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Thread: True holiday spirit

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    West Tennessee

    Default True holiday spirit

    For the past few years our church does a holiday give away. We have donors from church that give cash and we take the high school kids out and give it away.
    There are basically no rules to doing this. We pray that God sends us to people that need it and we go where we get the feeling to go. As you can imagine the stories that come out are quite wonderful.

    This year my group went to a store and we were going to pay for people's items as they checked out. We have done this on previous years and it always worked out well. This year had a little twist to it.

    We (tried) to pay for people's rung up items and the people we chose kept saying "we don't need the help, please give it to someone else. This happened 3 times in a row, so we decided to go elsewhere as it seemed God was giving us the message that wasn't the place to be this year.

    So we went to a Good Will store. I digress slightly......... I did give a small amount of $$ to a man that lost his debit card in the other store and low and behold he pulls up at Good Will as we walk in. He says, "They found my card, here is your $$ back, give it to someone that needs it" !!!

    Ok. So you think that is the end? Nope.

    One of the guys in our group decides to leave Good Will and go to a grocery store next to the Good Will. He sees two elderly people obviously scouring over the meat department in search of "deals". He thinks, "well this is where we need to be". He offers to pay for their items and they say, "we could use the help, thank you". They get ready to ring the items up and the lady turns to the fella and says, "Do you really want to help someone tonite"? He says, "of course that is why we are out". The lady then tells him to give the money to her daughter, gives him her phone number and address and tells him not to say who told us to come.

    Long story, short we pooled all of our individual money for that night and bought clothing at the Good Will for a family of five children with a single Mom that basically lived in a shack. We gave her some cash and she was flabergasted at what was done for her.

    What a night we had!!

    Every year it turns out like this. IF you are wondering if there is really a God and searching for "something" in your life, then take a group out one night, pray for God to send you to someone in need and see where he takes you.
    Good fishing technique trumps all.....wish I had it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    southwest Virginia

    Thumbs up Big GOOD Wulff!

    Big Bad Wulff,

    So, the BBW is really not so bad after all! Does this mean you'll be changing your handle to the Big Good Wulff?

    Just kidding. What an inspiring story!

    A reminder to folks what it's all about.
    Last edited by Grn Mt Man; 12-18-2008 at 02:28 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004


    My brother is a paramedic on the local fire department ambulance crew. Someone ( they don't know who ) donated a large amount of money for needy kids in town. Sunday they are taking 20 kids to the Walmart store in the next town and giving each of them $100 to either spend on themselves or their parents or brothers and sisters. They are then going to take them back to the firehall and help them wrap the gifts that they bought. Then the ambulance crew is taking all the kids out for a pizza party and paying for it with money from their own pockets. The local high school is donating a school bus for the day for their use.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    West Tennessee


    That is wonderful. Good for them.
    Good fishing technique trumps all.....wish I had it.

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