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Thread: Oooops.....Damn!

  1. #11
    nighthawk Guest


    Take it from a guy that can make a pair of chest waders look like a G-String, we are not going to be bending over! There's a nice vision for you! After you get that first "Wader Wedgie" you shall KNEEL!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sand Springs,Okla-USA


    Forceps,hat,fly box of dries,tippet.clippers,floatant,too embarrased to keep going.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Prescott AZ
    Blog Entries


    I dumped most of the contents out of my fanny pack on the banks of Rocky Ford at the CWFI of course Ree and Vee were there watching, haven't done it before or since.

    "Complexity is easy; Simplicity is difficult."
    Georgy Shragin
    Designer of ppsh41 sub machine gun

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Berkley, MI. USA



    I too lost my 1 millionth pair of forceps (correction: Hemostats) on this trip. Instead of buying another pair, I'll just rent a canoe the next time I go up (North), and drag a speaker magnet at the end of my rope chain. Lol. I can see it now, a life time of forceps collected and sold on Ebay for $4.00 ea..
    Last edited by Silverexpress; 06-18-2009 at 03:12 PM.



  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Liberty Lake, Washington


    My balance. Seriously.
    Where you go is less important than how you take the steps.
    Fish with a Friend,
    Lotech Joe

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Baltimore, MD (outside the city)


    I was keeping my little baggy of weights/floatants in a splitshot baggy on a key lanyard around my neck. Low and behold, it falls off. Next day, I find it downstream where I didnt notice dropping it, then later lose it.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Lincoln Park Michigan


    Same as you some tippet plus a stream thermometer and a couple of hemostats. A pair of scissor-pliers I had for 20 years just came up missing. Slipped off the retractor while fishing one day

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Carmel, ME USA


    Eric-WD, that was you? Wanna buy some pictures or do I just show them to all your fishing friends?

    Happiness is wading boots that never have a chance to dry out.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    West Tennessee


    One more reason not to put them all on a spool
    Good fishing technique trumps all.....wish I had it.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mato Kuwapi View Post
    lots of tippet spools, weight putty, fly boxes full of flies, who knows how many forcepts, a few pair of cheater glasses, a couple pairs of sun glasses...a fishing net, a couple of hats... a camera battery...a camera... need I go on??
    As mcsteff stated: I'm going to fish downstream of Mato. In this economy one needs all the help one can get., I'd also be willing to fish downstream of Deb....as for what I've lost....over the years everything already listed....and certainly my ego not to mention balance.....as recently as last weekend (as posted on my blog; repeated here as very applicable to this discussion):

    Last weekend I got out with a few friends, including Dave B., Justin B., Mikey W. (Flyfish4troutguy here on FAOL), and Dave?s better half the amazing Kerry (she?s amazing as a fly fisher and totally dedicated to fishing?but more on that later) on the middle Grand?.any way Saturday we get out on the water and fished with a great hatch on?.fish rising all around us (but few of them taking many of our offerings)?well a few took the flies?.I caught a couple of 10 to 12 inchers (that?s 20 to 25 inches by Dave B.?s standard LOL LOL)?.any way we all got on some fish?.action really was slow?.but it was great to get out on the water?.any way as we were fishing the river Kerry was using Dave?s 4 wt. (Dave was on a Guideline Le Cie 10 ft?..checking it out for future review?.but being the purist he is, Dave was fishing a dry fly?.nothing anybody suggested could get him to try fishing a nymph?.that rod is perfect for short line nymphing?.but Dave has to be a purist I suppose LOL LOL)?.any way Kerry was trying to sort out the finesse of mending her line?.so Dave who usually shows Kerry all he knows decided he?d rather have the ?old pro? teach Kerry (first I?m not that ?old??nor am I a ?pro??.I think Dave just didn?t want to have Kerry outfish him any more like on their recent trip LOL LOL)?.so we were working on getting her dry fly to be drift free?.and Kerry had made a few casts to a very likely spot?.and was breaking the river down in workable sections?..I suggested we move up just a few feet?.and stepped forward myself?.as I did my right knee buckled and literally gave out?.I started to fall backwards into the water?.I attempted to regain my footing or pull myself back up but my right leg just had given out (even if just momentarily)?.so I ended up in the Grand River lying on my back?..it all seemed to happen in slow motion?.and apparently appeared like that to everybody else?.especially Kerry?.who quickly tried to come to my rescue?.well not quite but I?ll get back to that?.any way there I am lying in the river?.my waders filling up with water?.getting absolutely soaked top to bottom?.in less than a couple of feet of water (my measurement not Dave?s LOL LOL)?.as I fell (or lay back in the water, really depends on your perspective), I thought I noticed that Kerry was struggling to hold me up (she is smaller than I am) and only had one arm on me?.I thought it was too bad she couldn?t have finished fishing that run since she was really starting to get the hang of mending her line to maintain that drift free presentation?.well needless to say this was all witnessed by the rest of the party?.who obviously had various comments to make (some I?m sure will be posted on here later); I still maintain that I was merely trying to become one with the river, really getting to know the water, or even trying to get a better view of how Kerry?s presentation looked from water level (OK OK even those are lame excuses for me LOL LOL)?.
    "No matter how complicated life can get -- remember life is sometimes like fly fishing; after turning over every rock in the river trying to "match the hatch", you have probably spooked every fish for miles -- so don't let the "little things" BUG you -- just enjoy whatever you find." Mike Ormsby

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