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Thread: Do You Count ??

  1. #11
    Normand Guest


    no i dont count, write in a journal etc. tried doing the journal once and got bored.

    i just go out and fish and have fun.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    28433 N State Lamoni, Ia 50140


    I count, but it is because I know about how many fish I can take out of some of the ponds.
    IIf I am one of those that can't atke much pressure after I have the number of fish I might go to another pond like this and fish there for a while.

    For me it is not bragging, but a way to help keep the ponds in balance.

    I have a much fun being out on the pond and being skunked as I do catching a bunch.


  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Woodbridge VA
    Blog Entries


    i usually count. but thats because when im going after bluegill or crappie, i have to count because if i tell the game warden after bringing in a big ol basket of fish that "Nah i just wasnt counting. i dont pay attention to that kind of thing" he'll probably laugh in my face and hand me a few hundred dollar ticket.
    but when im not catching much and im not at risk of exceeding the legal limit, i usually dont bother counting just because theres no need.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Sheffield Village, OH


    I don't count for two reasons:

    A high fish count doesn't necessarily mean an enjoyable out for me, nor does a low fish count mean I didn't have a good time.

    I'm stupidly superstitious and I fear what may happen if I finish the day with 13 fish, or what happens when hooking/playing/landing fish #13. Bad juju.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Waynesville, OH, USA


    I'm like John, I count but I count everything! It's not because I driven to keep score, count coup, or demonstrate that I bigger, better or badder than anybody else, it's purely compulsive behavior based on what I do. I go deer hunting and I count the shots I've heard, the deer, turkeys, squirrels, etc. that I've seen. I count fish hooked, fish lost, fish landed, fish refusals, flies used, flies lost, flies tied at the bench, thread wraps, wire wraps, ribbing, number of tail fibers, etc., etc., etc., I count any and everything! Again, not for any particular reason or use... I refer back to the compulsive behavior thing. Yep, it's weird and serves no real purpose for me because most of the time if somebody asks I tend to generalize 'cause I don't think the numbers are important to anyone but me.

    I must be off as I'm sure I'm missing something I should be counting!
    Joe Bertolini

  6. #16


    I am a financial consultant and CPA by trade. I deal with numbers all the time. They drive me crazy! Really!!! I find I count all the time. The other day I counted the number of tying thread spools I have. What I should have done was determine the colors I have so I can determine what, if anything, I may need.
    Trout don't speak Latin.

  7. #17


    I'm starting a list of folks I don't want to play golf with.........

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Oregon Coast(Outside of Seaside/Astoria)


    Duckster, I'm with you. Seems "counting" in that weird waste of time, called "Golf", is an all important issues with the "Plaid Trousers Gang".
    The last time I was talked into playing golf, ("A good walk, spoiled", as a very wise man, once said), I shot an 83.
    I was proud of that score, until the people I was playing with, made the snide remark. "Maybe on hole #2, you'll do better, Paul!"
    Haven't picked up a golf club, since and never will, again.
    Saint Paul-"The Highly Confused"
    You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.
    -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Anderson, South Carolina (Northwest corner of SC) USA

    Default I only count to five!

    I think that I fall into the category of "half counting." I only count to five and after that just remember it as a good day. Strange, I know, but true. 8T

  10. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by gutbomb View Post
    I don't count for two reasons:

    A high fish count doesn't necessarily mean an enjoyable out for me, nor does a low fish count mean I didn't have a good time.

    I'm stupidly superstitious and I fear what may happen if I finish the day with 13 fish, or what happens when hooking/playing/landing fish #13. Bad juju.
    gutbomb your not serious about the superstition are you? I'm largely superstitious too and it's driving me crazy.


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