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Thread: Which 10 hooks

  1. #1

    Default Which 10 hooks

    Been a lurker for almost a year now. Finally got a vise and started tying. I am going to order 10 packs of 100 hooks. So my question is.

    Which 10 packs of hooks would you buy including sizes. I will by trying to tie nymphs and dry's.

  2. #2
    Normand Guest


    try to figure out which patterns you want to tie, then buy the hooks for tying them. check out the pattern recipes and buy accordingly

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    West Newton, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.


    If you're tying nymphs and drys for trout, I would recommend the following:

    1.) TMC 100 #14
    2.) TMC 100 #16
    3.) TMC 100 #18
    4.) TMC 100 #20
    5.) TMC 200R #12
    6.) TMC 200R #14
    7.) TMC 200R #16
    8.) TMC 3761 #14
    9.) TMC 3761 #16
    10.) TMC 2488 #16

    I gave the Tiemco model numbers because that's what I use and am familiar with, but most hook manufacturers offer very similar hooks and you can probably find the equivalent style hook from pretty much any company. Of course the sizes are just recommendations based upon common hatches around my location. Check a hatch chart for your area for sizes you should buy. I didn't include any hooks below size #20 since you said you were a new tyer and didn't mention anything about midges but once you progress in your skills I think you'll find it's not all that much difficult to tye the smaller flies and they are very effective.

    Good luck! You've picked a wonderful hobby.

    My one wish is that when I die my wife doesn't sell my fishing stuff for what I told her I paid for it...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Ashburn, Virginia


    Here's a good hook comparison chart:

    Darryl has suggested some excellent hooks, Tiemcos are great. However, you pay for what you get. If you're just starting out, you may want to consider some that are a little less expensive but still good quality. I use Dai-Rikis and Mustad's older models which are still available on-line. Look at places like Hook and Hackle, Feather-Craft, EBay, etc and you'll find some deals.


  5. #5

    Thumbs up Dai-Riki

    First of all, greetings and welcome to the BB from SE Idaho.

    I use Dai-Riki almost exclusively. I'd recommend starting with :

    320 standard dry fly - sizes 14 and 16
    135 1X short scud - sizes 16 and 18
    075 1X short nymph - sizes 12, 14 and 16
    280 2X long hopper - sizes 8 and 10
    700 4X long streamer - sizes 6 and 8

    That's eleven - but I would also recommend buying boxes of 50 to start with so it's quite a bit less of an investment than you are thinking about.

    If you buy smaller quantities on the go in, I would recommend another Dai-Riki hook that I really like -

    125 2X short emerger - sizes 16 and 18

    and suggest you might want to expand the range of sizes of the 320 and 135 hooks.

    This collection of 600-800 hooks will last a long time and see you through just about every fly you might want to put in front of a trout.

    The fish are always right.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Mojave Desert CA


    Skeeter41, Welcome aboard from sunny California. If you've been lurking awhile you probably know how great this FAOL gig is.
    The other fellas gave you good advice. Personally I started out buying packs of 25 hooks until I decided which hooks I liked. Now I buy in packs of 50. Jim
    I'm either going to, coming from or thinking about fishing. Jim

  7. #7


    Has anyone used the Saber hooks from the fly shack? I believe they are $70 dollars per 1000, plus a 10 dollar off code, so they come out to be 6 dollars per 100.

    I was just going to buy 10-12 packs of these hooks to get started.

    Everyone seems to like the Dai-Riki. Is there a good place to get these?

  8. #8



    I'm useing what I believe to be the same hooks as the 'Sabers' you asked about.

    I get mine elsewhere, but the price is comparable.

    Great hooks. Good price. I've caught hundreds of trout and bass on them.

    Deciding which particular hooks you'll need, however, will be up to you.

    It Just Doesn't Matter....

  9. #9


    i get my dai-riki hook on e-bay

  10. #10


    If you?re just starting out I?d get 50 or 100 packs of a decent inexpensive hook. Saber Daiichi, Mustad Classic etc.

    Dry fly 12-18 like a Mustad 94840 or equivalent. You?ll want to add smaller down the road but they might be a little tough to tie at first. . You can use these hooks for dry flies, emergers and wets too. A size 14 would be a great choice for some soft hackles (wet fly). A pretty easy tie, and a great searching pattern that?s easy to fish.

    Nymph 2xl long sizes 12-18 for nymphs with and without bead heads like a Mustad 9671 or equivalent.

    Streamer 3xl long sizes 8 and 12 like a Mustad 9672 or equivalent for woolly buggers, bucktails, muddlers, feather wing streamers and stonefly and big mayfly drake nymphs, and you can use these for grass hoppers with foam bodies.

    As you get into it you'll want to add more specialized hooks, but these would be good basics and would cover a lot of bases.

    Good luck tying and have fun!


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