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Thread: Bug Soup is good for the Flyfisherman's Soul

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Western NY
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    Default Bug Soup is good for the Flyfisherman's Soul

    Having just returned from the Pa Fish In you would think I would be up for a bit of a rest, however I found myself chomping at the bit for more action. Not that the Pa fishing was slow, but since I just started fly fishing last year I have yet to experience "One of those Days" that no matter what you you do or throw it turns out right. Last night turned out to be "That Night".

    I got into flyfishing for two reasons really 1) The challenge of it, and 2) The all around depth of the knowledge involved to get really good at it and thoroughly enjoy it. That said, it is rare that I judge any outings by the numbers of fish caught, rather I'm more concerned with the quality of the experience. All that's nice but it is nice to achieve some milestones to keep the interest stoked to the max!

    We had a good deal of "Bug Soup" down in Pa, 4-6 different bugs hatching all at the same time, but it really didn't produce fish feeding commensurate with the amount of hatching that was going on. The fish still seemed to feed selectively, if at all in some cases.

    Here in NY, last season, I personally did not really encounter any "Bug Soup" that I recall, but there were situations where you and the fish could choose between a couple of bugs as a choice of what to tie on.

    All day at work yesterday I was watching the weather, knowing the temp was rising, barometer was coming up, sky was trying to clear, high pressure moving in, and most importantly, streams dropping and clearing from the heavy rain at the end of last week. A bug was telling me to get out and fish after work! A quick call to Phil (pspaint), being that he is a Man of Leisure, confirmed that 1) Stream was in opto condition 2) Bugs were hatching, multiple varieties and 3) Fish were feeding!!

    I got out of work right on time for a change, and even tho I planned to head right out, a well seasoned venison roast forced me to take a 15 min delay (no sense working on an empty stomach)! A 45 min drive at above average speed had me positioned at the head of a riffle that eventually pools and tails out 150-200 yards downstream. And there were bugs and splashy rises everywhere you looked!!
    I saw sulphurs, grey foxes, light cahills, olives, a few march browns, some Iso's and black caddis. Where do you begin? Some may have opted to go light, but I tied on a #12 Adams. First cast BANG!!! A fat 13-14" brownie. Next cast. BANG!!! and I'm into a heavier fish. I finally managed to land this well fed football brown of 16".

    In less than 30 mins I landed 10 browns and missed a few and then the action at the riffle slowed and I moved to other parts of the pool, changing flies, catching fish (most averaged 10-12", fat, and colorful) experimenting with leader lengths, droppers, everything. At 8:15, as the light was starting to fade pspaint showed up and joined me. I told him I was getting bored catching all these fish to which he probably thought I was an idiot! He told me the action was not that fast where he had been, and if it had been for me to enjoy it to the max because those days don't come that often. We fished up to the point that I could no longer see a #14 White Wulff 8-10 feet away, but the fish were still banging it!! In total I used 10 different patterns and caught fish on all of them although by far the most productive were the Adams, and the #14 Grey Fox, followed by a Light Cahill in #14, and the White Wulff!!
    A few more photo hi lites:

    I don't have any idea how many trout inhabit that pool, but I plan to find out this weekend. Bring on the "Bug Soup"!!!
    Last edited by wizard; 06-04-2009 at 07:49 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Lincoln Park Michigan


    Wonderful pics. It's great when you hit a good hatch and things fall into place.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Lehigh Valley, PA, USA


    OMG. Phil - you've created a monster!

    Nice job, Dave. Does this mean you won't be selling me that CPS anytime soon?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Western NY
    Blog Entries


    That's it Ed!!!!!!!!! It's the MOJO in the CPS!! Not anytime soon, or after that either!!!

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