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Thread: Who is Warm Who is Cold...are you flexible?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Columbus, Ohio

    Default Who is Warm Who is Cold...are you flexible?

    Courious, this sport "leans" towards trout and "implies a snobbery of sort ...to some, not me).

    Do you fish Trout or what is available?

    Central Ohio so no real Trouting by me...I fish for what is taking in general.

    This is promoted by a conversation this AM with a gentleman that had to continually and loudly announce to me that he did indeed fly fish and was only showing the grandkids the pond...his rod was in he car..

    This guy proceeded to list the private clubs in Ohio that he was a member of in order to fish for Trout...he recoiled when I mentioned that he had spooked a carp off my fly when he loudly ran over to me....even suggested that it was lucky he came along before that trash fish ate the fly.

    Proceeded to ask what fly I was using and even inquired as to whom had tied it...seemed disgusted when I said I had, though he hadn't even seen the fly!

    Unchanged by this encounter but got me curious as to who fishes for what and why if you care to share.

  2. #2
    Normand Guest


    i fly fish for whatever swims. period.

    i dont think fly fishing for trout implies snobbery, but there are lots of snobs that do fly fish for trout!
    Last edited by Normand; 08-01-2009 at 05:44 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Prescott AZ
    Blog Entries


    I put back 98% of what I catch,(0ne of the pluses of fly fishing) doesn't mater whats on the hook.

    "Complexity is easy; Simplicity is difficult."
    Georgy Shragin
    Designer of ppsh41 sub machine gun

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Pittsburgh, PA, USA


    I have to agree with Eric - whatever swims in the water is my kind of fishing, even if I'm not very good at it!

  5. #5

    Thumbs up

    if it wiggles, and is fun to catch I don't have a problem with a desire to hook it...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Euclid, Oh, USA



    As a fellow buckeye, the trout fishing is few and far between unless you travel, belong to a club, or restrict your fishing to stealhead. I enjoy fishing both warm and cold water though most of my fishing is for bass and blue gill 'cause that is what is nearby. I am fortunate to live close to the Chagrin and the Grand so I fish a bit for steelhead in the cooler months, but I would rather fish those rivers in the warmer months for smallies when I don't have to freeze my toes off!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Canton, Ohio, USA


    I also fish for all species with a fly rod, including trout. All fish are different, sometimes requiring different techniques & equipment. As they say, "variety is the spice of life".
    God bless 'em all!
    FAOL..All about caring, sharing, & good friends!!

  8. #8


    A fisherman (or fisher women) fish. We fish because we have a yen to do so.
    You ran acrossed a snob of nth degree.
    Many a carp has fought a great fight, and they are not easily fooled into taking whatever is offered. And many a carp has gone off like a torpedo and broke a line, too.
    I live near some of the best trout fishing in the world, but fish it very reservedly. There is just way too many people clambering for the same waters. It actually kinda disgusts me. I was there as a child many summers, and often we were alone in the camping area where we were for weeks at a time.
    I fish for the sport of it. I fish to teach my Grand Kids and new found Friends how to catch fish. I will invariably wind up with fishing Friends camped on either side of me when we go to the Colorado River in the spring. I invite them to come along and make sure that if a fish is hooked they bring it in.
    Often that has meant less fish next time for my boat. But it means I shared what I have learned with others. And they have out fished me at times, to that I say YEAH! GOOD for them!
    And yes, sometimes I even eat some of what I catch.
    Because I happen to be a fisherman, not a fishing snob.
    Sonny Edmonds

    "If I don't teach them, how will those Grand Kids learn to fish?"
    Lesson 1: What catches fish Vs: What catches fisherman's money.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Liberty Lake, Washington


    I went fishing last Saturday with family. They are new found family and have rapidly grown very close. They fish with spinning gear and that didn't bother me one bit. We fished a lake where I had never caught a fish. They showed me a trick or two, and I had a great time. I have spinning gear, trolling gear, and fly fishing gear and I chose to use my spinning gear that day. To make a long story short, here is a link to my blog explaining that trip;

    There's more to fishing, than fishing. The company you keep can make your day.
    Where you go is less important than how you take the steps.
    Fish with a Friend,
    Lotech Joe

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Lotech View Post
    I went fishing last Saturday with family. They are new found family and have rapidly grown very close. They fish with spinning gear and that didn't bother me one bit. We fished a lake where I had never caught a fish. They showed me a trick or two, and I had a great time. I have spinning gear, trolling gear, and fly fishing gear and I chose to use my spinning gear that day. To make a long story short, here is a link to my blog explaining that trip;

    There's more to fishing, than fishing. The company you keep can make your day.
    Cool blog, Joe. You are a fisher of men (and women). Glad to hear of such good times. Great pictures, too.
    Sonny Edmonds

    "If I don't teach them, how will those Grand Kids learn to fish?"
    Lesson 1: What catches fish Vs: What catches fisherman's money.

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