaite gift of an Al Campbell tyed SWAPHF fly...given to me at the '03 ID FI. Still got it...
    carry it in a flybox Parn gave me same FI. Al was there too. That's him in the pic Lotech posted in another thread
    ...offering his hand to me in friendship just as the pic was taken. Memorable times.

    So I'm thinking all that meaning would be lost if i donated it and din't know where it wound up. Not that the original
    idea isn't a great one. We do get plenty of chances to donate to the 'new guy' though. It's easy to tell when
    they say they already have (insert number under a dozen) flies to fish with.
    Send them a couple dozen assorted maybe.


    Last edited by MontanaMoose; 08-05-2009 at 03:58 PM.

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