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Thread: Winter on the river

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003
    London, England

    Default Winter on the river

    Cold and frosty morning with a winter fog which hung about all day. Fished one of my regular winter haunts, the river Test in Hampshire, England, wrapped up warm against the cold and nymphing upstream to sighted fish, with a size 16 ptn on a long cast down to 2 lb.

    The grayling like to hide under the trees, encouraging you to make a good cast, which turns over nicely into a tightish space and puts down on the water gently.

    The fish are not big, but they are plenty of fun on light gear, and when they get that big dorsal fin up in the water you know you have a fish on. I grab a quick picture of the fish under water, before flicking the hook without even touching the fish and watch as it scoots off to the bank to hide.

    Member of B.A.S.S [url=http://www.ukbass.com:cc32c]http://www.ukbass.com[/url:cc32c]

    [This message has been edited by JME (edited 12 December 2005).]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Liberty Lake, Washington


    I've never been across the "pond," and most likely never will be. But, I must say you just took me there. Thanks. Nicely done.

    Life, is the time He gave you to determine where you want to spend eternity.
    Lotech Joe
    Where you go is less important than how you take the steps.
    Fish with a Friend,
    Lotech Joe

  3. #3



    Great post, and a beautiful picture of the river! Thank you.


  4. #4



    Very nice pictures and post. I, too, enjoy some fine winter fishing for steelhead and salmon here in the Pacific Northwest and actively pursue a fine cutthroat trout fishery as well. A foggy morning, cold temperatures, and a fish to cast to. What could be better than that?

    Thanks for sharing.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Kuujjuaq, Quebec



    The last of the lakes froze over last night, so your post was a pretty welcome sight on a frosty monday.


    Christopher Chin, Jonquiere Quebec
    [url=http://pages.videotron.com/fcch/:3078f]Fishing the Ste-Marguerite[/url:3078f]
    Christopher Chin

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2003
    London, England


    Thanks for your interest.

    It was one of those days where you question your sanity, leaving a warm house whilst it is still dark for a seventy mile drive to fish in the cold.

    The great thing about grayling is that they seem to like it cold, and the conditions are soon forgotten about in the excitement. I don?t think I caught a grayling above a pound all day, but I could not have had a better time. For me the Lady of the Stream is amongst the most beautiful of fish.

    Saw lots of browns paired up in their redds, always a good sign for the future of the river.

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