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Thread: 2 Articles this week

  1. #1

    Default 2 Articles this week

    Surprisingly I read two articles from this weeks front page. Why? Simple, the subjects were of interest to me. So much so that I feel a few comments are in order.

    First the "Art Flick Flies Tied by Elsie Darbee", by Eric Austin. Excellent job and thanks to T. Hellickson for the photo'd flies. It's interesting to note that the lengths of the tail and hackle are longer than what is being prescribed in most books, magazines and demonstrations of recent years. Perhaps it's what's available or just how patterns are evolving towards dimunation. Frankly, damn all the hackle gauges. For pete's sake, just make your own on a small card based on the hooks you use or use your eyes.
    Another thing I noticed is the Flick Coffin Fly. Flick says that although it is his favorite artificial imitation of the Green Drake spinner, it is far from good.
    Lastly, the photos in the article appear to have heavier bodies than Flick, the Darbees and contemporaries tied. Does that matter? Probably not. Maybe these patterns are a little more difficult to tie than others. Maybe the materials are somewhat more difficult to obtain, or slightly more expensive than synthetics? (yes, not really and no). Although these patterns are historic, have been called obsolete, and have become 'personna non grata' in many catalogs, they've endured the test of time and news of their demise has been greatly exaggerated.
    Thanks Eric.

    The article by Eric Zeigler on Swaps was right on the money.


  2. #2


    Terry Hellickson asked to have this added to the Old Flies feature on the Darbee flies:

    "These flies are the property of Glenn C. Overton and were authenticated by Judie D. V. Smith (Judie Darbee)."

    LadyFisher, Publisher of

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2002


    I believe the little space left behind the eye on the shank was for the Turle knot that was much in use in the days of gut leaders. Once the clinch knot became popular there was not the need for it. Also according to a good friend of Arts, Art did not leave a space.
    As far as the hackle, many old writings propose 1 1/2 to 2 times the gap. My personal opinion is that with the quality of hackle in those days you did not get that long even length section of barbs . I've still got some of those old necks that the stems thickened quite rapidly and barbs lengthened compared to todays crops
    of beautiful hackle.
    If these were tied to Arts recipes there is one thing you have to remember. The only pattern totaly originated by Art was the Grey Fox Variant. And before the work on stream insects he did for Preston Jennings Art was not a dry fly fisherman.
    If you can get ahold of one there are audio tapes produced by Jim Bashline of one hour interviews with I believe 9 well known FF personalities of the time like Art, Marinaro, Fox, Slaymaker, both Joan and Lee Wulff, Ernie, Poul and Lefty. (At least that is all I have)
    Art is probably the most humble of all he interviewed and when Jim asked him about the flies he created he replies that only the GFV was his creation. Very interesting tapes and I am luck enough to have Art's signature on his cassette.
    Another interesting fact: While I was recovering from my operation two Junes ago Judie sent me up a 3 inch stack of old letters written to her father (and the nice thing was that Harry always made carbon copies of his replies) for me to read while I was bed ridden.
    One of the most interesting was a letter from Art Flick asking permission from Harry and Elsie to produce some of the Darbee patterns...just for his clientel at his Inn. He promised not to under cut their prices and not to sell them anywhere else. A very telling letter to the character of this man......... Bob
    PS I kind of wish I had made copies of some of them... Corey Ford, Sparse, Pinky G... They were wonderful to read and I hope Judy puts them all in a book some day..

    [This message has been edited by mantis (edited 09 November 2005).]

  4. #4



    We should ask, nay beg, her to do that this weekend. Would be a great companion volume: 'The Complete Fly Fishers, Notes and Letters, vol II'.

    I'd certainly buy a copy.


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