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Thread: Glad nobody was looking

  1. #11


    A quick way to make of fool of yourself is to backcast a slack line in a headwind. That is how I got a no.12 Adams dry stuck in my forearm. The fly had a turned down barb which as we all know still functions like a barb. I could not get it out so drove home to get a wire cutter and remove it properly. On the way home I stopped for gas, the guy at the pumps said "sir you got a wasp on your arm". I calmly looked at him and said "no its just a fly","Ephemerella subvaria". Im glad he didn't swat it,he thought I was a smart *** and walked away..FB.

  2. #12


    This one was so stupid that I wish someone WAS watching.

    I was fishing the Letort last week and as is my preference I was sitting on the bank on a small log with one foot in the water and one under my butt. A massive mud puddle was behind me so the log offered a "safe" sitting spot.

    After catching a nice brown on an olive I went to get to my feet from a sitting position to move upstream and discovered that my leg had fallen asleep. When I went to stand up; I slowly fell backwards into the massive mud puddle. My butt and back were covered with think gooey Letort mud.

    It was pretty dang funny even though I had to retreat back to the car to relieve myself of some mud caked gear.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Rock Springs, Wyo., USA


    My son and I were fishing the upper Sweetwater river a couple of springs ago. I, with my usual lack of grace, slipped on some moss and sat right down in the shallow stream. Had to build a fire to warm my self up and dry my pants which I had to take off to keep from getting hypothermia. Would have been a little embracing if someone had come by. By the way, he won't let me forget it!

    Wyo-blizzard aka Bloody Tom Bonney

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Ontario, Canada


    A very cold and windy morning on a pond with sub freezing air temps makes for a lot of ice, numb fingers and a slow brain.

    I caught a fish but too much ice had formed on the guides for me to reel in past the loop on my fly line. I grabbed the leader and brought the fish in, then went to grab the net but it had frozen on the boat seat. I tore it off leaving strands of mesh.

    I went to pick the ice off the tip guide and too much pressure... snap goes the tip. I sit there thinking how stupid am I and the wind picks up and the rod, which was partially hanging over the boat while I picked off the ice, goes overboard and the reel is naturally soaked and frozen in short order.

    Later on, real strong winds fling the broad rimmed hat off my head and into the water so I spend frantic minutes casting with a broken 4wt into 50km gusts.

    I got the hat back, caught 20+ rainbows, got a LOT of excercise rowing that boat around and made it home safe in white-out conditions so it was a good day of fishing

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Altoona, PA,USA


    While fishing a local river, I stepped into a deep hole and went for a swin. Fortunately it was July. It was late, so I decided to call it a day. On my long walk back, I noticed a car parked in the woods at the end of the path. I thought the angler probably had a laugh when he saw me take a swim. As I approached the car, I had to walk up against it. When I peered inside, there were two teenagers having a good time. The expression on her face when she saw me was priceless! Not an embarassing moment for me, but a "fish story" I'll never forget.

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