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Thread: Bragging rights for the day

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    southwest Virginia

    Default Bragging rights for the day

    Caught my biggest trout ever yesterday morn in the Roanoke River in Salem, VA. Landed a 27" brown with a 16" girth. Caught it in a Catch & Release area; so, had to release it ASAP with no harm. Wouldn't fit in my "measuring" net that only holds a maximum 24 inches. Three inches of tail were sticking out. Fly fell out when I netted it. Had my waterproof digital camera handy; so, was able to snap two quick photos and then put it back and swam it back and forth till it was revived enough to swim off. Had a tape/weight device somewhere in my fishing vest; but, didn't want to stress the fish any longer then necessary; so, held it to my rod from butt end up and it reached the joint at the first section of my 4-piece rod. Measured when I got home at 27". Two hands around the girth and thumbs and middle fingers were an inch apart at both ends. Knew there was a weight calculator that you could use with length and girth for a good estimate and found one on the Internet. According the the formula the brown came in at 8.64 lbs. However, a friend also sent me a current 2008 calculator formula from Fly Fisherman magazine, I believe, and that put "Mr. Big" at a whopping 10.01 lbs. decided to take my friends calculator!

    What a battle. Got him on a beadhead Woolly Bugger, black marabou, with crystal flash wrapped from hook eye back to hook bend and then trailing the rest of it thru the tail. This was my only one that I received in an FAOL swap and I should have snipped it off; but, continued fishing and lost it to another nice trout later in the day. Tying up a bunch more ASAP.

    River was about a hundred feet wide and it was airborne about 4-5 times. Made several long runs; some so fast that the line going through the water created a loud humming noise. Hadn't had that experience before and didn't realize what it was at first. Took me through 30' of fly line and into the backing once and almost once again. Hooked good in the left jaw; but, everytime it went downstream just knew the tippet would break off with it either over his head towards me or across his mouth. Had it almost in netting distance about four times before I could get it in, sort of!

    Had "Frog Hair" 5X tippet rated on the spool at 3.9 lbs., I think. Took about twenty minutes to finally bring him to net. After the release had to sit on the river bank for about fifteen minutes till my heart restarted at a normal pace!

    Had no witnesses to the event, couldn't take the trout to a certified weighing station because of the Catch & Release water requiring immediate put back; so, luckily the photos I was able to snap will serve as proof for submission for a Virginia Trophy Trout Certificate from the Dept. Game & Inland Fisheries folks.

    Sorry for the long winded posting; but, this will probably be the best trout I'll ever have a chance to catch around here.

    Can't post a photo here as I don't have any saved on one of those hosting sites and don't know right offhand the proper way to do it even though I've seen it listed here before.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Temecula, Ca. USA


    Glad you shared the story. I can almost feel the nervousness you were experiencing. Conratulations! I hope to see your pictures later.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Sioux City, IA


    Congratulations Grn Mt Man! Sounds like you had an epic battle and a spectacular catch!
    May lady luck smile on you many times more.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Canton, Ohio, USA


    That is FANTASTIC!! Now you have got to find a way to post those pictures. (can't be too hard..I can do it!)
    FAOL..All about caring, sharing, & good friends!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Oregon Coast(Outside of Seaside/Astoria)


    Fantastic fishing and great story!! Don't ya' just love those "hand trembles" and "weak knees", when you're not sure if you'll land a fish like that, or, not?
    No, need, for pictures either. Rather have the fish returned safely to the water, quickly and safely, whenever possible!! And, you certainly don't need any pics to "prove your story". Thanks for sharing it, hope you have many, many, more!
    Saint Paul-"The Highly Confused"
    You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.
    -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Dufur, Oregon

    Thumbs up Congratulations

    I could feel your excitement! And it is so cool to let a fish like that swim off too. I spent a lot of my early fishing years taking them home but it feels so much better to let them swim out of your hands.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Ashburn, Virginia


    That's a heck of a fish, congrats. Here's a previous post on how to put pictures on the site:

    Do it please!!!! We all want to see this fish.


  8. #8

    Thumbs up

    Thanks for the great story! It made me feel like I was there!
    Enjoying the joys of others and suffering with them- these are the best guides for man. A.E.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    West Tennessee


    Try Photobucket. Easy to use.

    Great story. We need proof however............
    Good fishing technique trumps all.....wish I had it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    SE Iowa
    Blog Entries


    Dandy! Get us a pic! Congrats...
    "Flyfishing is not a religion. You can make up your own rules as you go.".. Jim Hatch.. 2/27/'06

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