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Thread: Going on an adventure

  1. #1

    Talking Going on an adventure

    Well it's been months in the planning but the time is finally here for what could be my greatest adventure. This Thursday I hop the first of 4 airplanes on my way to Lamu, Kenya. Lamu is a sleepy fishing village located on a group of islands on the coast, bathed by the Indian Ocean. This is a 10 day hard core fishing trip, pure and simple. Among our targets are the Grander Black Marlin that prowl these waters at this time, plus Blue Marlin, Sailfish, Dogtooth and Yellowfin Tuna, HUGE GT's and many other species.

    I'll be meeting up with 4 crazy Norwegians, one of which I work closely with at Mustad. With some luck and good weather it should be quite a trip. Of course I'll be sure to submit an article/report for FAOL. While many of the fish are simply too large for the fly rod, I am bringing 3 set ups and the flies needed to do some damage on the Sails, Dogtooth and GT's.

    Stay tuned : )

  2. #2

    Cool We're excited

    Thanks Dr. Fish - we always love your stories and photos. Just in case, we are now able to put video on FAOL.....hint?

  3. #3


    Best of luck, Dr. Fish! Sounds like an awesome fishing adventure!
    David Merical
    St. Louis, MO

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Auckland New Zealand


    Best of luck and may I say get inland as well if you have a chance, Kenya is one of the loveliest places I have ever visited, and if you get the chance there are Trout in some of the streams that come off Mt Kenya, right on the equater close to Nanyuki and some lovely fish in the rift valley lakes.
    I once fished for catfish and perch in lake Baringo while siting up to my neck in the water to keep cool and a crocodile swam past about 15 feet away!
    The Kenyan peaple are very friendly, I hope you enjoy the trip and catch lots of fish.
    All the best.

  5. #5


    Sweet!!!!!!! Can't wait for the report.
    Trout don't speak Latin.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Carmel, ME USA


    Sounds like a great trip. Looking forward to the report and pictures, lots of pictures.
    Happiness is wading boots that never have a chance to dry out.

  7. #7


    Oh don't worry, there will be lots and lots of photos taken (and some video LF). A trip like this typically results in somewhere between 500 and a 1000 shots. While this is vacation, I need to take my time shooting pics for Mustad's use as well as for other friends within the industry. All cameras are cleaned and ready, all batteries charges, scuba housing lubricated and cleaned and video camera tapes ready and batteries charged.

    Of course you can never trust the weather man BUT as of right now, the next week looks just fantastic with a mix of sun, clouds and showers and light to no winds (knock on wood).

    Flies are tied and packed, lines dressed and bags packed and weighed to meet airline guidelines.

    Maybe a neat shot or two will finds it's way here next week as rumor has it a cafe has wi-fi in the little village we will be in : )

    No inland stuff likely this trip. If there is any land based stuff it would be a wildlife safari and not fishing. I'd rather see the local fauna then chase trout. I catch lots of trout : )

  8. #8
    Fatman Guest


    Hope you have a great trip, can't wait to see photo's and write up. Can I stow-away in your baggage PLEASE!!!!!


  9. #9


    Have a safe trip, and GOOD FISHIN, Jeff!!!

    Maybe we'll meet up in WNY one of these years.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Auckland New Zealand


    Hey Dr Fish, yes the fauna is fantastic, there is nothing quite like driving along and having to give way to Elephants, Girafes and any number of other animals. It is very touristy but even so the Masai Maira is fantastic, almost garanteed to see Lion, cheeta, gazelle, elephant, girafe etc.
    The local kids will all hit you up for pens and pencils, so I suggest you take a fair few, they realy do appreciate them.
    Anyhow, have a great time.
    All the best.

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