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Thread: Confession--Ladyfisher

  1. #1

    Default Confession--Ladyfisher

    Thank you for sharing your problem -- telling others about skin cancer will help many in the future. I just had three spots removed, tip of my nose, forhead and on top(not much hair)
    I spent many of my early years at the ocean with a few sun burns and my skin docter said that those burns are now showing in my older years. Fly fishing without a hat didn't help either.
    Whenever you have a spot that doesn't heal,scab falls off another forms and that falls off, or bleading see a skin doctor. Some will be pre-cancer easily removed.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Lake In The Hills. IL USA


    Hey there LF;
    Needless to say, I'm glad you seem to be on the mend and your tribulations are at least almost over. Your candid presentation will surely (sorry) help someone that may need attention to act.
    AND with that little "tuck" you're gonna look like that "chickey" at the cake cutting ceremony about 32 years ago .


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Idaho Falls, Idaho USA


    Hi Deanna!
    Thanks for sharing your experience. I too have had some "spots" removed from my face which turned out to be pre-cancerous. I have a follow-up visit with my Dermatoligist this wednesday. Unfortunatley, the damage to our skin usually occures many years before it materializes due to exposure to the sun. I am now a firm believer in the use of sunscreen. As a construction worker for the past 35 years and a fisherman and outdoor enthusiast, I have exposed myself the the damage caused by the Sun's rays. I am now in the market for a cool looking, wide brimmed hat. For the parents out there, start your children on the use of sunscreen and reduce their exposure to the sun as much as possible. Thanks again for sharing and best wishes.

  4. #4


    Hi Deanna, Thanks for sharing this. I had a spot removed from my nose also. Your original article on this made me go to the doctor. Mine was just a basil cell and not cancerous. Hope yuo are feeling better.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Idaho Falls, Idaho USA


    Hi JC!
    Thanks for the link to the "Tilley". That looks just like what I am looking for. Do you know if they are on the market yet?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    neither here nor there


    Last time we werre in Cabela's, I noticed they still had them. Don't know if there's a store near you, but they can be ordered on line and from their catalog.

    Trouts don't live in ugly places
    Trouts don't live in ugly places.

    A friend is not who knows you the longest, but the one who came and never left your side.

    Don't look back, we ain't goin' that way.

  7. #7


    I am a survivor of skin cancer....

    I have had 5 moles removed, over the past 8 years, 3 of the moles were determined to be basel cell cancer.

    Twice a year, I make an appointment with my Doctor to be screened for skin cancer. He takes photos of any of the moles that I have on my body, and places them in my medical file, for reference.

    Then he is able to see if any of the moles show signs of change.

    I also have had some white spots on my ear lobes, that were precancerous basil cell, with some radiation treatments, the condition has be reversed. But is also continue to be monitored by the Doctor.

    That is why I bought a Stetson Hat, when at the Texas Regional Fish-In. Baseball Caps do not do the job of protection. Sunscreen and proper head-cover is a must for those who go fly fishing.

    Cancer is not the big scary word it was, when I was growing up. Now there are treatments and cures.


    "Only Mad Dogs and Englishman, go out in the noon day sun..." ~Noel Coward

    [This message has been edited by Steven H. McGarthwaite (edited 29 August 2005).]

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Central Nevada


    You have been through a lot LF! What an ordeal. Happy to hear that your pain has been lifted. Heal fast and get back to work!!!


  9. #9


    Lady Fisher;
    God Bless!
    At no time did I or any of us know what you were enduring!
    You have opened my eyes to some problems to address with my Doctor at my next visit in 2 weeks. Thank you, we some times just sort of take things for granted and I was one that Poo, Pooed sunscreen during my tours in S.E. Asia and sailing the Great Lakes,
    On a lighter side. If anyone should ever notice the very light scar. Just tell them it was a very big fish!!

  10. #10


    Folks, we can and should all learn from this. First, do everything possible to shield your skin from overexposure and, God forbid, you end up with LF's very chagrining misfortune, learn from her, do it right the first time.

    In my teen years I spent an inordinate amount of time in the sun as a lifeguard on beaches and at pools. We didn't have the sense to pound sand in a rat hole in those days so I was sun burned ever so many times, more that I could possible remember. What I do remember is to have my Doc check me over from head to toe for any early warning signs every 3 months when I go in for the Diabetic Update. I don't want my time in the sun in the old days to cause me any problem in my now "old days".

    Take LF's warning to heart!!! Thanks Deanna, again you've proved yourself to be a great lady by helping us in this way.


    There's snow on the roof but the fire still burns in the oven.

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