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Thread: Problems with Fornhan Wrap

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Portage, PA

    Default Problems with Fornhan Wrap

    I discovered a problem with the fornhan wrap when it comes to small singlefoot guides for fly rods. There is virtually no stem between the guidefoot and the guide leaving no space to slip the locking wraps behind and underneath the guide. I keep getting a thread gap. No matter how I attack it. I have a pro going to take a look at some digitals of the guides to see if he can figure something out or show me if I'm doing something wrong.

    Just wondered if anyone else has had this problem.
    Last edited by lastchance; 07-02-2008 at 02:53 PM.

  2. Default


    i have had the same problem. I wonder though are you putting a wrap around the the guide leg as well or just around the blank behind the foot? I would dispense with the wrap around the foot itself if so. just finish up with 2 wraps underneath the foot and around the blank. this should make it neater and easier to pack together.

  3. #3
    Normand Guest


    Last edited by Normand; 05-09-2008 at 01:02 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Portage, PA

    Default Fornhan help

    Hi Norman: I spoke with a guy yesterday and I think I was executing the wrap wrong. But, I went home last night and did it correctly (went around the guide) and it still didn't look very neat.
    Here's how I complete the wrap:

    1) I wrap 2 wraps around the rod behind the guide foot.
    2) I then take the third wrap counter clockwise around the guide and then over the blank 2 more times.

    I'm beginning to think that the stem is so slight that I might be best just to make 2 wraps behind the guide and leave it at that as you suggested.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Limaville, Ohio, USA


    Hopkins & Holloway makes a wire single foot that sets up off the blank a bit, and those should work well with the Forhan wrap. Anglers Workshop carries them.
    Another option would be to use the single foot fly guides with an insert, as they sit up off the blank a bit too.


    Ultra Light Fly Fisherman, and Small Stream Specialist

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Limaville, Ohio, USA


    Hopkins & Holloway makes a wire single foot that sets up off the blank a bit, and those should work well with the Forhan wrap. Anglers Workshop carries them.
    Another option would be to use the single foot fly guides with an insert, as they sit up off the blank a bit too.


    Ultra Light Fly Fisherman, and Small Stream Specialist

  7. Default

    I'm not a big fan of the Hopkins & Holloway single foots. The ones that I got were not very symmetrical, which made it hard to line them up straight. The extra height magnified any misalignment.

    You could always do a blocking wrap instead of the Forhan locking wrap. Just make 3 or 4 extra wraps past the top of the guide. It holds well enough.

  8. Default

    The double wrap around the front of the guide is called a security wrap and has been around some time. The Forhan is started first over the blank and under the guide foot than figured eights to finish, it will never look as good as the previous wrap, but should look not to bad and indistinguishable at arms length with finish on it. It also makes it harder to get the air out around the guide feet if you don't apply finish from the guide tip toward the ring. I use more CP on my wraps with this system to fill the pockets on both sides of the guide foot up before putting on finish when using Forhan wraps, just easier to get the air out.

  9. #9


    Lastchance - from your pics, the thread that comes over the top of the foot at a diagonal (maybe your first locking wrap) definitely looks incorrect. If you imagine looking at the guide from the end, the wraps should look like a figure 8 with the guide in the top half of the 8. Sometimes a space will occur between the blocking wraps and the locking wraps, but the blocking wraps can be reduced/eliminated to solve that. Also, the small gaps that appear at the shoulders of the wrap disappear with finish. I believe the tutorial in the library at www.rodbuilding.org was written by Rich Forhan himself.



  10. Default

    Looking at your photo, you need to bring the guide wrap further forward and the the Forhan wrap goes in front, When your done it won't look like a regular wrap it will stick out a bit in front. It will be all over the bit of room in front of where you stopped and the guide's bend.

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