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Thread: PETA: Know your enemy

  1. #1

    Default PETA: Know your enemy

    Frequently Asked Questions
    Isn?t eating fish good for your health?
    Fish absorb all the contamination from the water they live in, so fish flesh is laced with toxins such as mercury, lead, arsenic, PCBs, pesticides, and even industrial strength fire-retardant. Just two servings of fish per week can elevate your blood mercury levels by 700 percent, and study after study has linked fish consumption to fatigue, memory loss, and decreased mental function. Click here for the facts about fish flesh and your health.

    So what does the fish industry have to say for itself? It ignores the fact that fish flesh is toxic (the breast milk of some Inuit tribes is so concentrated with poisons from their fish diet that it meets the Environmental Protection Agency?s standards for toxic waste) and points to small amounts of omega-3 fatty acids in fish. But you can get plenty of omega-3 fatty acids in nuts and leafy green vegetables ? without losing your mind.

    What?s wrong with catch-and-release fishing?
    Have you ever seen an injured dog who has been hit by a car or a cat who?s been seriously hurt in a fight? Unless they are treated by a veterinarian, these animals are likely to die from their injuries. Fish are no different: A hook through the mouth causes a serious and extremely painful injury that is often fatal without treatment. But anglers just toss injured fish back into the water?often without realizing what they?ve done.

    In addition to the wounds that are caused by the hook, fish released after being caught can suffer from loss of their protective scale coating, dangerous build-up of lactic acid in their muscles, oxygen depletion, and damage to their delicate fins and mouths. Upon being returned to the water, these fish are easy targets for predators and other fishers. Researchers at the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation found that as many as 43 percent of fish released after being caught died within six days. Catching fish is cruel and unnecessary, whether they are killed on the spot or thrown back into the water, injured and exhausted.

    Didn?t Jesus eat fish?
    It?s an interesting question, but Biblical scholars agree that the appropriate question for Christians is, ?What should we be eating?? The Bible clearly says that our bodies are temples and that we should take care of them. Yet it?s a fact that all fish flesh today is contaminated with heavy metals and other toxins. In fact, fish flesh is just about the most polluted thing that humans put into their bodies. On that basis alone, Christians should not be eating it.

    Today?s fishing practices are also horribly cruel to God?s creatures. God cares for all His creatures, and the Bible counsels compassion for all beings. We all understand that it is immoral and contrary to Christian mercy to torture dogs and cats. It is equally unchristian to torture and kill (or pay others to torture and kill) fish and other animals. Although they may not be able to scream out in pain, fish have the same capacity for suffering and the same right to compassion as all living beings.

    Strange folks, for sure

  2. #2



    Not to be contentious, you are entitled to your opinion, but your post is very contradictory to your profile?????

    By the way, take a look at Acts 10:1-23 for example. Here God tells Peter, "Get up, Peter, kill and eat!"..."What God has cleansed, no longer consider unholy."

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Morris Plains, NJ


    I think PETA has produced a propaganda comic book aimed at children. The cover has a crazed fisherman holding a knife and a fish with its guts spilling out. I believe the conclusion on the inside is that "Daddy can't be trusted with the family dog because he's HOOKED on KILLING."

    It speaks for itself. But unfortunately, you can't let these statements go unchallenged.

    However, despite protests, New Jersey is going forward with its bear hunt next month and for several years henceforth. It's the only practical way to control the steadily increasing black bear population. (Nope, Jersey isn't all urban territory.)

    I have long suspected that the biggest killer of fish and wildlife is loss of habitat. I wonder whether this could be determined by scientific studies, and whether there is data out there that would shed light on it available right now.

  4. #4


    I may not have been around for that many years, and I may not have as much experience as some folks, but here's how I see it. Yeah, I guess it is possible to elevate your blood mercury level by 700% if you eat fish...from an industrial sump. I imagine that whomever created that statistic got one or two of the mostly highly contaminated fish from the worst area they could and then proclaimed that two servings would raise your mercury level through the roof. I am also highly skeptical of the statement that 43% of fish caught and released die within 6 days. If this was the case, nearly half the fish that you release die. I like to think that the time, money, and effort that I spend on making sure that any fish I catch has the best chance of surviving isn't a waste. Besides, I think that fish's mouths are tougher than we give them credit. Bluegills, sculpins, perch, and other baitfish have sharp spines, do you really think that their mouths are damaged more by a barbless hook than by a rough spine? I'm certainly against animal cruelty, but I don't intend on changing my habits.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    SE Iowa
    Blog Entries


    'guides - Think Peter wwas just quoting PETA propaganda. "Know your enemy".

    Anyway, IMHO, PETA continues to shoot themselves in the foot at every turn. People on all fronts are starting to recognize them for what they are.

    "Humane Society of the United States" (HSUS) are the ones who scare hell out of me. People *still* think they are the "puppies and kitties" people and they do everything they can to foster that notion. This gives them credibility with many. Bad bunch.
    "Flyfishing is not a religion. You can make up your own rules as you go.".. Jim Hatch.. 2/27/'06

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Petaluma, Ca, USA


    What the heck do you mean 43% of the fish I release will die? I assume 100% will die......eventually! Heck, 100% of us is going to die eventually......and I guess poison fish is as good as any way. At least I'll know WHY!
    ....lee s.

  7. #7


    At first I thought you were telling us not to fish! Then I caught on, you were quoting some very misguided people!!
    I checked your profile and any time you wnat to vist we can sit on the porch and do exactly that!!

    I feel more like I do now than I did when I got here!


  8. #8



    my apologies... I see now what you intended to say...

    PETA's arguments are certainly fallacious lies and propaganda.

    Paul wrote in Romans 1:24-25, "Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. For the exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen"

    Indeed, what kind of chemicals were released into the atmosphere in the creation of their BMW's? How many cow's died for their leather furnature and shoes? How much of the cursed oil was used to pave the roads that they drive on and how much gasoline do they burn on their 3 hour commutes?

    God gave man dominion over the earth and certainly we must be good stewards (of which I really question at times (see posts on Land Giveaway). Nevertheless, the old proverb goes, don't throw rocks in a glass house....

    HideHunter, thanks for clearing the fog.


  9. #9


    There's more pesticide on the plants they tell people to eat than there is on the fish we enjoy. As for fish dying from being caught and released... poop occurs. How many more died from outright pollution than ever had the chance to bite a hook? Most fish I catch are hooked in the lip. Do they think that's what kills the fish? If I bite my lip how long do I have left to live?
    And they should stop spouting scripture and start living it. The message isn't, "Love thy animal." It's, "Love the Lord and love thy neighbor." God's taking care of the critters, we're supposed to take care of each other!

    There's almost nothin' wrong with the first lie, it's the weight of all the others holdin' it up that gets ya'! - Tim

    [This message has been edited by MOturkE (edited 21 November 2005).]
    Jesus still hangs out with fishermen.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Fort Smith, Arkansas, USA


    Here is what rubs me wrong about peta. If you really care about the fish than do something to help there habitat, and stop the poisoning of fish. Strive for cleaner waters, and more natural habitat, instead on pushing you anti-fishing propaganda. What people forget is that a good 85% of the people in peta live in big cities, they dont venture into the wilderness, and understand the calling to protect nature. They are too busy drinking lattes, putting in nose rings, and listening to the latest hollywood actor tell the world that america is bad and eating fish are bad.

    The simply fact that america has turned to hollywood for its moral compass is scare enough. So I feel sorry for these poor souls who have been mislead by the latest hollywood yeahoo. What you forget is that God has given us the task to be stewards of this great earth, and if you really want to save fish then lets start restoring habitat and protect them from poisoning that is occuring.

    Secondly, leave the poor fisherman alone. I would like to see the exact study that the Oklahomans have done. I have alot of questions. How did you come by your data? Did you fish? What fish species are you talking about? I am sure there are alot more variables than jus hooks that would describe the 43%. We all have to remeber you can render any stat in your favour. So I would like to see the whole study. I guarentee you it will be totaly different than what they are quoting, or it is funded by peta or a simular organization. At any rate I will continue to fish.


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