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Thread: Fur Scraper

  1. #1

    Default Fur Scraper

    I have seen fly tyers using a fur scraping tool to get the underfur from deer, rabbit, hare skins etc.. I don't appear to be able to buy one in the UK.

    Is there a simple readily available alternative that I can use??

  2. #2


    Mustache comb, or any fine-toothed comb. I got mine with a set of clippers. (electric beard trimmer)


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Upstate, New York


    I use an eyelash brush. They work great.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Carmel, ME USA



    I believe what your looking for is a fur rake, if your trying to get dubbing material from a skin. I know Marc Pettitjean and Lawrence Waldron have some marketed in the UK, I just don't know the names of the stockists that may carry them

    I use one from a US manufacturer who is also a sponsor here. http://www.flytyingtools.com/webpages/tools/furRake.htm I especially like mine when using mole for dubbing. Much neater than cutting the hair from the skin.

    Is that what your looking for?

    You may be able to order directly from Wasatch or find a stockist that carries their tools. Excellent tools by the way. Built to last and feel great in the hand.

    Spent a bit of time Googling and found this link for you. http://www.danica.com/flytier/law/law_rake.htm Not sure of the price, but I've heard they are very good tools.

    Last edited by Ron Eagle Elk; 07-17-2008 at 06:01 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2003


    I use a comb that is used to remove lice from ones head,found it in a drug store. works great!

  6. #6
    Fatman Guest



    Don't know if you want to wait to get one from the States but this is the one I have pretty cheap and works great.


    If you know anyone who does metal work they might even be able to make you one. Or check with your local fly shop and see if they can order tools from Terra.

    There's a fly shop in England I found on the web http://www.fly-fishing-tackle.co.uk/...ing_tools.html that has what they call a Stonefly Fur Rake - SF5. Don't buy it!!! it's a cheap plastic and the one I had used it once and it snapped in half.

    Last edited by Fatman; 07-17-2008 at 01:31 PM.

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by mickporter View Post
    I have seen fly tyers using a fur scraping tool to get the underfur from deer, rabbit, hare skins etc.. I don't appear to be able to buy one in the UK.

    Is there a simple readily available alternative that I can use??
    Lawrence sells his tools and equipment, including the ceramic dubbing rakes, directly;


    If you want a cheap and quite effective alternative, cut or break off a piece of hacksaw blade, and epoxy it to an appropriate handle. These wont stay as sharp as the Ceramiscrapes, but mine last a year or more before I have to renew the piece of hacksaw blade.

    The size of the teeth on the blade governs how the dubbing is cut and removed from the fur. Use a fine toothed ( metal cutting) blade for fine dubbing, and a coarser blade for coarser dubbing.

    To cut the hacksaw blade I use a Dremel tool with a cutting disc. One hacksaw blade will make a couple of dozen rakes.

    The blade is epoxied flat to the end of a piece of stick or similar. I also made some very nice looking and ( and operating!) rakes using disposable razor handles.


    Last edited by Mike-Connor; 07-17-2008 at 04:21 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Lakeland, FL USA


    I actually use a surgical retractor. It's like a curved rake with four very sharp teeth. I picked it up in an Army/Navy surplus store for $1.00 and it works great. Made of stainless steel and will last forever. You might try looking for one either locally or via the internet. Just a thought...

    Jim Smith

  9. Default

    PS. Just a tip, if you don?t want to "waste" a new hacksaw blade, ( although they only cost pennies), the ends of "used" hacksaw blades are usually as good as new. I had a large supply of these, as I used to own a metalworking shop.

    The temper on the various brands varies somewhat. The hard tempered "induction hardened" hardened teeth, make the best fur scrapes. These also last a long time.

    One may even sharpen them if desired, using a diamond file, but I rarely bother doing this.


  10. #10


    i use a dog comb my wife got at walmart. they come in assorted sizes with metal teeth , and are much better than any mustache comb ive ever tried.

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