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Thread: Bass Fishing Report

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Portage, PA

    Default Bass Fishing Report

    I landed 5 smallmouths with the biggest being only 12 inches. Those were the first on flies for me. I caught them all on a crab imitation that a guy showed me 3 years ago. An avid smallie chaser, he made it up himself and didn't name it. It had red dumbell eyes. I also threw Clouser Crayfishes (olive & brown) and didn't do anything with them, but I suspect it's because I wasn't fishing them properly. I don't think I had them down in the rocks.

    It was work, that's for sure. Casting that 7 wt. with heavy weight for 5 hours, is much more than I'm used to, and it was hard on my shoulder. I'm sure my casting technique needs a lot of work. My nephew landed about a dozen with a spinning outfit. He was fishing a salted yum yum. It was a worm-like rubber thing. For anyone that may know the area, we fished the Juniata River near Mount Union, PA. I think the smallmouth are generally pretty small in that area. I don't think they get bigger until you go East toward the Susquehanna or on the Susky itself.

    I didn't know whether to fish the riffles or deeper water. We had plenty of hang-ups. It was nice to get out with my nephew and experience something new. I need to go out with someone that has experience so I can learn.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Florence, KY


    If you caught 5 smallies, you must be doing something right

    Also, if you're getting hung up, you're on the bottom which with the kind of fly you were casting is where you want it. I've also found smallies and largemouth will readily take poppers if you want a change up from fishing streamers.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Portage, PA

    Default Deep Water Smallies

    Hey Jeff: Will they rise up from deep water to hit them or only in the shallows?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Cresco, Iowa


    If your clouser isn't getting hung up on occassions you are not fishing it deep enough, IMO. It needs to be bumping the bottom on a regular basis to get to the bigger smallies. Smaller smallies will rise up and chase something that is up in the current but I believe the bigger smallies are generally deeper and looking at the bottom for food. I have caught a few larger smallies in the shallow tails of deeper pools but that is normally later in the day. I generally fish slightly upstream and across on a dead drift and let the fly go way by me and then slowly bring it back from straight below me. If that doesn't work I will try moving the fly some. You are on the right track, vary your approaches and keep track of what works. Experience is the best teacher. I too fish with a buddy who ultra-light spin fishes. He fishes a 3" Fluke of varying colors and tries to bring the bait straight downstream. He generally outfishes me but there are days when I'm the only one catching anything and that's when I don't say a word!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Portage, PA

    Default Outfishing

    I'll be a little more prepared for smallie fishing next time. I think the only reason spin fishermen, and I have nothing against any type of fishing, outfish fly casters on big rivers is because they can cover more ground. I just love the thrill of the hookup and the fight on light tackle. I want to try some top water stuff the next time, too.

  6. #6

    Default bass fishing report

    Caught 6 pound smalley not one mile west from there on spinning rod last year .Largest of my life.Fished hard in susquahanna on air boat.Fish died down about 8 years ago.Supposed to come back.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Florence, KY


    Typically more shallow water, but I have had bass (smallies and largemouth) come up to the surface in deeper water to hit a popper or gurgle pop.


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