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Thread: Does anyone else listen to audio books on way to and from F

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    Default Does anyone else listen to audio books on way to and from F

    I have become an audio book junkie! Not liking to fly and so driving everywhere be it fishing trips or to tie at shows audio books have become my salvation. I usually have a buddy or two with me on the longer trips to Pa., or Wisc,or other out of state trip but when I fish the Catskills or the Ausable I drive alone 90 percent of the time. Tying shows however, it is the exact opposite percentage. When I have someone along there is usually a non-stop back and forth conversation but on longer trips from here in upstate NY to Wisc, Mich or south to NC we eventually start repeating ourselves and it is time for an audio tape or CD.
    Listening to an audio book makes a 2 to 3 hour drive home in the dark along winding carless roads or major hi-ways become less hurried and on longer trips it keeps me awake and alert.. When I tie I always have a head set on and sometimes I get so involved with the tying that I play the tape or cassette a second or even third time.
    I prefer FF type tapes like Trout Bum and John's other 3 books on tape. Trout Magic and Trout Madness, A river runs thru it, Ernies S reading a series of fishing stories, Lee Wulff, Jim Bashlines 9 , that I have, of his series of interviews with sages of the time and Gary LaFountaines "River Rap" series where he goes pool to pool on famous rivers discussing hatches and the best way to fish the river.
    I do listen to others. Mysteries, some best sellers etc but it is the fishing audio books that I never seem to tire of.
    Under "Things Wanted" I had listed "Anatomy of a Fisherman" and Joe Fox emailed me a great site: If you are into FF audios Check out [url=http://www.chartingnature.com/:9ab1a]http://www.chartingnature.com/[/url:9ab1a]

    So, anyone else out there building an audio library or is it just me?

    [This message has been edited by mantis (edited 08 November 2005).]

  2. #2


    I listen to them on just about every car trip I take. I usually check them out of the library.
    I just finished "The Big Over Easy". Very funny.

  3. #3


    Mostly on the long trips, it really helps the time pass.

    Other wise it's public radio that keep my mind occupied



  4. #4


    Me too Mantis,

    I usually get them from the library and few fishing titles are at my local. Thanks for posting the website. I'm going there now.

    Chuck Hitt

  5. #5


    The Audio Book program at Cracker Barrel restaurants has been a God-send. I travel from the western suburbs of Chicago to either Michigan or Wisconsin and I listen to many books over the season.

    You pick a tape (CD), pay full price at the register and be on your way. You can return it to any Cracker Barrel accross the country. If you keep it less than one week, you get a full refund less $1.50, 2 weeks you get a full refund less $3.00.

    I take at least three Audio books to Argentina for the 11 hour flight.


    [This message has been edited by BLUEWINGOLIVE (edited 08 November 2005).]

  6. #6


    I've been doing it for years. I buy them on eBay and used book stores or check them out at the library when they are available. Some I have listened to over and over like Big Two Hearted River.

    Randy Knapp

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2002


    Varden, Funny U mention that. I am listening to Hemingway's tale of Nick Adams trek to the B2HR as I type this. Actually 3 short stories.

    One you may want to keep your eye open for is Jerry Dennis' "The River Home".
    Another I listen to is anything by Patrick McManus.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Ithaca, NY USA


    I drive about 40 miles to work each way about 4 days a week about 9 months out of the year. Add to that a couple of drives out to Minnesota and/or Michigan and I go through at least a couple dozen audiobooks a year. Mysteries, thrillers, mostly fiction. Unabridged is a strong preference. I haven't tried fishing topics yet. Great idea!!
    "If I'm not going to catch anything, then I 'd rather not catch anything on flies" ... Bob Lawless

  9. #9


    I listen to my Chinese language CD's
    I'm gettin' better at the language but the tying is pretty much the same.

    There is a fine line between fly fishing and standing in a river waving a stick, and YOU SIR have crossed that line!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Penticton BC
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    I'm trying to learn to cast a little better. While tying flys I watch Lefty tell me what I am doing wrong with my cast . I have His DVD , each time I watch it I seem to get just a little better even tho I dont watch all of it just sort of have it on in the background . I'm actually doublehauling now .
    For God's sake, Don't Quote me! I'm Probably making this crap up!

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