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Thread: Salmon River Guides

  1. #1

    Default Salmon River Guides

    New guy here, first i'd like to say hello to everyone, my name is Mike and i'm from Michigan. I'm heading to Bar Harbor around the 1st of November to pick up my daughter and thought i would stop over in Pulaski to fish the Salmon River. I believe the big browns are entering the system then along with steelies and i'm looking for some recommendations on guides in the area and also a place to bunk. I also need to find a kennel for the day for my Setter Gus. Thought i might get a little shooting in once i get to Maine and Gus is always ready for a road trip. Thanks in advance.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Woods Hole MA USA


    I have fished with Dave Barber [url=http://www.strikesilver.com:55a98]http://www.strikesilver.com[/url:55a98] for a number of years and can recommend him highly. Prior to meeting him, I had hired some half dozen Salmon river guides I was very unhappy with. You are doing the right thing to ask.

  3. #3


    I've use Pat Miura before. He specializes in fly fishing, does a great job and is highly respected on the river. Pat's been know to tempt steelhead with the dry fly, so if you're interested in that he's your guy. Here's his contact information [url=http://hometown.aol.com/pmiura/index.html:40137]http://hometown.aol.com/pmiura/index.html[/url:40137]


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Thuwal, Saudi Arabia


    i can tell you who NOT to use--the Sherta brothers (i think that's how it's spelled.)

  5. #5


    Randy Jones is an outstanding guide. He's fulltime unlike many up there. May - August he's on the Cape chasing Striped Bass and the rest of the year he guides on the Salmon River as well as some other local tribs. He's about as good as it gets. He is a rare teaching pro who will help you learn the river so you can fish it successfully on your own. He's primarily a fly guide and a real hoot to spend a day with. I know many anglers who have fished with him and would also highly recommend him. I also consider him one of our standout Prostaffer's on the Mustad team.

    You can find him at [url=http://www.yankeeangler.com.:60d7f]www.yankeeangler.com.[/url:60d7f] Best to get a hold of him ASAP as he keeps booked up pretty solid, for a very good reason.

    Good luck!

    Jeff - AKA Dr. Fish
    If it has fins and swims than I must chase it!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Stamford, CT,USA


    I would highly recommend:
    Eddie Martin
    PO Box 242
    Altmar, NY 13302
    (Altmar is just up stream of Pulaski on the Fly Only section of the Salmon River)

    Eddie is second to none on knowing every holding spot and rock in the Salmon River.

    If the fish are there and on the bite, Eddie will find them either wading or floating in his drift boat.
    He is one of the few guides who has access to the entire river including the Douglas Salmon Run.

    He is tireless and works hard to achieve the goal and adjusts his fishing techniques to achieve it.

    If you give him a call please say I said Hello.

    Wet Nets

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