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Thread: Been kinda cold around here

  1. #1

    Default Been kinda cold around here

    Wow! Those who live her know about it, those who don't should see it!
    Baxter county , AR, looks like someone set off an airburst nuclear device. I don't think there's a single tree in the county that doesn't have damage. We had from 2-3" of ice with about an inch of snow and sleet to top things off. There are some 2000 electrical workers here in the area trying desperately to restore power. We've been without electricity, heat or water for 3 days and just got everything back online this evening. Estimates for complete restoration of power to this area are running as high as 3 1/2 weeks. My best wishes to those who are not as lucky as my wife and I.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Idaho Falls, Idaho


    We don't get that kind of weather often here in Idaho, but I've driven in it a time or two, enough to know that I hate it. At least we have enough cold and snow, that most folks at least have traction tires or studs to help them along. Ice damage to trees and property affects just about everybody in a large area, and I feel for you folks who are going through this mess. Being without power for long periods isn't any fun at all. Hang in. They tell me that Spring is on the way.
    They're just fish, right? Right?

  3. #3


    I'm sorry that you have had so much trouble with the ice. We got hammered by ice and snow in December and our trees got broken by the weight of the ice and snow. I hope things return to normal soon.
    Enjoying the joys of others and suffering with them- these are the best guides for man. A.E.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Ice Storm


    I was talking on the phone with Davy Wotton the other day, his phone is the only thing working. No power. He said the ice was melting but his area got hit really bad.

    We had an ice storm about a decade ago up here and it took out most of our decorative trees and many of our natural firs.

    Hang in there, they will get power restored.

    Larry ---sagefisher---
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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Liberty Lake, Washington


    I wonder if you're talking about the same ice storm we had here in Eastern Washington. I think it was the winter of '97-'98. Everything was covered in ice. It looked like a scene from Dr. Zhivago. We watched as transformers on telephone poles blew up. They would light up the night sky with a lavender colored flash. We had to chisel our car doors open after work before we could drive home.
    I'm glad to see you are back on-line and I pray for your neighbors.
    Last edited by Lotech; 02-01-2009 at 07:57 AM. Reason: spelling
    Where you go is less important than how you take the steps.
    Fish with a Friend,
    Lotech Joe

  6. #6


    We had a bad ice storm here in western NY back in 1991 and it's effects are still evident. It looked like a war zone. Most were without power for days and some weeks but I was fortunate enough to be out only a few hours.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Far West Ky

    Default We have a mess too in W. Ky

    We got 1 and 1/2 inches of ice here. Lost power in my town for 5 days, just got phone and internet an hour ago. i have a friend that lives 2 miles down the road that was told yesterday it might March before he gets his power back. This was the worst natueral disaster to hit Ky in its history.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Lancaster, NY, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by cj4750 View Post
    We had a bad ice storm here in western NY back in 1991 and it's effects are still evident. It looked like a war zone. Most were without power for days and some weeks but I was fortunate enough to be out only a few hours.
    Yep, John that wasn't a lot of fun. The "October Surprise" we had a few years back was even worse. You guys lucked out and missed that one. That heavy, wet snow trashed all the trees and the power lines. Some people lost power for two weeks.

    RG/AR hope things improve quickly for you folks. We see that kind'a stuff up here way too often.

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