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Thread: Poison Ivy/Oak/Sumac bath soap

  1. #1
    nighthawk Guest

    Exclamation Poison Ivy/Oak/Sumac bath soap

    Since I have it I might as well be the Guinea Pig for the rest of us. So, I ordered this bar from this ebay seller:


    I will let you know how it works.

    I will be making my own this year. The park where I moore my boat is loaded with jewelweed. The Rangers don't mind us picking it either.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    port charlotte,fl usa


    Might be a better alternative to the epsom salt & oatmeal bath ! Soak it away or wash it off

  3. #3


    Or do what the tree service/foresters do and go by your drug store and buy a bottle of Tecnu outdoor skin cleanser, which removes the oils from both poison ivy and poison oak.


  4. #4


    diito on the Technu, thats what ther forestry boys use

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Auckland New Zealand


    Quote Originally Posted by RoyC View Post
    Or do what the tree service/foresters do and go by your drug store and buy a bottle of Tecnu outdoor skin cleanser, which removes the oils from both poison ivy and poison oak.

    NOW you tell him!
    Look forward to hearing if the soap works Nighthawk.
    I hear that PETA are trying to re-name poison Ivy as "Kitten Ivy" so you mean guys will like it better!
    All the best.
    Last edited by Mike Thomas; 01-15-2009 at 04:25 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    913 Jackson Lake Rd, Chatsworth, Ga. 30705 (423) 438-1060


    The best thing for Poison Ivy/Oak/Sumac is still a bottle of Calamine, or Caladryl lotion.

    Actually, it is the second best thing. The first best thing is to stay away from the afore-mentioned plants.

  7. #7


    I've used the sap from jewelweed on poison ivy and stinging nettle. Works better than doing nothing but that's the way most of the remedies are for me. I am super sensitive to poison ivy, and if I think I've been exposed I wash and scrub four times with soap. That works the best if I do it within a couple of hours of exposure. When I was a kid I did the oatmeal bath, and I also had to drink a tincture of poison ivy in the morning to reduce my sensitivity. Don't know if the tincture helped but it did curdle the milk! Also, the tropical fruit mango has the same irritant as poison ivy on the skin, so I can eat the mango but have to peel it and not come in contact with the peels. Anyway, "I feel your pain". Good luck and get better soon.


  8. #8
    nighthawk Guest

    Thumbs up Good soap!

    The soap definitely helps. It has jewelweed, pine tar, tea oil and goat milk. Helped Amy's' dermatitis too. i bought mine from a Lewistown, Pa company called Homemade Products on ebay. A little pricey on the shipping but it was worth it when I was suffering. They did ship fast though so definitely worth the money.

    Here is the link to their store:


    Might be worth it for some to check them out.

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