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Thread: Nor-Vise

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Northern Virginia


    Since I started this thread, I thought I'd chime in.

    First - thanks everyone for the advice about the fine point jaws. I've been in contact with Norm and will be ordering the upgrade this weekend.

    Second - Tying with the automatic bobbin, from my perspective, didn't take that long to master. I started using it in 1996 and easily preferred it to my standard bobbin within the first couple of hours. The only "pain" came from where the "catch" was -- 90 % of the time there was no issue, but every now and then the "catch" would set and the thread be too long. Then, somewhere along the line I nicked the edge of the bobbin tube on something and it cuts my 6/0 and finer threads (now I only use 3/0 or monocord) - so I guess I'll be ordering a new one of those as well, but a standard bobbin works fine with a Norvise if you take the time - I've learned to use my thumb to turn the spool.

    Overall, I love my Norvise and look forward to expanding its use once I get the fine jaws installed.
    Do not tell fish stories where the people know you; but particularly, don't tell them where they know the fish. ~ Mark Twain

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Default Nor

    If you have a dremmel tool you can clean up that bobbin tube and all your other standard bobbin tubes with the rubber polishing cone

  3. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by Clay View Post
    This very knowledgeable fly tyer told me that everyone that owns a Nor-vise hates them and that they are junk and that they shouldn't even be considered. Then I see this post by people that use them. By the way, he sells Dyna-King - go figure.
    That would be me, Clay but I am being mis-quoted.

    I have always admired Mr. Norlander for his showmanship; he is the Ron Popiel of fly tying and no one does a better job of merchandising these vises at fly show....truly amazing.

    Still mystified at the attraction to these vises. Many comments appear here that these "take awhile to get used to my Nor" I never read "it took me awhile to get used to my HMH or my Renzetti, etc."

    I rock out 600 dozen flies a year on my Dyna-King. Used to tie on a Renzetti (still use it at shows where I'm on camera) and they still make very, very good vises but I like the Dyna-King better.

    If you want to buy a Nor Vise, look on Ebay...there's a lot of them there (or there were the last time I looked) they tend to show up after folks bought them at Fly Shows, took them home and couldn't "get used to them" and dumped them on Ebay.

    Hmmmm, must be a reason.

    Last edited by BLUEWINGOLIVE; 03-20-2008 at 10:13 PM. Reason: can't spell for shet

  4. #24
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    I watch EBAY often for fly gear, only remembered one nor vise on ebay. I did a search and found three in past auctions, about the same as other vises. That argument doesn't seem to hold water. As far as having to get used to a Nor-Vise, it takes different techniques of coarse there is a learning curve just like changing from a automatic to a stick shift in a car.


  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by BLUEWINGOLIVE View Post
    Still mystified at the attraction to these vises. Many comments appear here that these "take awhile to get used to my Nor" I never read "it took me awhile to get used to my HMH or my Renzetti, etc."

    Too each their own. I bought mine at a show - like you said, I was impressed with Norm's showmanship and quickly saw utility in his methods and equipment. I was also impressed with the price (mind you, this was 12 years ago!).

    I've never owned a Renzetti, HMH, or any other "top of the line" vise -- could never afford it. My Nor-vise is by far my most expensive fly tying tool - cost me, I think, $85. My first standard stationary vise cost me $15 new (I bought it in the late 1970s), and I last used it - yesterday.

    I didn't find much of a steep learning curve with the Nor-vise, but I did find it a little limited in versatility. Norm seems to have addressed those issues with the new line of jaws - and I'm thankful that he made them to be retrofitted onto the older line of vises (at only $40). In my humble opinion, there aren't too many manufacturers who would have done that, instead designing it so that you'd have to buy a whole new vise (for a couple of hundred dollars) in order to upgrade (like my latest computer!).

    As far as it taking people a little while to get used to something different, well it took me a little while to get used to Spey casting -- but that by no means that it is an inferior method. Some people try it and just don't get the hang of it or see utility in it. Again, doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with it. It has its time and place, just like my 6 1/2 foot 2 weight rod.

    Too each their own.
    Last edited by Vulture6; 03-20-2008 at 11:56 PM.
    Do not tell fish stories where the people know you; but particularly, don't tell them where they know the fish. ~ Mark Twain

  6. #26


    From a new "end user" point of view, I recently picked up the Nor-Vise and I am slowly learning that this is definitely a tool that can do more than my Renzetti, My Mongoose, or and of the other vises that I have in the arsenal. I was overly impressed with the ability to dub directly to the hook or to the thread depending on what I was tying and wanted to create. I tie with mostly Griffiths 14/0 thread except maybe on Clouser's or some other streamer and I really enjoy some of the features that this vise has. The Automatic bobbin is a plus whethor I use the Nor Vise or any other vise, just have to keep in mind that if you turn loose of the thread, it will retract.

    From a "seller" point of view (since retirement I have started working in a fly shop to supplement my fly fishing, tying, rod-building addiction), Norm is the epitome of customer service. All his orders are shipped USPS Priority and we have never had to wait more than 3 days for any size order. Want to talk to Norm about a tying issue or a problem with the vise, call him! He is eager to share information and knowledge and is always ready to talk about fishing tying, or anything related to fishing.

    From an overall perspective, God made apples, oranges, bananas, and all sorts of good things to eat because he knew we all wouldn't like the same things. My problem is, I like them all, including vises, rods, reels, and at the same time I applaud those that only like one or the other. It is always good to hear other comment on these sorts of things

  7. #27


    This has been a very informative thread. I have several Dyna-Kings, but lately have been thinking about selling them and using the proceeds to buy a Nor-vise. I like that it can be used like any other vise with the added functionality of spinning the vise at a high rate of speed for dubbing and applying materials faster to the hook. I spoke with Norm at this year's ff show. He answered all my questions and backed them up with demonstrations. Never got that from Dyna-King or Renzetti for that matter. In fact of all the vice manufacturers I have talked with over the years, only one other has taken the time to answer my questions with a live demonstration and that was Marc Petitjean.

    I do like my DKs, but that NV sure is appealing. Decisions,,, decisions.
    Last edited by TyroneFly; 03-21-2008 at 03:45 AM.
    Trout don't speak Latin.

  8. #28


    A lot of folks will tell you that Marc Petitjean is not only a tying master but is one of the nicest folks you could ever meet. I love his vise too, wish I could afford one of them

  9. #29
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    Typically I stay out of threads that seem to be getting personal, but I feel compelled to jump back into this one. When you described Norm as "the Ron Popiel of fly tying", I think you did both Norm and yourself a disservice. I think that almost everyone would agree that the Popiel Pocket Fisherman is considered to be a bit of a joke, especially to serious fishermen. If I received one as a gift, I would have to assume that the person presenting the gift was either not very knowledgeable about fishing or that it was a gag gift. That being said, Norm is a very serious fly tyer and the Nor-Vise is a top quality product that is used by many talented and serious fly tyers. On top of that, Norm stands behind his products 100% and is a terrific guy to do business with.

    The bottom line here seems to be that you do not like the Nor-vise and that's just fine. Where I think you think you did yourself a disservice is when you compare Norm to Ron Popiel and imply that his products are gimmicks for those easily impressed at the fly tying shows.

    You sound like a very knowledgeable fly tyer with lots to offer to other members of FAOL, but I think you'll find people more willing to listen to your advise if you don't make disparaging remarks about others just because you don't like their products. Just something to consider.

    Jim Smith
    Last edited by James Smith; 03-21-2008 at 04:50 PM.

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    ".....I returned it the next day. I didn't like the bobbin, or having to reach for the bobbin on the holder. Winding thread on the bobbin slows down the tying prosses......I saw a Danvise there for $75 that will do everything the Norvise dose, and I won't have to spend extra money to buy excessories. krauseb"

    With all due respect, one evening of tying is far from a test drive. And, while the Danvise is a very nice entry level vise it will NOT do what the Nor Vise will do......not even close. Lastly, you don't have to buy the accessories to use the vise.

    The amount of money a vise costs is not an indicator of the real value of the vise from the stand point of what it will do. The LAW vise may or may not be the most expensive vise on the market but I will just reference it in the context that my Nor Vise will spin circles around it for half the cost. Don't get me wrong, the LAW is a well made vise and I am happy that the owners really like their vises. This is a comment only between two ends of the cost spectrum.

    Joseph, you made some remarks that have been addressed well by another poster but let me add one thing. You sound bitter and your remarks were small. I don't know why but that is how I read your post. If you sell a product and make public comments like that, it could be taken by potential customers as needless bashing of the competition. The Popiel comment while you might have thought it a witty throw away comment, reflects poorly on you. As for the dumping on ebay comment........yawn.

    I can't recall any learning curve when I got my Nor Vise but I might not be typical. I believe the so called learning curve was/is related to the straight jaws. The new fine point jaws make this a regular vise that will spin. The only curve with the bobbins is learning NOT to cut the thread untill you have released enough thread that it will rewind with some slack thread. This is done simply by moving the bobbin out until you feel the clutch slip a bit. 1/10th of a second maybe to move the bobbin 14" or so.

    I'm sure you are a fine tyer with fine tools and that you are happy with them. I wouldn't dream of trying to convince you or any other happy tyer to change to the Nor Vise. All I will say is that you can do what virtually any other vise can do faster and more precise with the Nor Vise.
    Happy Trails!


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