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Thread: Help Adding Distance to Casts

  1. #1

    Default Help Adding Distance to Casts

    When i first started out FF I began by self-learning all the basics on casting and have slowly progressed... short, roll, reach, steeple, single haul, double haul etc. (Double haul is a work in progress but coming along.) I can currently throw about 60ft comfortaby and accurately before mechanics start to fall apart.

    I often fish warm-water, larger lakes and rivers from the bank, and when blind casting would like to cover more water or reach particular areas from shore that the only way I can put a fly on the spot is with a good long cast (submerged blow downs, weed beds, cruising pods of carp etc)

    I have been through all of the great casting info on this site, and was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of a good resource (book, dvd, etc) that they have used to add some length to their cast. I would like to add 15 to 20 feet if I could.

    I practice a couple of times a week, and do not have any local knowledge resource available to me (instructor, club). Thanks for any input you can throw my way!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Well, the obvious solution, finding a competent instructor, seems to be out. That leaves a couple other options that I can see.

    1. Videotape yourself casting, or have someone tape you. From both sides, from the front, while you are casting at your limit. Send the tape to a pro, like JC here.

    2. Come to a fish-in and ask for assistance. This not only gets you assistance but you get to meet and fish with all those nice people.

    3. Find a REALLY big riser a couple feet beyond what you can reach, and imagine how big that fish is, and how it would feel to catch it... incentive!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Oklahoma City, OK, USA


    Dynamics of fly casting by Joan Wulff is an excellant dvd. I was also self taught and it helped me.

    Going for distance is all about mechanics and a good double haul. the end of the dvd also shows you some flaws and how to correct them. I highly recommend it.

    as your mechanics improve distance will come, and it will also make those shorter
    distances easy to hit in in tough conditions

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Victoria , Tx


    Being a person who lives in an area with limited fly fishing resources , I can understand your position. I do agree that Joan Wulff's DVD is great. But if your a book worm like me , Master The Cast by George V. Roberts Jr is the best I've seen. The way it studies the mechanics that make up the cast and builds on each lesson and each technique is terrific. I do agree theres no replacement for hands on time with an instructor , but if thats not an option theres always a way to find your own instruction. Just my 2 cents.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Poulsbo, Washington State, U.S.A.


    One last resort. Get mad. Really mad. At yourself, fate, casting in general, whatever. Decide you will cast so hard that you will destroy the &%$# rod on the next cast. You will 'make' the leader sizzle on the way past your ear. Stand up straight. Stop the ^%$# rod. Quit babying the fly rod! Hit it! Quit casting like a girl! Step up to it. Either you can cast or you can't; which will it be? Start listening for the backing knot to rip through the guides like a machine gun. A double-haul is never in progress. Either you can or not.

  6. #6
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    neither here nor there


    Quote Originally Posted by J Castwell View Post
    One last resort. Get mad. Really mad. At yourself, fate, casting in general, whatever. Decide you will cast so hard that you will destroy the &%$# rod on the next cast. You will 'make' the leader sizzle on the way past your ear. Stand up straight. Stop the ^%$# rod. Quit babying the fly rod! Hit it! Quit casting like a girl! Step up to it. Either you can cast or you can't; which will it be? Start listening for the backing knot to rip through the guides like a machine gun. A double-haul is never in progress. Either you can or not.
    Unless they casts like LadyFisher!! <Does she know you used this as a reference?>
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Betty Hiner View Post
    Unless they casts like LadyFisher!! <Does she know you used this as a reference?>
    I'm with you Betty,
    Does Joan know what you said Jim? Maybe stop casting mamby pamby. Go for the gusto. And, stop the rod like you were doing 80mph into a brick wall. Doing what you taught me, I hit 70 feet with a double haul on a 7 1/2 foot 4 weight glass rod today. Practice & stop the rod, practice & stop the rod, practice & stop the rod. Those are the 3 most important factors of improvement.
    Yes Jim, I think I am getting better at it.
    Thank You,
    Where you go is less important than how you take the steps.
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    Lotech Joe

  8. #8
    Uncle Barry Guest


    Good evening K3
    A couple of sugestions to
    add distance to your cast,
    distance is proportional to line speed
    therefore you must increase line speed.

    And the easiest way to do this is first
    learn to understand what your rod is trying to tell you
    the message its sending you via the grip

    And to listen
    the easiest way, the quickest way
    is to close your eyes !

    And keep them closed and keep casting for at least 10 minutes.
    then you will feel the message of on load, off load.

    Then start double hauling with your eyes closed.

    All of a sudden you will understand.

    JC suggested the stop,
    its called the 'snap' in casting.
    With your eyes closed you will feel the message
    you stop the rod, snap the rod during the stroke
    don't drift to a stop.

    When I teach, almost the first thing I get someone to do is close their eyes, as it speeds up the learning curve.

    Kind regards,

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Kuujjuaq, Quebec


    Good one JC, ... Deanna must have loved that one !!!

    A hint ... when I want DISTANCE, ... I don't concentrate on my forward cast, ... I concentrate on the BACKCAST ... after all ... that's the part that will "pre-determine" how good the forward cast will/can be!

    A coach or friend who can diagnose your cast is a must. LF and JC watched me cast for a few seconds then recommended a few ideas that helped me correct 30 years of mistakes !!
    Christopher Chin

  10. #10


    When I first got interested in long-distance casting I took lessons from a well-known tournament caster. As it turns out, my casting got worse and worse, as the instructor didn't fully understand his own techniques. Therefore, the changes he made in my casting were detrimental.

    So what does that mean? Yes, take lessons, watch DVD, read books, but in the end don't be surprised if you'll have to experiment on your own; and this can be very, very frustrating: The slightest casting defect can ruin your long-distance cast

    And keep in mind it's very difficult to analyze casting problems on an internet bulletin board as the same symptom can have several different causes.

    Also, Lefty and Joan use different styles, so I pick one and go with it. INMHO, Joan's will make it easier for an angler to change casting trajectories, Lefty's style, on the other hand, is easier to learn.



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