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Thread: Best do it yourself fly fishing trips

  1. Default Best do it yourself fly fishing trips

    What do you think is the best do it yourself fly fishing trip and why. Let's say give one for fresh and saltwater. Also, let's assume no guide and no boat involved....

    Tight lines,

  2. Default

    ok... somebody sucks....

  3. Default

    sounds like a pretty sweet gig! I hope you didn't think I was bustin' your chops. I guess I have been jonesin' for some trout fishing this morning and the closest trout is a two day car ride or a $$$ plane ride away.... live it up for those of us who can't!

  4. #4


    Freshwater - Rent/Buy an RV and tour the greater Yellowstone area. More than ample fly fishing in a three state region.

    [url=http://www.rockymtnfly.com:d7e9a]Rocky Mountain Fly[/url:d7e9a]

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Honesdale, PA USA


    I like Pauls idea. There was a time when I managed to get to Yellowstone and the surrounding area for about ten years running, and I loved it. That ended almost twenty years ago now and I doubt that I'll ever get back, but it sure is a great area to fish.


    There is a fine line between fly fishing, and standing in the water waving a stick.

  6. #6



    Try this one on for size - open up my garage door, walk ~75 yds and across the street, and catch wild rainbows and browns to 27 inches. Yes Acuna I do su$k.

    When I do manage to pull myself away from my home river, I think that a wilderness float in Alaska is pretty hard to beat. The rivers are sublime, the fishing out of this world and if you choose the right river the solitude is unmatched. I would place a backpacking trip to the high sierra for golden trout a close second, simply because that is the most beautiful mountain range I have ever seen and the weather is so predictable.

    We are all blessed to have some of the most amazing do-it-yourself flyfishing in the world right here in the good old US of A.



  7. #7



    Sounds like a total blast. I have a relative through marriage who owns some property on Rock Creek. Guess I have to check it out next summer.


  8. #8


    No worries, you're not rubbing in nothing. I live in Reno. I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. The Truckee is, well let's just say, phenomenal.

    See you on the river sometime.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Penticton BC
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    I put the utility trailer on the hitch , It has my boat and all the gear already on it. Call up my son and Grandson on the phone and get em all excited about going fishing (not a hard thing to do ) . After everything is ready and only when everything is ready I am allowed to wake up sleeping beauty my Wife (I have to get it all ready first or Its not gonna be a pleasant ride to the lake ) I pour Her a coffee , feed her Belgian waffles and pack her stuff out to the truck . This is all quite essential to the success of the trip . With My little parsnip flower in the truck and in a happy mood from the coffee and waffles We then we pick up the boys and head out on the road . The one who's turn it is lets the other three know which lake it is going to be . My Grandson always picks Penask lake which is a 2 1/2 hour drive the last 4 miles over a 4wheeldrive rough as hell road . When its his turn to pick the lake I allow for the extra time . My wife usually picks a new lake that we haven't tried before or haven' been to in a long long while . My son picks from about 4 of his favourite lakes all within an hour or so He hasn't varied from this in 30 years so I pretty much know ahead of time which lake we are going to . And me I pick a lake about an hours drive away on a fairly good road . One that I know I will not get skunked at and that the rest of them all like . There are hundreds of lakes within two hours of here and 20 or so within an hour .

    In my youth I used to live and work on a small isolated Island lightstation and could catch Coho from my front porch or just in from of the operations building at work . It now has a world class resort about 100 yards from where my old house used to be . It costs more than $2000.00 to go there and fish there for the weekend . The government used to pay me to live there . The isolation allowance cancelled out my rent . Still I couldn't wait for a transfer off that rock , now I'd give my eye teeth for a chance to live there again . Who'd a thunk it ? Sadly the government no longer has the urge to pay me to live in a fishing paradise and feed and house me for nothing plus pay a descent wage . Now a days I've been informed I'm on my own . Drat!
    For God's sake, Don't Quote me! I'm Probably making this crap up!

  10. #10


    Anyone ever go to Terra del Fueggo to the Rio Grande for the sea run browns? We all have to have a dream trip don't we.


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