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Thread: Fall River is just fine

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Modoc Country.... Extreme N.E. California high desert
    Blog Entries

    Default Fall River is just fine

    A week or two back there was a thread about Fall River in No. CA. Seems there was some alarming news saying it was far below normal flows.... alarmingly low. No Worries, Boys,
    that's my old stompin' grounds, and I never stay away for long......................

    I was just there, in fact, we just a little while ago arrived home. My wife, son and I just spent the weekend in Cassel, CA, a little community right on Hat Creek there. My brother in law Jeff lives there, and he, I, and my son Justin fished all weekend on Hat Creek and Fall River, ran out of time before we got over to the Pit..... . Weather was kinda dicey, heavy overcast, rain and showers up till Monday afternoon when the sun came out a bit. We gave our fly rods a workout all around the area. We caught a few and had a very good time. Even went after some bluegills on a couple local farm ponds, they just attacked our yellow foam spiders. We seemed to have one in a fight nearly every cast. Lots of brush around there, and we left some fancy decorations or all to see what to fish with.
    The best fishing was in Hat Creek in the first mile or so above the Cassel forebay. That is part of PG&E's Hydroelectric system in those parts. The trout there are rainbows, running about 14 to 18 " We did best with caddis and PMDs, the fish there get a lot of pressure, and we had to work for 'em, but had a very good time. Dozens of muskrats workin' the area, and hundreds of various swamp birds singin' to us all the while. The baitslingers were really haulin' 'em in with worms they float just off the bottom by injectin' 'em with air. They had fun, but we had more..haha!
    Fall River is right up to normal levels, and the fish there have seen lots of fishermen, PMDs and tricos, and Bob Quigley's cripples in size 20 and 22 are standard fare there, and you gotta be on your game to land what you hook on barbless 22's. We didn't have much time on Fall River, as we were runnin out of light when we got there. We figure to spend more time there when we go back next month, and maybe bring some of them 20" 'bows to hand. The best news is the locals say Fall River hasn't been low for even a
    The Pit is always one of our favorites there, and next month we figure it to be our first stop.
    Always exciting to give a good report, only trouble is it wasn't a five day weekend
    ................................Happy Fishin' Y'all !!!..................ModocDan

  2. #2


    Dan -

    What an interesting variety of water and fish to fit into a three day weekend. I don't think I could stand it if you were reporting on a five day weekend !!

    I haven't been to that part of the country for a long time. Used to have some cousins in the Alturas area - cattle ranching. Every time I see the Modoc in ModocDan I think about them.

    Need to go fish that area one of these days. Maybe mid July after visiting with my son and grandchildren while they are in Truckee for a week. Alturas would be on the way home, kind of. Right ??

    The fish are always right.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Modoc Country.... Extreme N.E. California high desert
    Blog Entries


    Hey John !
    I'm a 5th generation native from Lookout. I got cousins all over that country.....kinda spooky, actually. To answer your question, fishin' makes anywhere on the way. However, I am easier to convince than my wife on that score. I haven't fished that end of the Pit all that much, but we used to get channel cat up there, and Big Sage reservoir was a great place for bass, as I remember. There's a fella who posts on here, time to time who has shown pictures of some real nice channel cat he catches on flies.
    ...................Happy travelin'...........................ModocDan

    By the way, I had a fella PM me a year or so ago who works for the Missouri Department of Corrections..... They go by MODOC............He thought I might have been an inmate................I got him on the right track straightaway about ModocDan

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Davis Creek, CA, USA


    I'm a fourth generation Modocer, as is my husband. Our ranch, in the Davis Creek area, is 93 years old this coming September. My husband's great grandparents moved to Davis Creek from Dixie Valley, and mine moved to the Goose Lake Valley, from Nebraska, around the same time.

  5. #5


    ranchwife -

    You have a PM.

    The fish are always right.

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