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Thread: New Camera Experiment ( not FF )

  1. #1

    Default New Camera Experiment ( not FF )

    I really have little doubt that this will work, but it has required quite a bit of playing around with my new Olympus Stylus 850SW and the software that came with it, so I consider it in the experimental stage until this thread proves out.

    The BLM is in town this weekend as part of their Wild Horse and Burro Auction / Adoption Program. Somewhere around 100 mustangs ranging from yearling fillies and geldings up to four year old adults and 10 burros. As part of the Program, they have a horse handler / trainer demonstrate techniques for "gentling" wild horses.

    Today's demonstration featured a two year old bay mare who was gathered with other mustangs in her band this past January in the Roberts Mountain, NV area. Since gathered, she has been corraled with other mustangs and has been around people, at distance, but not handled by anyone. She was a medium sized energetic horse with nice conformation. Turned out in the corral before the demonstration began, she showed her wild nature and background as she searched for an opening to escape, including once trying to go over the 6' high top rail. It was a delight to watch this critter move around the corral at close range - such power and grace.

    Mario Johnson from Georgetown, ID was the trainer. He has been handling horses since he was a kid, and has been demonstrating "gentling" techniques with the BLM for about ten years. Keep in mind that this horse, only four months off remote Nevada desert mountain country, has never been touched by a human being before today.

    It took about an hour before the horse was willing to let Mario touch her. Actually, she touched him with her nose as he held out his hand to let her smell him. Not too much further into the Program, he succeeded in getting a halter on her.

    By the end of two hours, the mustang was compliant to the halter and permitted Mario to approach and pet her just about whenever he wanted to do so!! Over the two hours, this mare never once tried to bite or kick Mario - wild but not mean.

    So the mare had a learning experience, I've had one learning the new camera and software, and some of the NBOF crowd had one as they looked on in admiration and envy of the mustang mare.

    Been a good day. Back to fishing a small stream in the mountains tomorrow.
    The fish are always right.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Carmel, ME USA


    If I had land enough for horses, that's what I'd have on my place. Love the wild horses.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    clinton mississippi


    hmmmmmm that threesome looks familiar
    "some go to church and think about fishing, others go fishing and think about God." Tony Blake

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Oregon Coast(Outside of Seaside/Astoria)


    First off, THANK YOU, for a really great "OT story" they're a nice break from the ordinary! Second; NICE WORK with your new camera! For "JUST getting it and trying it out", the pictures are sharp, crisp, well centered and excellent focus points.
    he horses surely got my attention and brought back a lot of memories from the days of my horse breeding and cattle ranch, up in Idaho, back in the 80s & 90s.
    THIRD, of course, it was really super the way you snapped the last shot. ALL THREE of the powers to be, from the Island Nation of Ohio...............all grouped together like that, all watching the "goings on", in obvious complete concentration. A beautiful shot!

    Nice, too, to see one of the three, in a picture without BREAD MAKING being involved, the other. "doing something besides "whining that Tori out fished me, AGAIN!" and the last Island of Ohio Ambassador not wearing the FAOL/Trilene Traveling Hat, upside down on his head!!
    Nice photo work, keep enjoying the new camera and get some FISHIES next time, to shoot pictures of too!
    Last edited by flybinder; 05-31-2008 at 05:58 AM.
    Saint Paul-"The Highly Confused"
    You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.
    -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

  5. #5

    Default Sport Mode Experiment

    Stopped by Avery's this afternoon to see how the sport mode did on some fast moving critters.

    This kid made 8 Seconds.

    This bull unloaded well before 8 Seconds.

    Another rider also made 8 Seconds before a rather crude dismount.

    All in all, pretty well satisfied with how it captured the action.
    Last edited by JohnScott; 06-02-2008 at 03:55 AM.
    The fish are always right.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    West Tennessee


    Hate to say. Don't care much for horses and quite a few equestrians. Many around here have 'the attitude".
    I know that isn't everyone of course but many just have the "I'm the only person on this planet" attitude.
    It doesn't help that a group around here got some local State PArk land closed "for them only" and the Park didn't re-open any trails for the rest of us to use to make up for our loss of access.
    Left a very bad taste in my mouth for horses and their owners. Again I realize this is not everyone.

    Good fishing technique trumps all.....wish I had it.

  7. #7


    BBW -

    I wouldn't care much for the elitist equestrians you described, either.

    Don't know what that has to do with horses ??

    The fish are always right.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Poulsbo, Washington State, U.S.A.


    Nice John, I have the sport mode on my new camera too. Hope it will stop water droplets when I try to shoot some fishing pictures. Love the dust in the second picture.

  9. #9


    J.C. -

    Hadn't thought of the water drops thing. Now THAT would be great !!


    P.S. Hope you enjoy your Pentax as much as I am enjoying the Olympus.
    The fish are always right.

  10. #10


    Only droplet in this picture is about 18 years old and 160 pounds.

    But there's that dust again.
    The fish are always right.

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