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Thread: yellowstone float and GNP

  1. #1

    Default yellowstone float and GNP

    I will be visiting my son in bozeman on my way to glacier national park. I will be bringing my driftboat and want to float the yellowstone. Can anyone recommend a put-in and take-out for a 6-8 hour float in paradise valley?
    Any suggestions for fishing in GNP?

  2. #2


    Steve, you might want to read this week's Reader's Cast here: [url=http://www.flyanglersonline.com/features/readerscast/:94ab1]http://www.flyanglersonline.com/features/readerscast/[/url:94ab1]

    LadyFisher, Publisher of

  3. #3


    Steve -

    There are a number of floats that you could consider in Paradise Valley, depending on how far up river you want to drive from Livingston (Livingston to Gardner is what? -50 miles) and how fast you normally float.

    One popular full day float is from Gray Owl (just below Emigrant) down to Mallard's Rest. That's about 10 miles, give or take, and covers a nice variety of water.

    If you want to drive farther toward Gardner, there's some really pretty water and lots of fish, and several floats to consider above Yankee Jim Canyon.

    There must be 15 or so public access places to launch your boat in the valley, so its really a matter of what you want to do, IMO.


  4. #4


    steve wait until you get here to decide. We could have a rainstorm in the park that might muddy the river and make it impossible to fish that area of the river. I would suggest stopping at Dan Bailey's and getting good information the day you are going to float or the day before. You can also get a shuttle through them if needed.

    There are other questions that need to be answered before I would give you a section to float. The most important being are you good at the rowing a driftboat? There are sections of the yellowstone that can be dangerous for people that are not skilled with a driftboat. We have lost I beileve 4 people to the Yellowstone this year so far and I would hate to be the one that sent someone on a section of river that they should not be on.

    Just wait until you get here to decide and you will be a lot better off. Ask for a section that you think you can handle when talking to the poeple in the shop's I am sure they will help you a lot. Be safe, the Yellowstone may look easy but it can jump up and bite you if you are not careful. Ron

  5. #5


    Thanks for the help. I will stop at Dan Baileys.

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