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Thread: Use of Furled Leaders

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Elida, Ohio


    Quote Originally Posted by Bamboozle View Post

    When you think about the fact that the fish that the "experts" keep telling us about that are super intelligent, super wary, super selective, impossible to catch except when wearing a ghillie suit while casting 100 feet using a 25 foot leader; are STILL being caught using something attached to fishing line with a curved hunk of metal hanging below it...

    ...it makes you wonder who is dumber, the fish or us for believing all of that nonsense.

    Call me a heretic but all of warnings related to trout fly fishing practice like avoiding short leaders, heavy leaders, heavy line weights, line spray, bright colors, etc...

    ...are just an fancy way to excuse yourself from a lousy presentation or being outsmarted by a pea brained fish.
    Amen, Brother!

  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Bamboozle View Post
    ....Call me a heretic but all of warnings related to trout fly fishing practice like avoiding short leaders, heavy leaders, heavy line weights, line spray, bright colors, etc...

    ...are just an fancy way to excuse yourself from a lousy presentation or being outsmarted by a pea brained fish.
    Bam -

    I think we belong to the same heretics chapter. I would concede, however, that in some places fish do get pressured to the point that some finesse is called for. Far fewer places than most would admit to, I suspect.

    As far as line color, my Rio Selective Trout ( gasp ) lines are also chartreuse. Hadn't thought about that belore, but if selective trout don't like bright colors why would Rio make their Selective Trout lines in that color ??!!

    I have fished dry flies off a foot or so of tippet tied to a bright white furled leader on occasion. The fishies still ate the fly. Either they were hungrier, braver or dumber than the selective ones ??

    The fish are always right.

  3. #13
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    If I catch a few village idiots, and they put up a heck of a fight, I don't snarl and sneer at their stupidity. I release them gently, and thank them. BTW- George Anderson wrote an article for "Fly Fisherman" a number of years ago about using fluorescent Amnesia for his leader butts. He insisted that the trout didn't seem to care one whit. Perhaps some of us are the "village idiots? Now back to furled leaders.


  4. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Bamboozle View Post
    I fish a lot of small streams. Before I got my hands on some really short (3') furled leaders, I routinely used 5-6 feet of leader material tied directly to the end of my bright chartreuse fly line. The fish didn't care one bit.

    At the same streams I now use 3' furled leaders attached to the same hideous colored fly line with 2-3 feet of tippet and the fish still don't care.

    When you think about the fact that the fish that the "experts" keep telling us about that are super intelligent, super wary, super selective, impossible to catch except when wearing a ghillie suit while casting 100 feet using a 25 foot leader; are STILL being caught using something attached to fishing line with a curved hunk of metal hanging below it...

    ...it makes you wonder who is dumber, the fish or us for believing all of that nonsense.

    Call me a heretic but all of warnings related to trout fly fishing practice like avoiding short leaders, heavy leaders, heavy line weights, line spray, bright colors, etc...

    ...are just an fancy way to excuse yourself from a lousy presentation or being outsmarted by a pea brained fish.
    Well said.

  5. #15


    I don't believe color has any bearing on spooking the fish. When fish look up any line will be silhouetted and appear as black to them. The color will make it easier for us to see the line. The heavier the line the larger the silhouette and I don't know how that may impact spooking the fish. I think the softer the presentation and the ability to pick up the line without creating that ripping sound are definitely more important.
    Better Loops & Singing Reels

  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by JohnScott View Post
    Bam- As far as line color, my Rio Selective Trout ( gasp ) lines are also chartreuse. Hadn't thought about that before, but if selective trout don't like bright colors why would Rio make their Selective Trout lines in that color ??
    Well John, if I was a big fancy fly fishing expert who wrote a bunch of books and gets invited to TU banquets as a guest speaker, I might say something like: "the selective trout where this picture was taken are SO selective, that they will only hit a fly attached to a chartreuse Selective Trout fly line"

    As for me, I selected the chartreuse fly line because it goes great with the blaze orange hat, vest and bandanna I wear when I fish on Pennsylvania Game Lands during hunting season.

    BTW - The fish don't care about the orange either and I have a lot less holes in me!

  7. #17


    I don't seem to find that they spook fish. I did however begin using them for the 1st time this year....and originally was tying on a 3' tippet. Not enough. they cast great, but drag was HUGE. A 5ft tippet is the way to go in my opinion.

    What are your thoughts on loop-to-loop connections? I have had more tippets breaking this season than in the past it seems? And just at the knot of my tippet loop?

  8. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by NJTroutbum View Post
    ....originally was tying on a 3' tippet. Not enough. they cast great, but drag was HUGE. A 5ft tippet is the way to go in my opinion.

    What are your thoughts on loop-to-loop connections? I have had more tippets breaking this season than in the past it seems? And just at the knot of my tippet loop?
    I don't see any connection between tippet length and drag.

    I use leaders furled out of Danville 210 Flymaster Plus tying thread with tippet sizes 5X to 2X and tippet lengths from 1' to 5'. Drag free is the norm, even with a leader that does not float, drifts submerged, but does not sink even a small dry fly with or without a dropper.

    As far as loop to loop connections, I don't use them since I put a tip ring in all my furled leaders and use a simple clinch knot to attach tippet. I'm wondering if you have some old or deteriorated tippet ??

    The fish are always right.

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bamboozle View Post
    Well John, if I was a big fancy fly fishing expert who wrote a bunch of books and gets invited to TU banquets as a guest speaker, I might say something like: "the selective trout where this picture was taken are SO selective, that they will only hit a fly attached to a chartreuse Selective Trout fly line"

    As for me, I selected the chartreuse fly line because it goes great with the blaze orange hat, vest and bandanna I wear when I fish on Pennsylvania Game Lands during hunting season.

    BTW - The fish don't care about the orange either and I have a lot less holes in me!

    Bamboozle, I have an orange fly patch on my vest for the same reason!


  10. #20


    The furled leader doesn't drift or pile up as nicely as good limp tippet. And the shorter the tippet the less time you have for the cleanest of drifts. I started using 3' tippet, but quickly switched to 5'.

    On the tippet? It's good, newer tippet. But I am using a smaller fishermans loop for my leader/tippet connection, and more than once have had failure at the leading end of the knot. What type loop do you tie?

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