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Thread: A line type question

  1. #1

    Default A line type question

    I picked up a little White River Classic 6'3" 3wt 3pc at a garage sale, it's the one I think Bass Pro sells. I didn't need it but I do have a few tight little jungle streams I plan on using it on. The price was cheap it seems to be a med. plus maybe action rod. My question is with the short length on this rod what line type in 3wt. would work best? I'm only going to be casting no more that 20'-25' feet at max. Thanks..
    I was born at night, but not last night.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Klamath Falls, Oregon, USA


    You might want to consider trying a 4 wt line before you decide. With shorter rods I find I can cast better with a heavier line.


  3. #3


    Catman -

    Tim makes a very good point. I've got a medium fast 6' for 2/3 that is really sweet out to 30-40' with a DT4 line.

    Also, what ever weight or brand line you get, think in terms of a Double Taper, for the economy as well as the casting on this kind of rod.

    My personal favorite, which I have on all my rods - 3 wt, 5 wt, and 7 wt - is a Rio Selective Trout II in Double Taper, except the 7 wt with is WF.

    The fish are always right.

  4. #4



    I fish a lot of short rods and short casts. Although line preference depends on a lot of factors, the line that has served me best for the situation you describe is a Sci Angler Mastery Trout DOUBLE taper.

    The Mastery Trout DT is a standard taper line and it has the shortest front taper of all the Sci Angler lines and many other brands. A short front taper will get you to the belly and weight of the line with less line in the air which will help with rod loading on short casts.

    It makes over-lining unnecessary for me so I just stick with the rated line weight on my rods. A lot of the specialty tapers out there are too long in the front for my tastes when I expect to throw really short casts. The belly never leaves the tip-top.

    A short leader helps a lot too!! When I fish "tight little jungle streams" I usually use a leader around 5-6 foot.

  5. #5


    I would also suggest a DT4 unless that rod is a full flex rod and then a DT3 might work.I also wouldnt buy a top price line either.Check out H&H, a sponser here.I have heard good reviews on the lines they sell.

  6. #6

    Lightbulb I agree with Skip!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by SkipS View Post
    I would also suggest a DT4 unless that rod is a full flex rod and then a DT3 might work.I also wouldnt buy a top price line either.Check out H&H, a sponser here.I have heard good reviews on the lines they sell.
    My local Fly shop sells the Private Label Lines (From an un-named major manufacturer), that are the same as what H and H sells...for the price from my local guy I was able to upline my TFO 3wt to a 4wt DT in two colors for the price of one name brander...uplined, short rod with DT is the way to go IMHO.
    If you don't like it, it will give you an excuse to buy a rod to match the new line

  7. #7


    I would go with a DT 4 line. Those white river classics are a little stiff imho.

  8. #8


    If you go with a WF, I'd consider the Sylk line. It has very little memory. I love it for small reels.


  9. #9


    WF3F you do not want a DT line with a med action rod and very short casts. You say you will be casting 20-25' max. with a 6' rod and a 9' leader you will have less then 10' of line out past the rod tip. 10' of DT will not load the rod. Use a WF line with an aggressive front taper to get as much weight going as you can. In lighter rods like a 3wt a 4wt line is a 25% increase in weight..too much. It's the same as putting 8wt line on an 6wt rod, WAY too much.
    The man who coined the phrase "Money can't buy happiness", never bought himself a good fly rod!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    North Carolina


    You might wish to consider the Wulff Triangle Taper lines.
    Great for roll casting on small streams.
    When you can arrange your affairs to go fishing, forget all the signs, homilies, advice and folklore. JUST GO.

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