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Thread: For J.C., L.F. and all of us that love the little squirrels

  1. #11
    nighthawk Guest


    I really did post this thread here with the good intentions of cheering up some folks. In the light of what they recently went through namely J.C. and L.F. Please read the title of the post. I have nothing against those that do not like squirrels but please, if you have a rant against them start another thread. The title of the post is "For J.C., L.F. and all of us that love the little squirrels".

  2. #12


    True, and my apologies. I have a friend who's wife is from hawaii and is MADLY in love with squirrels. I definitely can understand why people think they are cute and want to feed them. I always thought it was kind of funny that my dog would, in essence, rescue the squirrels and chipmunks from my fathers murderous hands My dad used to get SO angry that the dog would catch-and-release

    P.S. That dog terrorized any newcomers and could seem vicious before you realized that he was all bark and no bite (most of the time) thus making it even funnier when he would let the little critters wander off
    Last edited by shadesofsisyphus; 04-09-2009 at 04:57 PM.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    neither here nor there


    Had the pleasure at lunch today, of watching our little squirrel haul a full size, fully loaded, ear of dried corn, over two 6' fences, and ever so carefully, pull each kernel off the cob ... and plant it in our lawn! Our big dog just sat in the doorway, drooling, and shaking the entire time the squirrel was in the yard.
    Trouts don't live in ugly places.

    A friend is not who knows you the longest, but the one who came and never left your side.

    Don't look back, we ain't goin' that way.

  4. #14
    nighthawk Guest


    Always amazes me how much of a load that they can carry. I am not certain how much it is but it has to be a large percentage of their body weight.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Woodbridge VA
    Blog Entries


    cant say im too fond of the little critters. if they would stop stealing our apples and tomatoes, i might not have such a hateful vendetta agianst them. but until they turn from their theiving ways, they will continue to donate to my fly tying materials....

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Carmel, ME USA


    VEE put out a couple ears of dried corn one year and the little grey guys loved them almost as much as the peanuts and sunflower seeds. As Betty said, they plant those kernals all over the place. Come spring we had corn growing all over the yard, in hanging planters, all through the raised bed gardens, our neighbors also had a generous sprouting of corn in various places. After that, no more corn.

    Happiness is wading boots that never have a chance to dry out.

  7. #17


    Erick, I feel that way about Pigeons too. So it's pigeons and squirrels I don't like oh yeah and now lady bugs, but that's a long story.

    Nighthawk, didn't mean to have my post taken as a rant. I only meant to share my childhood observations and to explain that I do not share the like of squirrels and presented my position as to why I do not share the like for squirrels that others have. I suppose it could be seen as stepping into a rant when I stated that I think of squirrels as tree-rats, that was not my intention.

    Take care,

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Woodland, CA USA


    I agree with you, they are pretty much Fluffy Tailed Rats with good PR. However, they haven't caused millions of deaths by carrying the plague all over the Europe (Yet). Probably due to the fact that they prefer to live in forest area away from people. I personally like them and will do what I can to keep them on the outside of my home and still feed them.


    The tree variety may not cause plague, but the ground variety out here sure does. We get outbreaks of plague in the Ground Squirrell populations out here that close down whole areas of the landscape to human interaction. That's OK...their tails tie good flies too, just not as fluffy as the tree rat tails.

    ‎"Trust, but verify" - Russian Proverb, as used by Ronald Reagan

  9. #19

    Smile Little Squirrels

    I Love them along with Mom,Apple Pie and Chevy Pick-ups!!!!!!

    Fishin' Jimmy

    PS- I bet my Friends the Beavers love them too!!!

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Sioux City, IA


    I also feed birds and had a terrible time with the squirrels getting into the feeder and emptying it of food with most of it going to the ground. I had the problem until I hit on a simple solution. All I had to do was put my feeders on a shepherds crook hanger out in the yard far enough away from the trees, fence & house so the little buggers couldn't jump up on it from one of those platforms. I then put a metal squirrel guard on the pole of the shepherds crook high enough so they couldn't jump on it either. To make sure it stayed up there I put a screw type hose clamp under the squirrel guard. Problem solved.
    But I didn't want the little beggars to starve so I put a corn feeder up in tree away from the bird feeder. The feeder has a screw on it that goes into the corn cob so they can't just run off with the whole cob.
    It's interesting to watch one squirrel up on the feeder eating the germ out of one kernel after another and dropping what's left and then another squirrel eats the leavings. And then there are the squirrels that apparently don't like corn and would rather eat the sunflower seeds that the birds spill.

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