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Thread: Rotator cuff follow-up

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Greenwood Village, Colorado

    Default Rotator cuff follow-up

    Well, surgery was Monday afternoon, I came home Tuesday morning. I am in a pretty monster sling for four-weeks on a 24/7 basis.
    Pain was awful yesterday, but easing off today. Doc said about 9 weeks of rehab, but still should get in some late fall fishing. Thanx to all for your comments. See you on the river.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Coon Rapids, MN.


    Getting old stinks doesn't it ZMan. Careful with that shoulder, I've heard that kind of surgery can be a long heal!

    As a veteran of about 11 surgeries...let it heal on the INSIDE!!

    Good luck.


  3. #3


    For those of us with a little gray creeping in, think of it as an old car. Parts need service and the fenders get rusty. Be grateful they aren't falling off.

    LadyFisher, Publisher of

  4. #4


    I'm glad things went well for you. The pain will gradually ease up but sometimes, for seemingly no reason, a pain will hit your shoulder like someone nailed it with a 8# sledge hammer...those pains almost knocked me to my knees.
    I forget the pain meds my Doc prescribed for me but they were good'uns. Pop one of them with a shot or two of Tequila....things will be right with the world.

  5. #5


    i was immoblized for 5 weeks with a really hefty sling, for my labral repair. in fact, it has been only over the past 2 weeks or so that i have been able to get out and fish with little pain, or even tie a fly without alot of pain. and im at around the 8 week mark. im looking at a total of a minimum of 11 weeks out of work, total, when alls said and done. and thats still up in the air.

    currently im in PT 2 days a week, which is just about the most painful thing ive ever had to do in my life. PT sucks. its painful, and i have no choice but to grit my teeth and bare it.

    good luck in your recovery. after the first 2-3 weeks, it slowly gets better daily. and even though PT hurts tremendously, everyday gets a little better.

    keep a stiff upper lip, and your head held high. im just now starting to see the light at the end of tunnel. it will be worth it when its over...

    Everyone dies. Only the lucky ever truly Live. Take your time.

    Chris-Bishop, CA, USA

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Northfield, MA USA


    Had the same surgery about 2 years ago. Tonight I fished for 2 1/2 hours straight, all streamer cast and retrieve, so there is hope. Suggestion: Do your therapy!!

    good luck,

  7. #7


    I am probably going to go through boaf rotator cuff surgeries someday. They give me lotta trouble now...but gonna address back first. I really wonder if the PT is as painful al Tyflier says it is.....if it is really doing any good. Maybe you shouldn't be doing it if it is that bad? There's gotta be a point where good is ok and bad is still bad. All you that said you had the surgery......did you have to suffer the same PT and force your way through it?
    Really Curious

  8. #8



    I have never had rotator cuff surgery, but I have been through both PT and OT (OT is specifically for hand injuries) as follows:

    PT for dislocated patella.
    PT for shoulder problem that turned out to be tendonitis.
    OT for a severed tendon in my right index finger, after re-attachment surgery.

    The shoulder PT was not too bad, but the knee PT and the OT was really painful, Based on my own experience it seems that PT/OT following a sudden trauma (such as surgery or a sudden injury like dislocating a knee cap) is rougher than PT/OT for a problem that creeps up on you from over-use (such as my shoulder tendonitis).

    I suspect that your PT will be tough, however, it is something that will help you in the end, so hang in there and you will be glad that you did. A good OT/PT practicioner knows what to do, as well as the difference between your physical limit and your mental/emotional limit.

    Good luck!

    Dave Fulton

    P.S. LadyFisher, sometimes it isn't that the car is old, so much as it is how hard it has been driven. There are days when I think mine was driven in a demolition derby. And there are days when I have to check to make sure that none of the parts are falling off.

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