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Thread: "Brad Pitting" the girls

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Florence, KY

    Default "Brad Pitting" the girls

    I was out fishing again today with my son (the movie star ). We were in the Smokey Mountains and fishing alongside one of the trails. A family or church group came by that included several teen age girls. The tourists stopped by the trail to watch us fish.

    My son looked over his shoulder (very nonchalantly) and noticed the girls. Being a red blooded boy, he made a few very long casts and layed out some of the prettiest loops I've ever seen him cast. Of course, the long casts caused his line to cross about a dozen conflicting currents and placed his fly nowhere close to anything that resembled a feeding lane. But, it looked good.

    Yes, the girls were impressed. They lingered around for a while after the parents and brothers went on up the trail. They seemed quite interested in if he was catching anything, is the water cold, etc. I'm surprised they didn't ask for his phone number.

    Of course, I was completely invisible.

    Here's a picture of young Brad (actually his name is Daniel, but...)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    The Island Nation of Ohio


    Lucky boy! I remember when I was a "chick magnet..."

    Joseph the Sought After
    Joe Valencic
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    Rod Builder in Chains

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    How astute of you to realize that the long cast was not aimed at catching a fish but something more important. It was made for catching the favor of a pretty girl. The kid has got his priorities right.

    There is a time in every young man's life when fishing takes a back seat to the lure of a femme fatal. Obviously this is one of those times.

    Now if he just has the sense to pick out the one in the bunch that was interested in the fishing as well as in him, He will truly have made the right choice with the catch of the day.

    PS if you really want to mortify him just show hime this post whereby his old man showed off his hunting prowess to all his old f*rt fishing buddies on the internet.
    Last edited by Gnu Bee Flyer; 03-29-2008 at 01:03 PM.
    For God's sake, Don't Quote me! I'm Probably making this crap up!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Oregon Coast(Outside of Seaside/Astoria)


    Tying God;
    Great post and I'm SURE, Leslie's lawyer will also bring it to the forefront, once in court!
    Being the father of 3 boys, (all grown, house broke and married now), I couldn't help but laugh and also shake my head, when reading this post and then thinking back to what I'D HAVE GONE THROUGH,(very painfully, too, I might add), had I pointed out, to my fishing buddies', "That one of my sons, has become a chick magnet"!.
    You forget, that TO LESLIE, her son is still about "7 or 8 years old, too young for girls", he's her "Baby",(and always will be), and NOW "His FATHER, (which will be said with a disgusted tone of course), has tried to turn her "little boy" into the SAME, slotherly, disgusting, low life, gutter crawling, shiftless........womanizer that HE IS"!!
    (I must note,, that the above description, was given to me by Joe V.'s lovely wife, Linda, it's not my own).
    See, had you NOT taken up fly fishing, THEN slid so low as to also join the ranks of fly tiers, marked up her pet cat, with paints and dividing it into various types and colors of dubbing material and NOW try and bring "her baby" down into the troughs of this low life style known as "sport",you'd probably be okay.
    But, it's probably too late now, to reverse your actions so I can only pray Leslie doesn't see your post, and/or, read any of the comments following it!?
    Saint Paul-"The Highly Confused"
    You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.
    -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Florence, KY


    has tried to turn her "little boy" into the SAME, slotherly, disgusting, low life, gutter crawling, shiftless........womanizer that HE IS"!!
    Wow, someone knew me pretty well when I was a young man.

    Yes, I knew right off that he was casting for much more dangerous game than trout.

    To top it off, a couple hours later as we were walking back down the trail, there were a bunch of kids swimming in the creek. (52 degree water mind you). I said "I bet they're cold". My son proceeded to tell me they were the same kids watching us fishing earlier and one of the girls was wearing a bathing suit on the trail.

    I must be really getting old. I missed the bathing suit alltogether. If I were a gambling man, I would be willing to wager it was the bathing suit that he was casting for.

    Paul, you are so right about Leslie thinking he's still about 7 or 8. The fact that he's becoming quite a handsome young man and the girls have noticed that fact makes her a little uncomfortable. My point-of-view is "enjoy it while you can" because we all get old and invisible soon enough.

    I agree that he needs to find the one who was interested in the fishing as well as the fisherman.


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