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Thread: making loop to loop conncections

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Fort Wayne, Indiana

    Default making loop to loop conncections

    Ive had this multi tip fly line for some time and am just getting around to putting on the loop to loop connections. Ive never used them before and was wondering how to get that stupid shrink wrap over the connector and fly line.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004



    This may not be the correct way, but, this is the way I do it: Cut a 1/2" long piece of the shrink tubing and slide it onto the loop connector and slide it down to the loop. Feed the end of your fly line into the end of the loop and inch feed it down til it reaches the end. Slide the shrink tubing up til it is half on the fly line and half on the loop connector. I heat the shrink tubing with a hair dryer to avoid melting anything. Once it is heat shrinked I put one drop of Loon's Knot Sense on each end of the shrink tubing which will assist with that connection going through the rod guides plus cement the loop connector to the line to assist with it not coming off.
    Hopefully, someone will give you the correct way but until then, this is the way I install them.

    Fly fishing and fly tying are two things that I do, and when I am doing them, they are the only 2 things I think about. They clear my mind.

  3. #3


    I gave up on those variations of the "Chinese Finger Locks", many years ago. I found them to be of more bother than worth. Besides they always seem to fail at the most inappropriate time (big fish on the hook)!

    Dave Micus, wrote about his solution to your problem in this week's edition of FAOL. You can click on the url below to read the article.


  4. #4


    I think the Albright is the best for big fish, but I use a standard old nail knot for trout and I have never had one of those fail me (knocking on wood now). I tie a section of Monic Lite (it floats like a cork) to the fly line and do a perfection loop in that. I then attach my leader to that loop.

    There is a neat tool for the nail knot that make them a no-brainer to tie.

    The loop-to-loop, slip over connections are easiest, but they sink like a rock when they get wet. I've tried using flotant on them and nothing seems to keep them on top of the water.


    "The memory of a fisherman is more like fiction than journalism, that is, it doesn't ignore the facts, but it is not entirely bound by them, either."

    John Gierach

    [This message has been edited by kphume (edited 30 November 2005).]

  5. #5


    No offense to Dave, but his Albright loop is a bit of a fatty. With the fly line tripled and a blunt end, I would be very concerned how it would travel through the guides.

    Browse on over to Dan Blanton?s site and take a look at his [url=http://www.danblanton.com/gettinglooped.html:80d14]?Getting Looped?[/url:80d14] article. Although you may not want to make you own braided loops, you may want to secure the loop with a mono nail knot rather then shrink wrap.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2000


    Ditto on the Blanton article referenced by Jjonas. The nail knot trap is very secure. By the way, the loops described in that article are much stronger than any of the premade loops that I have seen - and seen fail. I have had flylines break before the homemade loop gave way.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Fort Wayne, Indiana


    Im sorry I forgot to mention it would be the leader end of the line that I want to add the loops (obviously the other end connected to my running line already has the loops).

    Its the Cabelas multi-tip fly line and I have it in a 5 and a 7 weight. With all the reading Ive been doing Ive been wanting to start the unweighted steamer fishing with sink tips. Im just tired of clipping the end of my flylines just doesnt make sense. Thanks for the replies.


    [This message has been edited by FIREMAN (edited 30 November 2005).]

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2003


    Seege,I have the same line in a 5 wieght and I have to agree with Warren,have used it for few years and no problems

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Northfield, MA USA


    Simple way,
    Take the loop of the chineese finger thing. Run a piece of tippet through it. Thread the tippet thru the heat shrink tubing and pull the heat shrink tubing on over the loop with the tippet.

    But I do like the Micus Loop that he defferentially named the Albright loop.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Currituck County NC


    As others have mentioned, these loops can be problematic. I have given up on them after two failures. However, they may work well for you. Be particularly careful not to scortch the flyline when heat shrinking. I don't think that the loop manufacturers consider that the flyline is made from materials that can easily be rendered ineffective by heat. Additionally, the heat shrink is loosened when it is dragged through the snake eye.

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