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Thread: Bad news from my doctor on my test results

  1. #21


    Nighthawk, Since you said you were open to suggestions regarding a diet, I would recommend the Zone Diet.
    I'm not connected to them, I'm not a doctor and I don't have diabetes or any major health issues. My wife and I did the diet a few years back and we both lost weight and felt much better. It's not a weight loss diet or a "high protein fad diet" it's been around for several years and people see results from it. It's a little too involved to explain in a post, but it's easy enough to follow. The major function of the Zone Diet is to regulate your insulin levels. I believe that it was developed for diabetic and cardiac patients. We didn't totally abandon the diet. We still eat a bunch of meals that are from The Zone. The hardest part for us was finding the time to prepare the meals. We both love to cook, but sometimes finding the time to do the fresh fruits and vegetables can be a challenge. Again, as far as it being a "diet" think of it as a eating change for life, not a short term program that you'll drift away from. With the Zone, it's not that hard of a thing to do. The meals were very good, and you don't have to buy any special propriatary foods. From what I've read, some diabetics can even control their condition with diet alone, or diet and minimal meds.
    Ask your Doctor about it. You'll get through this.
    Praying you do,
    Last edited by Scooter; 02-26-2008 at 12:51 PM.

  2. #22



    I have no doubt in my mind that you'll kick a** on this. Remember what they say, when life hands you a lemon, make lemonaide!

    Do as the doctor says, eat right and exercise. Given Amy has offered up to do the workout with you, it will make things a lot easier than doing it alone. You will both benefit from it in many ways.
    Trout don't speak Latin.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Auckland, New Zealand


    Hi Eric,

    Sorry to hear of your health problems. I'm pulling for things to right themselves via the diet and exercise route. You know, fishing is exercise too afterall. If you have to increase your activity, then whenever possible choose to increase the activities you enjoy. Good luck on the test results and listen to your doctor. Take care.

    - Jeff

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Oregon Coast(Outside of Seaside/Astoria)


    I haven't been posting too much, lately, due to yet another "blow between the eyes", Linda and I have received, recently but gaining you as my friend here on FAOL and this thread concerning your health, prompted me to sign in anyway.
    You've received some good advice, so far. I was also, in the exact same boat you're now in, several years ago but I'm not going to recommend any links, and/or, diets for you, (that may have worked for me), because I'm NOT your doctor and I don't know your chemical make up. To do so, could seriously harm you, further in fact.

    Since you and I share more than just fly fishing, to make us alike, ('Nam tours), I also don't feel you're the type of man that appreciates, wants, or NEEDS, me to "pat your hand and tell you eating carrots, will make things all better". Plus, you're too damn intelligent to fall for that sort of coddling!
    What you're facing now and not yet knowing the outcome, is tough. I don't deny that at all. It's also scary. Again, with our mutual pasts, we both know........... "An enemy we FACE, is an enemy we can beat". One, we can't face, is much, much, tougher to overcome.
    But, "the enemy you're facing now", CAN and WILL "be beat", if only you follow the dictates you're given by your doctor. There are of course, also so many support groups and sites, on this disease, your mind will swim with all the choices, so neither are you alone in this battle of yours.
    Before I was given my death sentence last Christmas, I had successfully beat back the 1st. enemy I'd faced with "food controlled diabetes". Yeah, it was tough at first, but the alternatives, had I not made my life changes, didn't look like much of a picnic either!
    Oddly, I look at your situation at this point in time as................ "A VERY LUCKY ONE", because it was caught in time. You're at a point, with this now, where SIMPLY changing a few things in your daily life, eating and routine, can conquer it.

    You're not being asked to alter "who you are", only to "change the way you do certain things". You'll be asked to "eat better", (gee, what a toughie), walk a little more, than you're maybe used to, (another real killer, huh?) and and probably "THINK, before you pop that second cheeseburger into your mouth".
    Sorry, I'm NOT saying these things, Eric to make light of your situation and what I know of you, thus far, I doubt you think that I am.
    But, my friend, you have every chance to beat this thing, simply by "thinking before acting", something as a pilot, I'm sure you're an expert at already.
    Myself, along with your entire FAOL family, will naturally be pulling for you. THAT, goes without saying. But, it will still be YOUR choice, not even Amy's, how you go about this life change and how willing you're going to be to make it.
    Very few of us, "know how short/long, our lives are going to be". Don't waste what you've been given, when the solutions are so easy to undertake.

    Be diligent, be on top of things and be cool.
    Saint Paul-"The Highly Confused"
    You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.
    -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

  5. #25


    One of your better posts , Paul.

  6. #26


    ERIC You have a PM BILL

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Canton, Ohio, USA


    As I stated to you before, my Dad was diabetic & one of the original test cases for insulin when he was 7 years old...either in 1920 or 1921. None of us kids have it (diagnosed at least) yet, but the gains in treatment from Dad's time to now are tremendous. Trust & listen to your Doc (as I know you will) & you'll be fine. Of course, we're also praying for you!
    God Bless,
    FAOL..All about caring, sharing, & good friends!!

  8. #28
    nighthawk Guest


    I cannot ever tell you all how much I appreciate your support, advice and willingness to kick me in the butt when I need it. I mean that sincerely. A good support group knows when it's time to deliver a little "Motivation" as well as advice. All of you at FAOL are the very best. Paul, my brother, I really appreciate your candor.

    I started to modify my diet in response to the weight gain before the diagnosis was given. Also started to ramp up my exercise. Over the last three weeks I have not only arrested the weight gain but I am starting to lose weight. I walk about a half mile to and from my work station everyday and I am walking in the evenings now. My evening walks are thirty minutes and I am walking about a mile and a half in that time. soon as the weather breaks I can get back into my day hikes that I enjoy so much.

    My education class is on the 4th of March with my own doctor. I am fortunate that I have a great doc. She is actually a nurse practitioner but I call her doc. Habit I guess because we called our medics "Doc" too. Her being an Army veteran she knows that it is a show of respect. When I asked her if she was a doc in the Army she smiled a devilish little grin, tucked her chin and mumbled something about being a clerk while ducking out of the door! All with a twinkle in her eyes too. She can be a lot of fun and I do what she tells me to do.

    I can't thank you all enough for your caring and support. It really means so much to me. You folks are the very, very best!

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    28433 N State Lamoni, Ia 50140


    I guess I look at this differently. Now you know what has been casuing you all of the other problems and you can lick them into shape.
    Diabetic care is much better now them it was in years past.
    You will do fine.


  10. Default

    here's the deal.
    I was diagnosed in July with sugar levels OVER 300!!!
    I heard it this time.
    Take Metformin.
    Changed my diet (totally)
    Started to excercise.
    Lost some weight.
    My sugars are now regularly UNDER 100!!!!!!!!!
    There's some great information out there. I consulted a trusted Natropathic Physician.
    The docs don't always know the best way out.
    you can PM me if you want some further information.
    an Oregonian

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