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Thread: I've been away for a while....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    SW Ontario, Canada
    Blog Entries

    Default I've been away for a while....

    I was visiting some family members a couple hours away while my wife was in the US with some of our other friends.

    We were musky fishing with casting gear so I left all my stuff here. When we got home, our house was broken into and along with TV's, Computers and a lot of everything else that was stolen, was all my fishing gear.

    I'm not in the greatest of moods over this as I've put a lot of time and money into my gear over the last year, to have some piece of **** steal it all.

    Insurance is covering most of everything, but two of our tv's, my fishing gear, and a few small odds and ends, some tools etc aren't covered.

    I've been checking ebay, and the classified adds watching. But I'm not seeing anything as of yet. I live in Lakeside Ontario, close to London, Woodstock, Stratford etc. If anyone hears or sees anything in this area, please let me know.

    I'll try and be around more often now that I'm back. Doubt I'll be doing much fishing though They didn't steal my other blanks, 2wt and 4wt. But I can't get those up and fishable till mid winter unfortunately.

    Take care everyone,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Auckland New Zealand


    I feel for you Shane, Hope the local cops are good enough to catch the scum bags.
    All the best.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Auckland, New Zealand


    What an awful way to return home. Hope the cops get them.

    - Jeff

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Bastids one and all. I hate theives. If you have a 2 wt and a 4 wt blank, you need a nice salmon, carp rod. A 7 wt would make a nice addition. Hoping things work out for you. Also, get a different insurer if they won't cover the TVs or fishing gear. That doesn't sound right somehow.


  5. #5


    Shane -

    Was wondering where you had been - really missed your posts about your fishing adventures. Thought maybe you had caught a really big CARP and went speechless ( and typeless ) on us.

    That burglary thing is a real bummer. Bad enough for you and your family for the goods you lost ( insured or otherwise ). BUT to steal Otto stories from your friends here on the FAOL BB !! That s####.

    Anyway, look for a PM.

    The fish are always right.

  6. #6


    This is terrible and I know how you feel. My car got broken into once and the CD player and many CD's got stolen (not all covered by insurance). I was luckier than you because all my fishing gear was in the boot and the thiefs didn't look there.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    SW Ontario, Canada
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    Hi Everyone,

    Thanks for the comments. More touching than what I've been hearing from everyone else lately.

    So it seems, because I have registered a business name (Just so no one would take it). My insurance is VOID! C'mon, wtf is that? They said I'm running a reptile business from home and should have business insurance and not homeowners insurance. So, EVERYTHING is not covered now. So I'm up **** creek, without anything.

    John, thanks again my friend. You can look forward to more of my adventures lol. If I had caught a carp, you'd all know about it, before my wife even! Carp.......Grrrr.

    The good news is, they didn't take the main television, or my computer (As it was with me). And I had some used computers downstairs, still set up. We had just stored them downstairs when we replaced them. But, some things aren't even really replaceable. Some jewelry, antique fly reels I got my my grampie before he passed, etc.

    even though I lost more money in the tv's and computers. It's still not as hurtful as my fly gear. May have not spent as much in it, but I sure as hell got a lot more use and pleasure out of it. It actually meant something to me.

    So from now on, the rotties are coming in the house from the outside enclosure when we leave.

    Thanks again for the kind words guys. And thanks a lot John for helping me out. I appreciate it.

    Take care everyone,

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    SW Ontario, Canada
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    Other good news is. I threw out some trash and in our bin, was my tying materials. 99% of it all was intact and fine. And my vice was put away and was never even touched. So I still have all my tying tools and materials! So I'm super happy about that.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Shane, I'm not an insurance guy but when something smells like dead fish that has been rotting three days in the hot sun, something isn't right. I would contact my better business bureau or the Canadian equivalent. They can probably point you in the right direction as far as the agency that over sees insurance companies. I wouldn't roll over on the one and I would be fighting for what I had been paying for. Don't let them get away with it. Push back with the help of some of the government agencies. You still have your computer, time for some Google work to be done.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Columbus, OH

    Default Totally bummed

    OD - I am so freaking bummed about your loss. I am glad no one got physically hurt, but one feels so violated when this happens. As to the insurance, it is pretty much what I expect these days. I just had a review on mine and you have to ask about every possibility. Lightening, wind, flood vs. sewer backup, art work, fishing equipment, boat, falling jet engines, etc., etc., etc. A few years back, I had a big tree go down and smash a section of fence and some smaller trees. When I first called the agency, I was told that I wasn't covered for ligtening, but if it had been wind I was OK. I called the owner of the agency (Nationwide), told him the story. He stated, "Well, It sounds like wind damage to me, and we'll pay for it." Luckily, I knew the guy. Most states have an Insurance Board or Commission that you can complain to, but take a wild guess who gets appointed to the seats - you got it - old insurance agents.

    If anyone out there has a list of which insurance companies did right by their customers after Katrina, let me know. Those are the companies I want to support.
    To Miss Nancy - She hated fishing, but loved a fisherman.

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