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Thread: Ribbing and shellbacks

  1. #1

    Default Ribbing and shellbacks

    This probably isn't even worth a thread but the Czech nymph posts brought it to mind...

    I asked Denny Richards once why he didn't put the ribbing over the shellback rather than under....over being more durable.....he said he tried it both ways and the fish seemed to like it better under.

    Anyone else have an opinion?????????????

  2. #2
    Normand Guest


    who's denny richards??

  3. #3


    Norm, he's one of the stillwater fishing guru's....this last Fly Tyer magazine has a featured article on him....he sort of has his own series of flies he uses..e.g. the Stillwater nymph and the Callibaetis nymph both of which have a feather shellback [guess he calls it a wing case] you'd think he would want to protect.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Aromas, California
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    Personally, Being a stillwater guy,
    I don't give a crap what he says. I tie flies with ribbing over the shellback, and do just fine. I catch plenty of fish with them and they don't fall apart.

    Besides, if they fall apart without the ribbing over the wingcase, that means people buy more of them, which means that he gets more $$$.
    I think it's overrated.

    Thats my (strong) opinion and I'm stickin to it.
    "There's a fine line between fishing and standing on the shore like an idiot."-Steven Wright

  5. Default

    I think what Normand is trying to say - in a not so subtle way - is that his name is Denny Rickards.

    I think if you want to rib over the shellback, go for it. Denny Rickards is free to not rib over the shellback.

    Chris, is never allowed to rib over the shellback....ever...under any circumstance!

    Last edited by mAngler; 03-10-2008 at 03:14 AM.

  6. #6


    Keep in mine, although I do praise DR on several things he has shown me, it is but one man's opinion and that one man is in the public eye. I was a little shocked to find out he neither cared for, but didn't believe in Chironomid fishing. I do think he has changed his mind as of late.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Unlike a lot of people I have a tendency to listen to other people's point of view and then weigh out what they said and why they believe the way they do. I will even give their idea a try if it sounds interesting and if I like it, I use it. I try very hard, when it comes to fly tying, to not ignore someone else's opinions and ideas. That is the only way to learn something new with tying flies. No one said you have to do like someone else does. Everyone has their own opinions and everyone should al least "think" through another person's idea before making a harsh statement that the idea is rubbish. As far as whether the rib should be under or over the wing case is not the statement made. The person just stated they have tried it both ways and they like it under instead of over. They never said their way was the only and right way. It was just the way they do it and everyone else can do it any way they want to. It is just fly tying and not gospel. I have never tried the rib under the wing case and the next time I tie a fly with a wing case and rib, I will tie it his way and fish it. Who knows, I may decide I like it. Trying someone else's idea is the only true way to know if it is better or not for you so why not give it a try and see what your outcome is and then you can decide for sure if you like it or not and know for sure if there may or may not be an advantage. I had a fly fisherman give me a small olive nymph he said he had great success with and as soon as I looked at it, I thought to myself that it really needed a tail which it did not have. It just had a body, thorax, thorax cover and a hackle had been palmered through the thorax before the thorax cover was pulled over the top. The hackle had been cut from the bottom which only left the hackle sticking out the sides. I thanked the gentleman for the fly and gave him one of my "go to" flies. He sent me an e-mail a week later and told me how sucessful my fly had been for him and asked if I would tie up a dozen for him which I did and just gave them to him. I had never tired his fly, but, decided that it was the least I could do since he was so kind. Guess what, his fly has become one of my "go to" flies! It has been a very good fly, even though it did not have the tail I thought it should have! I now keep several of his flies in my fly box. Lesson learned...never judge someone else's flies or ideas until you have actually tired them or tried the idea. Life is too short to "stay in the box"!
    Fly fishing and fly tying are two things that I do, and when I am doing them, they are the only 2 things I think about. They clear my mind.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Nampa, Idaho USA


    WarrenP You said that quite well, I could not have done better myself. I am a avid still water fisherman and have yet to rib over the shellback but that is not to say I might not try it someday. I did learn a couple of things when I first started fly fishing that have stuck with me for all this time.
    1. You can catch fish on any fly if you have confidense in it and fish it right.
    2. Tie for the fish not the human you are not catching humans.
    That has been my 2 things I have tried to live by since I started fly fishing. Did I read the article about Denny Richards oh yea and I would some day like to talk to him and even fish with him. I have tied the stillwater nymph and in fact am summitting it in the a-z swap. Caught fish even when the bait fisherman were not doing well. I like it. We be including some of these in my go to fly selection.

    To answer the question I just don't rib over the shellback, but then have not needed to to catch fish. If the fish dictate that I do then I will

  9. #9
    Normand Guest


    if its denny rickards then ducksterman explained it well.

    never heard of him either

    just got the fly tyer in the mail saturday. havent had a chance to open it up yet. guess i'll read about him later.
    Last edited by Normand; 03-10-2008 at 11:00 AM.

  10. #10


    OK Norm...I stand corrected...made that mistake before and thought I had it mastered....wonder if I can set up my spell check for it....I do pronounce it correctly though.

    Joni...when I first heard him speak he said that but the last time or two he said he had become a believer...of course, he had to ...he's teamed with Cortland to put out a chironomid emerger fly line.

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