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Thread: Fanfare (Not FF'ing)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Loretto, TN

    Default Fanfare (Not FF'ing)

    In 1942 Aaron Copland wrote a musical piece entitled, "Fanfare for the Common Man." It's original intent was to promote the war effort (WWII) and hopefully boost the spirits of the Allies. There was a lot of propaganda then, which is where a lot of WWII movies came from. The Allies got the idea from Germany which produced propaganda films for the Axis. Back to the Fanfare...

    During WWI, another musical piece was written for the same reason. It was written by British Composers and was a big hit, apparently boosting morale and support. Aaron Copland, who was an American composer, was instructed to write a piece for the same reason, which was to be entitled, "Fanfare for the Soldier." It was meant to be for the everyday man who became a soldier or sailor or any other low ranking enlisted man during the war. Aaron Copland saw it differently and entitled it, "Fanfare for the Common Man." It was premiered March 12, 1943 at tax time, which Aaron Copland completely supported since he wrote it for the common man.

    I have never read anything about who the "common man" may be, but I have my own ideas. I have it on my computer and play it in my car. It's one of the best pieces of music I've ever heard, not so much for the music itself, but who it was written for. I consider myself a "common man" having done various types of work, supported my country and served in the military as an enlisted man. When I really think about it though, the "common man" is the one that built this country.

    I see construction workers, law enforcement officers, enlisted men and women, farmers, and numerous others that built this country. Not so much the ones higher up the ladder, but the little man. This piece of music makes me think of those people who work their fingers to the bone and build this country. It instills a sense of pride in me when I hear it, knowing that I am one of those people and I'm sure there are a lot more on this site that are also.

    The "Common Man" doesn't get a lot of praise for what they do. It's usually those that are higher up, but without the "common man" where would they be?

    If you're wondering why I felt that this needed to be put here, it's because it's something that I believe in and it's something that I felt needed praise. It is a piece of music that I really enjoy and invokes feelings in me for those of us who are "common" because I can relate to that. I also had a few beers and that may have brought it out of me, but the point still remains.... This music was written for common people and should be recognized.

    So is there a particular piece of music that anyone has a personal connection to, whether it's like this or another way? If so, what is it?
    Last edited by joerogrz; 05-12-2008 at 03:49 AM.
    May the holes in your net be no larger than the fish in it. ~Irish Blessing~

  2. #2


    Thanks for posting this info! The group "Emerson, Lake and Palmer" performed the only version I have heard.
    Enjoying the joys of others and suffering with them- these are the best guides for man. A.E.

  3. #3


    Thank you for posting.

    "Fanfare" ranks right up there with the all time inspirational pieces of music such as "Ode to Joy" from Beethoven's 9th symphony, "Ride of the Valkaries (sp)" by Wagner and "Taccota and Fuge in D" by Bach.

    I think "Fanfare was used as theme music for one of the CBS news specials/series some years back.


  4. #4
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    Default Music to my ears

    Interesting thread. Way to start it!

    Too many beautiful pieces of music out there. Music is a mirror. Depending on the moment, there's something beautiful out there to accent it.

    Low Budg...might you be thinking about CBS Sunday Morning? Website says the piece is 'ablassen' by someone called Reiche. And all this time I thought it was a Haydn voluntary....WRONG.

    But I WILL tell you which piece of music I can't stand....CANON IN D BY PACHEBEL!!!!
    If I hear that one more time....I feel like taking the stupid radio and putting it in the dishwasher! Or at a wedding....feel like taking the violin from anyone in the 4tet and smashing it a-la Jimi Hendrix!!!


    ok..keep thinking...10 o'clock.....2 o'clock....10 o'clock

    Bad Luck

  5. #5
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    Loretto, TN


    Oh c'mon Larry... Canon is awesome!! I can relate to something being over-used though and I see how that one is so often used, but I'm not tired of it yet....
    May the holes in your net be no larger than the fish in it. ~Irish Blessing~

  6. #6
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    Have you read "Citizen Soldiers" by Stephen Ambrose? I believe you would like it... Same basic theme you just waxed on...

    Low budget
    Cannot hear the Ride of the V without thinking of Apocalypse Now and surfing...

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Loretto, TN


    hap- I've not read it yet, but after checking it out on Amazon, I'll more than likely be reading it pretty soon.
    May the holes in your net be no larger than the fish in it. ~Irish Blessing~

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