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Thread: Donated Fly Rod :(

  1. #1

    Default Donated Fly Rod :(

    Donated a 2 wt Thomas and Thomas with a very small stainless hardy reel to the state of TN last weekend. Can you believe I just walked off and left it laying on the ground???? Was trying to teach my son how to mend and set the rod down on a patch of grass along the rocks and forgot it. Senior Moment? Call it what you will. It was a gift to my father from the TVFF several years ago before he died. Went back looking for it and nothing to be found. SIGH

    Sad Day
    "Drawn to water"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    That is very, very sad and I can only hope and pray that someone turns it in to someone and you end up with it back. Please keep us posted. What body of water were you fishing?

    This is very sad.....
    Fly fishing and fly tying are two things that I do, and when I am doing them, they are the only 2 things I think about. They clear my mind.

  3. #3


    Below the dam at the Elk. About half way down between the bridge and the turn. Lost but not forgotten. Oh well...he only had about ten other rods, just really enjoyed that little 6' 2 wt.

    "Drawn to water"

  4. #4

    Default Donated Fly Rod


    You are not alone. This past Memorial Day, I was fishing for Bluegill and set down my Cabela's Stowaway (7 1/2', 4 wgt). I was fishing with my 3 sons who were doing very well. When I got home, the rod case was empty and no sign of my Orvis Battenkill reel.

    I'm sure I had it when I went back to the van, but I must have placed it on the roof so that it wouldn't get stepped on. Some how I forgot it was up there.

    I checked with the owners of the pond (private ponds here in New Mexico) to see if anyone turned the fly rod in. The place was very busy and it looks like someone picked it up. I sure hope someone will use it and not just put it in a corner of their house.

    Anyway, I got a new rod and reel on order.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    It happens to more people than you might imagine. I left a new 3 wt outfit on top of my van and drove off last year. I returned within 15 mins and it was gone. I contacted the police to see if anyone turned it in - NO. I made myself feel better by ording 5 more rods last year after that event.

    One step forward ....

    Quote Originally Posted by Vinny View Post

    You are not alone. This past Memorial Day, I was fishing for Bluegill and set down my Cabela's Stowaway (7 1/2', 4 wgt). I was fishing with my 3 sons who were doing very well. When I got home, the rod case was empty and no sign of my Orvis Battenkill reel.

    I'm sure I had it when I went back to the van, but I must have placed it on the roof so that it wouldn't get stepped on. Some how I forgot it was up there.

    I checked with the owners of the pond (private ponds here in New Mexico) to see if anyone turned the fly rod in. The place was very busy and it looks like someone picked it up. I sure hope someone will use it and not just put it in a corner of their house.

    Anyway, I got a new rod and reel on order.


  6. #6
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    It can't hurt to leave a note at the local shops and on the site if possible. I know that I would certainly turn in a rod if I found one (and have done so), and so far, most of the stuff that I have misplaced has been returned to me once I asked around and someone knew who to give it back to (nets, wading boots, canoe paddles, you name it).


  7. #7


    Thanks I will post a note with Tims Flies and Lies and the red caboose. Maybe something will show up. Not likely but maybe.
    Nice to know I'm not the only one but I feel everyone's pain with misplacing a rod!
    "Drawn to water"

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    On morning some years back, my buddy and I were fishing the south county, Rhode Island beaches
    When lunch time came around we headed off to Micky-D's... which included a stretch on busy US RT 1... a total of about 6-7 miles
    Imagine my surprise when we got out of the van and my fly rod was still perched upon the car roof
    Ever since, I've learned to put my rod on the windshield when getting prepared to move.
    I find that I'm less likely to drive off when the rod is right there in my face
    The simpler the outfit, the more skill it takes to manage it, and the more pleasure one gets in his achievements.
    --- Horace Kephart

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Thumbs up

    I left a good fly rod and reel leaning against a bush at a local lake. It was one my son uses. We left for home never missing it. The next trip to that remote lake two weeks later we parked and set up the tent where we always do. As I was pounding in a tent peg, Mike, my son said hey Dad look here. There still leaning into the bush was that fly rod and reel. It had a spider web on it but otherwise it was just as I had left it. Lady Luck favours the Dumbo's of the world I suppose.

    That windshield comment reminded me of an incident at the fish in.
    A Certain party and I were planning a short 200 yard drive over to a different lake. I began to take down my 5wt so it would fit in the car when He said

    " Just put them under the windshield wiper blades I do it all the time and they ride perfectly".

    Who am I to disagree? I did as he did put my rod under the wiper and got in the car. Now the problem was it was spitting a very light rain. As he started down the road He automatically started the wipers. Both rods flew off the car. No damage except to His ego.
    For God's sake, Don't Quote me! I'm Probably making this crap up!

  10. #10

    Default Praise God!

    The rod was found! And I have it back safely in my possession.
    "Drawn to water"

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