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Thread: To Tell Or Not To Tell

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Rigby, Idaho

    Default To Tell Or Not To Tell

    I guess now's as good a time as any. I've read in a couple of threads concern for "telling" others details about where and how we fish. I'd like to know how everyone feels about detailed fishing reports or information about "secret" waters. I for one feel like the fly fishing community is a great fraternity and I'm more than willing to share as much information as I can to help the next guy have a great shot at a good experience, but it sounds like to some that I and others give out "too much" information when reporting on our outings.
    I guess I thought we were all friends, and friends share good info with each other. If I'm wrong, tell me. Anyway, I guess I'll open this can of worms and ask how the FAOL community feels about this topic.

    Let 'er rip!

    Tight Lines,


    "There will be days when the fishing is better than one's most optimistic forecast, others when it is far worse. Either is a gain over just staying home."

    Roderick Haig-Brown, "Fisherman's Spring"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Sedro Woolley, Washington, USA


    I, for one, don't give to many details about fishing spots in an open forum. I have sent many a pm to people giving information and asking information. I have also offered to show people the rivers and lakes of my area if they are visiting near by. Several have taken me up on the offers which by the way are still open to anyone coming to NW Washington.
    Last edited by Kerry Stratton; 04-29-2009 at 08:54 PM.
    "The reason you have a good vision is you're standing on the shoulders of giants." ~ Andy Batcho

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Woodbine, MD


    I think it depends on how well known the water is that's being talked about. There's zero point in being secretive about, say, large streams that are listed in your state's fishing laws as being "special regs - catch and release only". Anyone can already find out about them with minimal effort.

    OTOH, a tiny headwaters stream that is overfished if there's one or two anglers a day on it, probably shouldn't be publicized.

    In between, it's a judgement call. On larger waters, I'd rather see more publicity than less. It's easier to justify to the voting public a budget for stream maintenance (whatever that includes) if you can show that fishermen from contribute X-million dollars to the state's economy. (This is the "a stream without friends is a stream without a future" argument.)

    On the smaller streams, it's possbile love them to death. It's better to simply say "I went fishing in the X mountains today." (Wherever X is.) Consulating a topo map can tell anyone interested where the streams are in the X mountains; they don't then all converge on the same tiny spot.

    I'm not even sure it makes a lot of difference (except again on very small streams) if we do "hotspot". I don't have time to fish all the streams I already know about, and I bet most other anglers are the same way.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Sioux City, IA


    I'm pretty much with redietz on this one. If you find a small water or one that just doesn't produce many fish or produces them slowly I wouldn't say much about it. I'd had to get too many fishermen on it and have it fished out and ruined. But on waters that a fished hard anyhow there probably isn't any point to keeping quiet. Although I hate to see a large fish that I caught at X spot caught again and kept it's probably going to happen sooner or later with sooner being more likely. On larger waters that can take the pressure telling people how you caught your fish shouldn't do any harm.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Western Portal Sequoia National Forest & the G.T.W., Kern River, CA.

    Wink Can't put the Genie back into the bottle.

    Hi Kelly,

    I truly believe each case is different. There are places I'd openly talk about in public - I've given my fair share of slide shows, made hand out maps, guided and hosted group travel and offered up plenty of "spots" to customers over the years. Then there are those places that I wouldn't share with my wife.

    Speaking in very general terms now. Talking about saltwater flats and beaches, large impoundments, etc, vs. trout streams and small alpine lakes, those to me are very different animals.

    One thing about the internet, you never know whose reading this stuff and what their intentions are. On the other hand you could openly offer the keys to the kingdom to some folks and they wouldn't know which lock to try. My advice, if you're uneasy about sharing the info, go with your gut feeling. Which is a nice way of saying, Never let ego override reluctance.

    Best, Dave

  6. #6
    Normand Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by kglissmeyer View Post
    I'd like to know how everyone feels about detailed fishing reports or information about "secret" waters.
    there are no "secret" waters. its all been fished before. somebody told somebody and that somebody told somebody else etc etc etc !

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    North west arkansas



    tell me exactly where th beat of the river in question is the flies you are using and how you fished them ....................this will help me decide if you should give away your spot or keep part of it secret.

    Acually my feelings are the a good report will tell in general about a sucssessful outing. One big part of the enjoyment of fishing is that of testing ones skills and abilities in fishing , often times if I am givin too much information it can overide the enjoyment or thrill of the chase so to speak...............then othr times If I have all the details I still find it challanging to duplicate someone else succsess.

    In the end I guess it is a judgement call on how many people you wish to be standing beside while you fish .

  8. #8


    It depends on the place. If it's the local hotspot where everybody fishes, it's not that bad... If it's an out-of-the way joint or even a well-known but not all-that-well fished place, keep it quiet. Often a lot of the allure to these places is that you don't have to experience the "combat fishing" that's all to prevalent these days. If you blab about it, especially on the internet, it won't stay that way for long.

    As an example, a couple of years ago, someone on a duck hunting site I frequent posted a "report" about great hunting at a local lake. Complete with pictures of full limits. It was a fake report, the ducks were killed somewhere else. But, sure enough, the next weekend, the lake in the "report" - the lake that usually only had 2-3 groups on it at a time - was filled with hunters. Coincidence? You tell me.

    As for me, I never post up reports that give away the location. If I post pictures, I try to make sure that the location isn't easily recognizable in the picture. To me, it's just not worth it. While there are definitely people out there who truly want to help others out, I think the majority of the fishing reports you see posted are just about bragging anyway. So there's no real benefit to posting the report. Just keep it to yourself, and keep your spot to yourself too.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Missouri & Texas


    I once hunted on a farmers land in N. Mo.
    It was a good place, lots of birds.
    A friend and I hunted it for years. One day I took my bro-in-law. A little later he took 6-8 guys from where he worked.
    The next time I went the farmer told me to never come back.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Lake In The Hills. IL USA


    I generally practice " I don't ask and I don't tell". Of course that's to "strangers". If you're my fishin bud, my fish are your fish.


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