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Thread: July 9-22, Madison River+North Fork Shoshone

  1. #1

    Default July 9-22, Madison River+North Fork Shoshone

    Flew into Salt Lake City and rented a car before heading North into Idaho and then Montana. The drive to Cody, Wy. took longer than I imagined due to road work in Yellowstone. It was alright though as the scenery was spectacular. Arrived in Cody that night with plans to fish the North Fork of the Shoshone for the next 2 days.

    The next morning I arrived early at the river but the fishing was pretty slow. Caught a couple decent bows and a small Yellowstone cutthroat. It picked up throughout the day and I was surprised by the number of fish I was catching on a size 2 huge foam bug as my indicator. The fish here were certainly not picky or leader shy. Was using 15lb and 9lb test. The most effective flies were a size 8 double tungsten bead wired stonefly and a size 10 flashback halfback nymph. Decided to head upriver 30 miles the second day and only caught one 18' cutthroat that nailed my indicator dry. Headed back into town to enjoy some shopping. Picked up a stetson and several cowboy shirts. That evening I returned to a different spot and caught about 30 mountain whitefish and a one five inch rainbow. Headed upriver again and as the light was failing decided to fling some large streamers. Hooked into something massive which took off downstream. I couldn't keep up so when it had almost spooled me I broke it off. Never saw it so i'm not sure what it was. I'm not sure if i'll be coming back to fish the Shoshone I wasn't all that impressed with it although I might come back for a second chance with that one that got away.

    The next day I packed up and drove to Montana for 7 days of fishing on the Madison. Stayed at the flies and lies lodge right off of Reynalds Pass bridge. Fishing on the Madison was spectacular. Nymphing was by far the top producer and took many fish on crystal serindipities, rainbow warriors, PT's, Ram Caddis emergers and various soft hackles. Had several 30-40 trout evenings fishing caddis emergers. Had the first oppurtunity to try out my new 10ft 6wt Elkhorn rod and it was spectacular for the high stick nymphing I prefer. Did not see a lot of rising fish during the trip but did manage to land several browns and rainbows using a PMD cripple, x and iris caddis. The largest fish of the trip, a 19.5' brownie sipped a PMD cripple about in inch off of the bank one evening. Fishing was best between dusk and total darkness.

    All in all it was a great trip and will be doing the same thing again in 2 years.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Ashburn, Virginia


    Congrats on the fishing; nice that you got to catch them by your prefered method. I'll be there in 5 days. NF Shoshone is worth a trip just for the scenery - fantastic rock formations.


  3. #3


    Updated with some pics from the trip.

  4. #4


    sometime I want to take my boat up, and spend a week floating those different rivers in that area...

    makes me jealous

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by vargoje3 View Post
    Decided to head upriver 30 miles the second day and only caught one 18' cutthroat that nailed my indicator dry.
    Now listen, I've heard lots of "fish stories" in my day, but where is the picture of that 18 foot cutthroat?


    Great report and greater pictures!
    Sonny Edmonds

    "If I don't teach them, how will those Grand Kids learn to fish?"
    Lesson 1: What catches fish Vs: What catches fisherman's money.

  6. #6


    whats the big lump in your cheek? I work in the oil fields, and from seeing people with similar 'lumps' that is impressive lol

  7. #7


    Solo I work on a oil rig 10 months out of the year! I'm a wellsite geologist in Southern California.

  8. #8


    you work on any Nabors rigs? the company I work for is a sister company to Nabors...

  9. #9

    Cool Love the hat

    Did you get the boots and belt buckle too? Yes, I am a Montanan too. *S*

  10. #10


    Already had those.....needed some stuff for my cowboy competition shooting events and Cody was the perfect place to stock up. Planning on moving to Montana myself here as soon as i can find a job there.

    Solo I actually work for a Nabors sister company as well. Ya I have worked on a lot of Nabors rigs. Was just on Nabors 93 at Coso.

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